Emerald Luna

Chapter 17

Warg (during the alpha ceremony)

It’s been months since I’ve last talked to Violet. I had to admit it hurt not having her around. I’m actually missing her, but I sent her to spy on Esme so I could get her back. Suddenly I feel like I’ve been knocked out. I clench my heart from the sharp pain and fall onto my knees… making it hard to breathe. Selena had been keeping me company since I’ve been alone in the cabin near Esme’s new pack.

“What’s wrong, Warg?” Sure, now she suddenly cares for me.

“I… I think Violet rejected me…” The realization of the moment hit me harder than I thought it would.

“Well, you weren’t exactly mate of the year I’m surprised it took her this long,” I growled at her, but as much as I hate when she’s right… she’s right.

“Not helping!” I snapped at her.

“You treated her like crap and kept pining for someone WHO ISN’T YOURS! You sent her off on this weird spying mission to achieve what? Her making new friends and allies while we sit on our butts waiting for her to tell us?? Newsflash she hasn’t contacted you since she got there! For all, we know she could’ve abandoned the plan and started a new life for herself and since she rejected you, I’m leaning towards the latter.” She growls at me.

“She wouldn’t abandon me! She was begging for me to love her before she left!” I was more saying this to reassure myself.

“Yeah, because YOU were supposed to be the one to love and protect her NOT treat her like she’s trash and watches you pine for someone else! IF she found someone else, which I’m sure she did since she rejected you, then let her be happy! You don’t know how to let people go. The only reason I’m here is your family and even then, I’m tempted to leave!” She growls at me some more and I growl back.

“If you want to leave then go ahead, I’m not stopping you! Everybody else has left me why not you!” I was getting pissed off… why was everyone in my life leaving me and having a better life than me?

“Fine, maybe I will! Esme and Violet seem to live a better life so why can’t I??” She walks away but I grab her arm. “Let. Go. Of. Me!” She snarls at me.

“You walk away and we may as well consider you dead!” I growl at her again.

“FINE! You haven’t been my actual brother in a long time! You haven’t always been this power-hungry! There was once a time where you were a decent person!” She pulls her arm away from my grip and walks away.

“FINE, I DON’T NEED YOU!” I yell at her while she walks away from the cabin and off in the woods. I’m left alone again…


Sadly, our time with my family and pack has ended. I woke up the next morning in Koa’s arms and it felt so amazing. I almost don’t want to leave, but I want to go back to Emerald Warrior and be a help somehow. Rejecting Warg and mating with Koa was the best decision ever. At first, I debated going along with Warg’s crazy plan on kidnapping Esme, but the more I got to know her the more I wanted to be her friend. So, I never told him what I was doing and who knows if he felt the rejection… soon I hear my phone vibrate and I grab it thinking it was my alarm, but it was a text… from Warg!

Warg: Good morning, haven’t heard from you in a while.

Well, duh I’ve been avoiding you, you psycho creep! I shake Koa awake to show him what I woke up to.

Me: I’ve been busy… Sure we’ll go with that.

Warg: Yeah, busy rejecting me! Crap, he knew… Koa looks at me worriedly too.

Me: You felt it?!

Warg: Of course, I did! I thought you loved me!

Me: I thought I did too but the more I thought about it and the more time I spent with my new pack…I’ve realized that one you were awful to me! Two I learned what it’s like to have friends and people care for me. Three I’m not doing your crazy plan anymore!

Warg: We’ll see about that…

I toss my phone across the room. I wanted nothing to do with him anymore! I felt the tears welling in my eyes as I lean into Koa’s chest. He rubs my back and I hear a knock at the door. Esme comes in and gives me a comforting hug.

“What happened?” She asks with concern in her voice. I point to my phone across the room and she goes and grabs it for me. She looks at the message I just had with Warg and gets an angry scowl on her face. “If it’s a war he wants, then we have to head home now. I have to tell Alarick about this.”

“I couldn’t drag all of you into this!” I look at her with sadness and concern.

“I know you didn’t want to, but he has now. Threatening you and me more or less is a declaration of war to us.” She looks so serious, and so does Koa.

“So, what do we do?” I try to calm down but I’m freaking out inside. Koa wraps his arm around my shoulders to calm me and it does some but I can feel myself shaking.

“Unfortunately, we have to go back home. We say goodbye to your parents and thank them for their hospitality, you pack as much as you want to bring with you to Emerald Warrior from here and we prepare for war. We have no idea what Warg is planning only that it may involve us.” She sounded so serious like a real Luna.

“Alright I don’t need much but it would be nice to have over two outfits than I do at home.” I got up and went to my closet to pack. Koa helps and I give him a shy smile for his help. I hear Esme on the phone probably talking to Alarick. I haven’t interacted with him much, but from the way she talks about him, he seems like a nice guy. We try to enjoy breakfast; Koa had put my things in the car and we said goodbye to my parents and Donovan after we ate.

“We love you, sweetie. Come visit anytime.” Mom gives me a big hug and smiles at me knowing that I have a loving mate.

“We will mom. Also, don’t be afraid to come to Emerald Warrior we’d love to have you.” I offer the peace offering, but I’m sure Esme and Alarick didn’t mind another alliance.

“Yes, come to visit her anytime you want. Unlike my former lover, I don’t mind if you visit.” Esme put her hand out to shake my dad’s and Donovan’s hands offering them peace.

“He sounds like an awful man.” My mom says sadly.

“I was only with him for a month… you raised a strong daughter who could handle his bull crap for longer than I could.” I could feel Esme’s and my mom’s proudness in me and it made me smile. “We should get going. I miss Alarick and I want to get home to him.” She let out a bashful smile and started walking to the car. I gave everyone one last hug and joined her. Koa and I sat in the back seat while Esme drove this time. I waved my goodbyes from out the window and once they were out of sight I crawled back into the car. I missed them already, but this was good. We’ll go back home and we’ll beat Warg once and for all. The drive home wasn’t so bad. I was glad there weren’t any more texts from Warg but I guess the more he texted me the more we could find him. I must’ve fallen asleep for most of the trip cause the next thing I know is that Koa is waking me up.

“Wake up sleepyhead. We’re back home.” He kisses my cheek and I groan not wanting to wake up. He lifts me gently and carries me back inside to our room in the packhouse. I sleepily wrap my arms around him and just let him carry me. I was so worn out from everything that had happened at my parent’s pack, but I was so happy to see them again.


It was nice to meet Violet’s family, and I was so glad that she rejected Warg! Ugh, can’t believe what she was trying to do! But… I know what it was like being under his psycho weirdness. Koa is so good for her, but I was so glad to be home with Alarick.

“I missed you, babe!” He gives me a big hug and kisses.

“I missed you more. You should’ve seen her at the alpha ceremony where she rejected Warg in front of her entire pack!”

“Really!?” He looks at me in surprise but strangely, he seemed proud.

“I’m proud of her too. She needed to get away from him, but you’ll be just as surprised to know who her second chance is.”

“Koa?” Now it was my turn to look at him in surprise. “He told me the day after they mated. I’m happy for him.”

“What are we going to do if Warg starts a war over her or me?” I asked nervously knowing that he’d do something like that.

“If it’s a war, he wants then he’s going to get one! We’re not going down without a fight.” He looked so serious but yet it looked so sexy.

“Of course not, we’ll give him a fight. After we get… reacquainted… I’ll talk to my dad about starting my fairy training.” He smirks at me as I wrap my arms around his neck. I close the door all the way with my foot. I wasn’t going to leave my room for the rest of the night.

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