Ember of Hope

Chapter 81

Back home tension was running high among people. The third moon was only a night away and people were scared. What if the curse didn’t break? What if Katherine pulled something on them again? What if the moon wasn’t powerful enough? When a whole nation spends half a century bound in a curse; such worries were natural. Many people had already gathered in the red mountains to await the moon. Every soul in Evreux was ripe with fear and anticipation.

That last day before the moon felt like an eternity in itself. As the full moon rose in the sky; Katherine was brought to the border surrounded by a squad of warriors. People were restless, anyone could do something reckless. Behind them walked the two kings and Valiance and Damien accompanied by their mates. Valiance hadn’t even asked her to stay behind because he knew it would’ve been futile. She always said whatever happens we’d be stronger together.

A roar of outrage pulsed amongst the people when they sighted Katherine but King Alex raised his hands to quiet them down and they obeyed immediately. When they reached the barrier; Katherine sat down on her knees and a sentry dropped her tote bag near her. She started taking things out and setting them in front of her. She took out a small basin made out of some kind of obsidian stone and started adding some odd looking herbs to it. Then she added a sort of liquid into it and stirred. Her hands started glowing as she held them over the bowl and chanted under her breath. Raegan looked transfixed as the moonlight seemed a bit sharper in a halo around Katherine.

Maria’s story came back to her mind unbidden. She pushed it aside and kept looking with a mix of disgust and fascination. Katherine took a small blade made of the same obsidian stone as the basin and slit her palm deep. Blood started gushing out and into the potion. She held her hand over the bowl until the blood stopped running. Giving it a swirl again; she started pouring the potion in the root of the barrier. It started pulsing immediately.

When she had poured the entire contents of the basin in the barrier’s base; she put both her palms on the shimmery, pulsing barrier and started a chant again. The pulsing became stronger as the chant grew in intensity. Cries of agony split the air as the lifting curse forced a shift on the dragons present in the crowd. People dispersed; giving the dragons space. The cries were so painful and heart wrenching that Raegan felt their pain in her own body. Katherine kept chanting louder and louder but Raegan could see the toll it was taking on her. She looked about ready to keel over dead.

Something urged her forward and when Valiance tried to stop her, she just shook her head. She took off her bracelet and handed it to Valiance. It was like her magic was in control and giving her commands. She stepped up to Katherine and put a glowing palm on her shoulder. She focused on her power and just pushed. She felt it leaving her body and entering Katherine’s and they became one entity as they poured power in the barrier. Everything around her disappeared in the glow of her power. It was like an aphrodisiac. It felt like hours had passed when the barrier stopped pulsing and she could feel the world around her again.

Katherine fell to her knees; spent and pulled big gulps of air in her lungs like she’d been deprived of oxygen for so long. And for the first time since unlocking her magic; Raegan felt an actual dent in it. It didn’t feel so overwhelming in that moment but she didn’t trust it still. Valiance quietly handed her bracelet back to her and she clasped it on with gritted teeth. She looked around at the crowd and people were wide eyed and happy. There wasn’t a single dragon in sight, they had all shifted back.

Now that the curse had been lifted; the council would sit again to decide Katherine’s fate. Raegan tried to not feel anything but there was a pang of sadness nonetheless. She was after all the woman who’d given birth to her. And she was her father’s mate – what losing her would do to him; she didn’t want to even think about it.

They hadn’t even moved from their places yet when they heard sudden gasps from the crowd and people started parting. The soldiers around them took arms and stood in front of their king. Murmurs told them what was happening before the druids came into sight. King Alex stepped forward and bowed deeply in front of the druid woman leading the group.

“Queen Melaska” he greeted and Raegan could detect surprise in his tone. The queen of the druids inclined her head at the Dragon King and came forward. Her company stayed behind.

“I thought it best to come here myself and talk. Don’t be hasty in killing the witch. Her heart repents and she has yet to play her part in what’s to come next. You’ll all face a terror before long and it can only be defeated if strength prevails. Only blood can save blood and courage can be found in the most usual of places”. She delivered her cryptic message as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Raegan had heard enough about the odd ways of the druids that she, despite finding the words confusing, accepted the message.

The druid queen suddenly turned her sharp eyes on her and her breath hitched. What had she done to earn the druid’s attention? The queen came forward and put each palm on Raegan and Valiance’s foreheads. Next to them; her father and her friends tensed. But she didn’t feel anything but calmness inside her. “Learn your craft and don’t resent it. You’ll be tested soon. Hold onto your loved ones and find your courage in their support. When need arises; come to me and I’ll guide you”. The druid retreated back to her company and they turned to leave as if nothing had happened. Everyone stood stunned until Damien broke the silence, “Holly fuckin’ shit. What the hell was that all about?”

“It means we’re out of the frying pan and into the fire”. Raegan pursed her lips. “Let’s get ready for whatever comes next”. But they were together and that was enough. Whatever came at them; they’d fight it together and come out victorious because they were all survivors.


Meanwhile in Velar

“What do we do now?” standing atop a hill one of titan’s friends asked. They’d been called back by Titan after the girls escaped.

“The plan hasn’t changed much. We’ll meet with the Shadow King as planned. King Roshkar and I – we have a common enemy and I believe we’ll benefit from each other’s aid. I will see Evreux on its knees.” Titan sneered.

“What are we going to do about Tristan?” another sneered.

“Throw my traitorous brother in the dungeon. I’ll think of something to tell mother, not that it matters much”. He added so that his friends won’t think him soft for his mother. “I can think of a good use for my good for nothing brother. I just need to convince King Roshkar that we could both use each other’s help”. Titan’s smile was sinister.


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