Embers In The North

Chapter 7

Trapped beneath him on the floor of the tearoom, Reyna struggled to gather her thoughts, her mind muddled by his presence. With both hands pinned above her head, he held her chin with the other hand, leaving her completely at his mercy.

She had imagined sparring with one of his Omegas, but not with him. Without her abilities, she was no match for an Alpha. He surpassed her in physical strength–Alphas were much larger and stronger.

Roth’s body pressed intimately against hers, its weight bearing down on her with a searing intensity. Time stretched, each second elongated as she struggled to maintain her sanity under his cocky gaze. Shallow breaths punctuated the air, her senses bombarded by the heady blend of his Eismum fragrance and adrenaline.

For the first time since becoming a Prime, she felt the bitter sting of defeat. It was Reyna’s nature to be in control and she stood her ground no matter what came her way. Yet twice within one day, the Krelon wolves had threatened her resolve and broken her streak.

Roth’s prowess exceeded anything she’d encountered before. His strength ignited an unexpected rush of excitement and longing. He held her in place, his grip firm and oddly gentle. His strength and dominance were irresistible, and she knew she had to satisfy her yearning.

“You, Reyna, prove yourself a worthy adversary.”

As she grappled with conflicting desires, she exhaled a shaky breath. As much as she wanted to break free of his grip, she was intoxicated by the rush of being so intimately tangled with him.

A part of her wanted to push him away, to reclaim her dominance. Another, much softer part of her longed to surrender to the fragility he ignited.

Reyna clamped her jaw tight. “Let me go now.”

It was getting a bit tiring to keep telling him that. It was not easy for her to ignore his hardness poking at her thighs. As much as she tried to remain calm, his arousal distracted her. She smiled, revelling in the knowledge that she had the same effect on him as he had on her.

The casual observer would find it hard to believe this was just a friendly spar. It would be easy for someone to mistake their position for an intimate display between lovers.

A grin spread across his face as he replied, “Not until you say it.”

Her jaw clenched tighter as she tried to contain the tremor in her body as his hair brushed against her face. His breathing slowed as he tilted his head closer to her, awaiting her response.


“I am your Alpha.” Roth stroked her chin, then traced his index finger along the curve of her lips. “Say it.”

She resisted obeying his command. She had not expected him to use his authority to bend her to his will. Even though she knew he had bested her, she refused to give him the satisfaction of saying those words and submitting to his power.

“I will never say that,” she replied.

But deep down, beneath her prideful refusal, she knew his words were true. Roth beat her, proving he was her Alpha. Her pride rebelled against submitting to him, but it was a fact she could not deny.

“I bested you. “You are mine, Reyna,” he declared. “Accept it,” he commanded. “You are mine now.”

“That’s not how this works,” she groaned, straining to free herself from his grip.

When he lowered his lips closer to hers, she froze, and for a moment, she couldn’t think or breathe.

“I will not release you until you admit I have defeated you,” Roth asserted, his grip firm and unyielding.

Reyna muttered, “We understand defeat differently.”

Her pride rebelled against surrendering to him so easily. Just as the tension between them reached its peak, Bandos entered the tearoom, freezing at the sight before him. His thick eyebrows shot up in astonishment, and Reyna felt embarrassment at being caught in such a compromising position with Roth!

“It’s not what it looks like,” she began, attempting to explain, but Bandos cut her off with a raised finger.

Finally, Roth released her and sprung to his feet, tugging her along. Keeping his gaze steady on her, he ran a hand through his dishevelled hair. Reyna regained her composure, stepping back to catch her breath. Then, with a deep inhale, he moved forward again, his hand reaching out for her.

“Reyna, I–”

The door slammed shut behind Bandos, their attention snapping towards the intrusion. Bandos stood there, his expression a storm of anger. He advanced towards Roth with a low, rumbling growl.

“Alpha.” Bandos bowed stiffly. “I know your reputation for asserting your claim to any female you desire. But, within these walls, there are protocols. While I hold the House of Maynord in high regard, my daughter is not a mere low-ranking Gamma to be taken as you please in the middle of a common room!”

Reyna’s gaze shot to her father, shock etched across her features. It was the first time he had openly acknowledged her as his daughter, and it filled her with joy and relief. In hindsight, she realized that he had never broached the topic of her potential mating. It was a conversation she avoided, as she imagined it would be uncomfortable.

She exchanged a quick glance with her father. It was a rare display of his protective nature. Even though she appreciated his concern, she couldn’t shake off the embarrassment of being caught in such a compromising situation.

