Emerald Luna

Chapter 25


“So how did you make this cabin??” How in the world did he have the time to??

“I had help from your family, Koa and some pack members. We all thought it’d be a wedding present for you.”

“You guys built me a cabin?!” My eyes grew with excitement!

“Well for us, but yeah.” I could see him blushing and I kissed his cheek.

“Thank you… I can’t wait to see it!” I look around out the window trying to find it.

“It’s a three story, four bed, four baths, and can fit 12 if we wanted to. It’s got a fireplace, TV, fully equipped kitchen, a hot tub, laundry, game room, four king-sized beds, four private bathrooms, and a jetted tub for our room.”

“It sounds amazing! We’ll have to have parties up here sometime!” I smile at him.

“That’s the intent, that’s why it was built so big.” When it finally comes into view I’m shocked at how beautiful it is.

“Happy honeymoon, wifey…” When the truck stops he brings in the bags first to our master suite, and then carries me in through the threshold. “Well, this is a great way to start off the honeymoon.” I giggle as he carries me around the house. He carries me upstairs and I’m amazed by the master suite.

“This is beautiful!” The king bed was stocked up on blankets and sheets, seasonal candles lit. They smelled like applejack and wool blankets, along with pumpkin, vanilla and cinnamon.

“Let me show you around.” He takes my hand and smirks at me. I’ve learned that this smirk usually means he’s up to something.

“What are you up to?” I know he’s up to something I just don’t know what.

“Oh, your family came here early to help stock up on things. Food, drinks, fresh blankets, firewood for the fireplace, toiletries, things for the bedroom…” His voice trails off and I just chuckle.

“What kind of things?” I ask him curiously.

“You’ll see.” He just keeps his mischievous smirk. The upstairs was just as beautiful as downstairs! Some fresh deep red blankets and pillows, stone around the fireplace. All of this felt like a dream.

“This is beautiful!” I kept looking around the room in awe of it all.

“Glad you like it… now come here.” He grabs me by my waist and I squeal.

“Well, hi there.” I smile at him, and his eyes are just full of love.

“You’re all mine…” He growled into my ear and I just melted into him.

“Well, time for that shower.” I grabbed my festive body wash, candles to light around the bathroom, and started getting it warm. As I’m getting myself in a festive mood with my candles, I feel Alarick wrap his arms around me.

“So soft… I could just take you right now…” I lean back against his chest as he holds me and it never gets old. I’ll never tire of him sneaking up on me to hold me.

“Well, you could… I didn’t turn on the water yet…” I smirk at him as I kiss him as we make our way to the bedroom. He plops me on the bed and first just stares at his new bride’s naked body.

“Man… I’m a lucky man… I love you.” He kisses me and I wrap my arms around his neck.

“I love you too.” I kiss him back, and he kisses me down to my neck leaving a couple of hickeys, down to my chest.

“Oh, hun… don’t stop.” I moaned to him, and he smirks as he spreads my legs apart.

“Then this shall be fun… I believe you’re a little wet for me my luna… let’s see if I can remedy that…” He spread my legs and his fingers found their way to my wet core. I arch my back again and moan. It has been months since we’ve gotten intimate and boy does it show… we both know I’m right. I started panting hard, and I looked at him with lustful eyes.

“You wanna play that game huh… go ahead and play…” Alarick n immediately kissed me and positioned himself between my legs. In one swift move, he eased himself on top of me. I screamed for a moment in pain but it suddenly went away and was replaced by the feeling of pleasure. This is my first time, outside my heat, being intimate with anyone so I don’t really know what I’m doing, but somehow he knows all the buttons to push on me. He continued to move on top of me and in the rhythm we eventually had it brought nothing but blissful pleasure. As he moved in on me, he showed me kisses. He dipped his nose onto my neck and inhaled my scent. I moaned and looked at him.

“Hmmm… you smell so delightful.” He tells me in a deep growl that I’m pretty sure was his wolf and not really him.

