Ember of Hope

Chapter 8

“Yes. I’ll take my leave now. Valiance this is Raegan. Raegan this is Valiance D’evreux – son of King Dragomir who saved your life”.

“Don’t let my father hear you say the k word with his name. He won’t be happy”. Valiance reprimanded softly.

“I am sorry. I’ll be careful. Raegan you can ask anything you want from him. I will come again when it’s again time for your potion”.

With that nirvana left the room leaving her alone with the dragon prince.

“Okay”. She said simply. Turning towards the dragon again, she said: “Whew. Man you’re huge”. Her eyes wide in amazement and awe… she was like a star struck kid, meeting his favorite super-hero for the first time”.

“I am amazed at how easily you are accepting everything. Many people would be running for the hills by now” Valiance wondered in amusement.

“Well, for starters, I’m in no position to be even sitting right now much less running for the hills – which got me here in this bed in the first place”. She rolled her eyes at herself.

“Oh yes, I’ve been told what befell you. But what I don’t understand is that the trail you were on is quite safe. How did you manage to fall?”

“That’s because I wasn’t following the trail”. She said matter-of-factly.

“Why, may I ask?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Raegan tried to sit up to better communicate with the massive figure sitting next to her. But she fell back against the soft pillows; groaning in pain.

“Careful! The healers say you need to take it easy for a couple days more. That was a pretty nasty fall you took. It was a blessing you survived”. Valiance couldn’t control a little growl to enter his tone and Raegan’s eyes widened in surprise.

His behavior was confusing even him. He might have recognized her as his mate but he was just meeting her. And already he was feeling too strongly for her. This was bad – too bad. A mate from dragon lands could accept the situation but a girl from the outer world? He stood no chance. He was doomed to this curse.

Raegan broke him out of his thoughts, “Well, to better answer your question, I just wanted to feel the thrill of an actual hike. Like they used to do in old days when there were no man made paths and no luxuries. I don’t want to just walk along the trail. That’s boring. It kills all the adventure. So, I snuck off from the end of the line when no one was paying attention. I made it quite far actually and ended up on an outcropping. The sun was about to rise and it was so beautiful I wanted to capture it. When I was busy taking a photo a girl from our team came behind me and we started arguing and when I just dismissed her, she pushed me - you know what happened next… I couldn’t get a hold anywhere and I kept falling. Eventually the pines below broke my fall but sadly they broke my bones too, fuckers”. She grumbled.

“Why would she do something so extreme? What happened between you two?”

“Well, there was this guy in our team who became a very good friend to me and she liked him. She thought we were an item so she got jealous and instead of going to him and talk like an adult, she chose the easy way out – she eliminated the competition” she rolled her eyes.

“And there was nothing between you two?” Valiance couldn’t help asking.

“No, he was just a good friend”. She sighed, “Man I can’t believe I’m talking to a dragon… a living, breathing, giant dragon. Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, anything”.

“Why did you come here as a dragon and not a human first? I mean what if I was a loser and had a heart attack upon seeing you?” she laughed “oh hey, just so we’re clear I’m not asking you to change right now. I know you’ll be naked when you shift”. As soon as the words left her mouth her eyes widened in quiet horror and she closed her indecent mouth shut.

Valiance chuckled, “Yes, I will be naked but you don’t need to worry about that” Raegan opened her eyes just in time to see his eyes storm with pain. But it was gone as soon as it had appeared, making her wonder.

“As to answer your question – I can’t shift back to my human form. I was assured that you’ve been briefed about our truth before my arrival. That’s why I came here as a dragon”.

“Well yes, nirvana did tell me but I didn’t believe her of course. I mean come on, an alternate world? Dragons, and witches, and magic… How was I supposed to believe her? But now thanks to you – I can say I totally believe her”. She started grinning from ear to ear because she just couldn’t contain her excitement anymore.

“I am talking to a dragon – and a dragon prince no less. Nobody is going to believe me back home”.

“I am no prince. You don’t know many things yet. And it would be highly appreciated if you keep the knowledge of our existence to yourself”.

“I’m not getting any younger out here” an irritated voice grumbled from just outside the door.

“That’ll be Damien… my best friend. Are you ready to meet another one of us yet or would it be asking too much for one day?” Valiance joked.

“What’s one more little dragon dude? Bring it on” she said sarcastically, earning a chuckle from him. She decided that she liked it when the dragon did that.

“Hey man! Come on in, she’s up” Valiance called out.

“About damn time” an annoyed grumble sounded almost outside the door and then the most – she wasn’t sure what to say – the most golden creature she had ever laid her eyes on, walked inside.

“Hello there beautiful. How are you feeling now? He asked pleasantly.

“Aren’t you a little ray of sunshine?” Raegan chirped, making Valiance laugh out loud.

“I assure you sweetheart, nothing about me is little”. He winked.

She laughed, “Man I never thought I’d ever see the day when I’d be talking to a flirting dragon. You look fancy by the way”.

“Do you want to say I’m handsome?” he grinned.

Her eyes widened, “Whoa dude! Don’t ever do that again if you want to score a girl. It’s creepy. Besides, no I didn’t mean to say handsome”, she looked towards Valiance and pointed with a mischievous look, “He is handsome, you are sparkly”. A booming laughter filled the room and Damien mock glared at both of their laughing forms.

“Ugh” she groaned, grabbing her bruised ribs and just like that Valiance’s laughter died and in his eyes concern took place of the mirth when he asked,

“Are you hurting? Should I call the healer back?”

“No, no I’m okay... Just a little sore”. But her labored breathing denied her claim and Valiance left the room in the blink of an eye in search of the healer.

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