Roth’s posture remained composed, his face calm despite the tension in the room.

“Bandos, I did not intend to disrespect your territory’s protocols. But no harm was done. Reyna and I sparred, and she graciously conceded defeat.” Roth spoke softly.

The expression on her father’s face didn’t change as he studied Roth for a moment.

“You challenged the Alpha?” he asked, turning to her. “Reyna, that wasn’t your assignment!”

She cleared her throat for the first time since Bandos arrived. “Father, I appreciate your concern, but I am capable of handling situations like these by myself.”

“There is no question in my mind about your capabilities, Reyna, nor is that the issue at hand.”

“I did not concede defeat to him, father,” Reyna corrected, giving Roth a defiant glare.

Roth’s eyes shifted between them, his expression inscrutable. “Bandos, I initiated the challenge,” Roth said. “It was a friendly match, nothing beyond that.”

“Alpha,” Bandos acknowledged. “I must stress that my daughter holds the esteemed position of Prime Commander of Frostcall and is poised to be the first female Warmaster of a territory.”

Roth’s grin retained its respectful demeanour. “I understand your point,” he responded. “I didn’t realize Reyna was your daughter. In all your praise for your female Prime, I never heard you mention she was a Moltenroar.”

“Allow me to clarify that, Alpha. Reyna’s identity and abilities stand independent of her status as my daughter. I have intentionally separated the two to prevent the Northern Council from using it as a convenient excuse to undermine the credence she rightfully deserves.”

She swallowed as she listened to Bandos. How had she missed this nuance in her father’s actions? The realization that he had shielded her accomplishments at the cost of their relationship left her feeling so much gratitude, confusion, and a tinge of hurt. A lump formed in her throat and she swallowed again. For so long, she had been convinced that Bandos hated her, but she had been wrong.

“But she is a Moltenroar, Alpha. If you intend to claim my daughter as your mate, there are certain protocols to follow. I won’t let her become a nameless addition to your harem.” Bandos’s voice carried a mix of firmness and respect. He tilted his head in a slight bow, to temper the weight of his words.

Reyna shot her father a frustrated glare, knowing that they’d have to have an awkward conversation about her potential mate now. Why was he talking to Roth about claiming her? The room fell into uncomfortable silence, and she grew hot with embarrassment.

“Bandos, I don’t think-” she began to say.

“I would prefer to discuss this later, Bandos. We have some matters to discuss,” Roth interjected smoothly. He turned to Reyna. “Could you give us a moment, Prime?”

Reyna squinted at Roth, relieved by his interjection, but unsure of what to make of it. Why address her so formally? Perhaps he wanted to put some distance between them to ease the tension.

“Reyna, give us the room. I will speak with you later,” Bandos said without even looking at her.

With a nod that acknowledged her father’s command, Reyna turned to exit the tearoom. Dread coiled in her stomach, dreading the imminent conversation with her father. She left without offering the customary bow to either the Alpha or the Warmaster. As she distanced herself from the room, the weight of the embarrassing encounter gradually lifted with each step she took.

Leaving the tearoom, she headed to the winding stairway–carved into the ancient Obelisk structure-at the northern end. Arriving at the base, she paused briefly, inhaling deeply to steady her thoughts before proceeding toward the Inner Ward. As she walked along the cobblestone pathways in the Inner Ward, the towering Citadel walls surrounded her. Reyna’s thoughts danced like sparks carried on the wind, fragments of emotions and questions that flickered through her mind. Her encounter with Roth left her grappling with attraction and wariness.

What were the Krelon wolves doing here? Who were the Berserkers who sneaked them into Egranox, and why did they need to sneak in? In addition, it made her suspicious of the second Fleet. If the Krelon wolves were spotted by the second Fleet, why didn’t they report it to her?

As she rounded the Inner Ward completely toward the Citadel’s War Chamber, she came to a complete stop.

The cool night air helped clear her mind, if only for a moment. With a sigh, she gazed out into the moonlit landscape, losing herself in the serenity of the night.

Her ears picked up the sound of footsteps coming down the Southern corridor; the familiar gait made her turn around. Lance walked into view with both hands in his pockets and a wide smile on his face.

“I’m glad you made it back unscathed,” Lance said, manning himself nearby the Ward’s entrance.

Reyna stepped into the hall to meet him. “We cannot all get glorious deaths.”

A sigh escaped Lance’s lips. “Only you want that. What I want is a mate as warm as the sun and as sweet as the devil’s brew.”