He hugs me and laughs as well. I lean into his chest and just get a huge whiff of him… his scent was like my own personal drug and I loved it… his hips thrust me giving me a mix of pain and pleasure. I pulled him down to me and kissed him as hard as I could. I moaned and screamed into his mouth as he kept thrusting me. “More, more…” I hissed at him, tossing my head back and I could feel myself getting wet… my whole body is shaking and I can hardly breathe… he bites my mark again and I just let out a loud moan. We clean off with a towel and I turn on my shower and light my candles as the smell of sex is getting mixed with fall scented candles. I tried to clean off with my body wash but Alarick made it a little more distracting since he joined me in the shower. Once we finally got clean, we talked about what to have for dinner.

Because of a big dinner at our reception, we figured something light and refreshing. I hear the wind pick up blowing the leaves around outside. We found some warm PJs to wear, some hot chocolate to drink and a warm blanket to snuggle in… this was only the first day of the honeymoon. I can only imagine what the rest of the week is going to be like!

Time jump to the end.

Well, it’s time to go back home and I’m excited to go back to our pack… our pack… sounds weird to my ears, but it’s mine. Alarick has loaded the suitcases and extra food and drinks into the car to bring back so it’s not wasted. I’m lost in my daydreams when my phone buzzes in my pocket. Alarick got me one in case of emergencies and if we’re out of mind link range.

Violet: Can’t wait for you to come back!

Me: Can’t wait to be back! I’m so excited to be luna… Alarick’s luna officially… this past week has been amazing, but I’m ready to head home… See you soon, about to leave soon!

Violet: I’m glad you had a great time! See you soon!

I put my phone back in my pocket

“Ready to go, my luna?” He growled in my ear as he nibbled it. I moaned a little and melted into him.

“Almost… may need to check the bedroom to make sure we didn’t leave anything.” I smirked at him as he took my hand.

“Always good to double check.” We went back inside and while the downstairs was cleaned up and neat as we arrived…

“The bedroom is so dirty… we should fix that.” I smirked up at him. I could see his eyes change and his wolf was taking over. We spent about an hour… cleaning the bedroom before going back to the car.

“Well, I think that was some good cleaning, but I’m ready to go home…” I smile at him endearingly and kiss his cheek. He helps me again onto the sleigh then himself and starts the travel home. I must’ve fallen asleep since I noticed we were close to home and a blanket was around me.

“Hey sleepyhead, we’re almost home.” I rub the sleep out of my eyes and realize that we’re in the forest near the packhouse.

“Home… that sounds nice.” I smile at the thought. Soon the packhouse is in sight and I can’t help but smile.

“Everyone is excited to see us.” I get more and more excited. I see my family and our pack all cheering for us as we pull in.

“Come on, let’s all go inside and we can welcome our new alpha and luna!” I hear Koa scream happily to the crowd to give us some space to move. I give her a smile and she hugs me.

“Welcome home, sweetie.” My mom’s hugs were always the best! Alarick politely asks some omegas to help with the leftover food and drinks from the cabin and to bring them in the kitchen. That way everyone can use some. We get inside and there’s a big party… for us! I’m not used to being the guest of honor. Everything is tastefully decorated! A leaf garland is still up and a big welcome home sign above the dining room. I look around in awe as everyone is smiling at us.

“Surprise!” Everyone shouts at us and I couldn’t help but smile and laugh. It makes my heart swell with happiness and pride to know that my new pack loves me as much as I love them. I look at Alarick with happy tears in my eyes as he wraps his arms around my waist.

“Thank you all so much! It makes this new transition with the leadership so much easier knowing that you all support us as your new alpha and luna. Now that we’re back we’ll get used to this new normal, but we’ll do it together. Now I see a large feast so let’s all dig into this delicious food and have a good time!” Alarick smiles at everyone and they all raise a glass to us. I wipe away my happy tears and go get some food. After a few hours of mingling with my pack as their luna I was getting tired.

“Ready to sleep in our own bed, my luna?” Alarick smiled at me as he grabbed my hand. I took his hand as we made our way to our room. I’m not sure why but being here as officially as alpha and luna just made it more real to me. I sigh in content as we lay in bed… yeah it’s good to be home.

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