“A bootlicking gargoyle has a better chance of fucking Odin’s beloved.” Reyna quipped with a laugh, earning a playful head shake from Lance as he drew closer.

“I came to fetch you. The Alpha has summoned the first Fleet,” Lance informed her, a momentary pause preceding his next query. “And did you truly attack the Alpha? Not that it’s unexpected from you.”

“I did my duty,” she replied. “Trespassing within Egranox carries consequences, regardless of status-be it Alpha or god.”

With a graceful wave of her hand, Reyna beckoned Lance to her side, and together they marched toward the citadel’s South Wing. A persistent sense of curiosity tugged at her, forcing her to wonder what awaited them in the War Room—after all, she had just left Roth and Bandos.

Their journey was brief; she’d already walked towards the War Chamber from the Inner Ward. The War Chamber awaited them, its entrance marked by a carved archway.

Reyna’s presence was met with a silent salute, a respectful acknowledgment from her assembled Fleet. Twelve formidable Fangs stood in formation, and she acknowledged them with a nod.

Reyna flung the doors open and led her Fleet into the War Room. The walls were covered with strategic maps of Aupheadia, depicting the kingdom’s complex landscape. At the centre of the room, a grand round table bore the intricately detailed map of Aupheadia, a mosaic of territories and power struggles.

Seated at the table, an assembly awaited her arrival. Bandos sat at the high chair and flanking him were the four Krelon Omegas. With measured steps, she led her Fleet to the table and took her place; her Fleet lined up behind her.

“Alpha.” Her fleet bowed to Roth, her gaze discreetly flickering towards him where he stood in the background behind her father.

The memory of his warm body pressing down into hers sent a shiver down her spine, and she turned her gaze away. Clearing her mind, she focused on the present, her thoughts weaving around the purpose of their gathering. The only reasonable explanation was the Warmaster of the Suncrest Territory, and that notion gripped her thoughts as she waited for the proceedings to begin.

“As you may already be aware,” Roth began. “Warmaster Decker of Reslax is rallying Warmasters across the Suncrest territories with the intent to overthrow the ruling House of Maynord. The intelligence we’ve received suggests they’ve secured the loyalty and Fleets of six packs, leaving nine more to potentially align with them. Though the House of Tern has initially declared neutrality, it’s likely they will eventually cast their lot with the Warmaster of the West.”

Reyna watched Roth move around the table. His large, strong arms fastened behind him as he paced. She could see from the looks on everyone’s faces that they all understood what was at stake. This gathering was not a simple routine strategy meet; the fate of Aupheadia hung in the balance, and they were being rallied to fight for the House of Maynord.

With knowledge of the Maynord’s historical crimes, she grappled with conflicting alliances. The temptation to utter the words “the sins of your forefathers have found you out” was strong—after all, the Maynords had ascended to the throne through the same means they were now facing retribution for. In spite of her differing views, she had one thing clear: she was a Fang, and she served the Alpha.

Roth’s slow pacing brought her back to the moment. She focused on the map spread across the table, the intricate details of each territory marked out, each name symbolizing power, history, and alliances.

There was no question about her loyalty to Frostcall and its pack, and she understood the importance of today’s decision. This was a pivotal moment for Aupheadia, and as Prime, she was a key player in this dance of power and influence. The map beckoned her fingers, and she wanted to trace the paths that might lead to victory or defeat.

Roth’s voice cut through the silence, bringing her attention back to him. “Our response to this challenge requires a united front,” he said, his gaze sweeping over each Fang in the room. “The House of Maynord will not fall without a fight, and it is your duty as Fangs of the Wild Lands to ensure your Alpha’s reign endures.”

He paused, and a brief silence followed his statement. “We must stand together, no matter the cost. This is the only way.”

It made sense why he came in the middle of a storm; to personally gather her first Fleet. With a small exhale, Reyna leaned back; she was responsible for protecting these twelve Fangs.

Out of duty to her Fleet, Reyna asked the question that she knew no Fang had dared to ask the Alpha before.

“Why should we fight for you, Alpha Roth?” Reyna asked.

It was a challenge in and of itself. Apart from that, they needed an indisputable reason to commit. It had to benefit them and everyone around them; not just the Alpha. It was not enough to tell them that it was their duty and right or for the greater good; the cause had to be worth sacrificing for.

Keeping an eye on Roth, she waited for his response, ready to assess the conviction behind his call to arms.

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