Ember of Hope

Chapter 30

Katie’s journal

My sisters would know the minute my baby girl comes in the world. They’ll know about her through the magic bond all us witches shared with each other in a coven. I might have left them behind but I was still bonded to them and so was my child. They would come then… following her magic… and claim her… that is the way of our species… that is the law… I CAN’T LET THAT HAPPEN…

I won’t let them force my baby girl into a life where she wouldn’t have a choice but to turn a cold hearted witch. Where she wouldn’t know love and empathy… I was one to talk about empathy… after what I had done in a fit of rage… and I didn’t even have the guts to go and relieve those poor people from my brutality… for so long, they have been suffering from a fate I inflicted upon them… I would go there soon… and ask for forgiveness… I will present myself as their culprit… but first I had to think and plan for my little girl… to save her from becoming a monster like me… she’ll know love… she’ll know sympathy and compassion and a normal life… I vow to give her a better chance at life than I ever had.

So, to spare her the pain and brutality of my world – I decided to embrace the worst kind of pain a mother could ever feel. I decided to part ways with my child once she was born.

As to throw my sisters off from knowing about her… from following my little girl’s magic trail – I had a trick up my sleeve. But all the precautions and magic and tricks… all my planning – nothing was enough to make my heart rest a bit. I was scared out of my mind.

The idea of snatching the reason of Alex’s smile was cutting my heart like a blunt knife. I could deal with the pain of my loss but how will I ever be able to deal with the guilt and pain of taking away Alex’s memories of his child, his blood. This was violation beyond words… violation even worse then I already had committed once. But I’ll have to do it – that I knew… and for that I would burn in hell – that; I was sure of.


I had two options. Either I could tell Alex and try to convince him that we have to let our daughter go in order to keep her safe and away from my coven… that I was doing what was in best interest of our daughter. But he wouldn’t agree of course. He was a noble dragon warrior… he wasn’t going to back down from a fight for what was his. But he wouldn’t last very long in front of my coven. Even I won’t be of much help. And I won’t have them take my baby away to a world of cruelty. We weren’t always cruel but time changes many things and now I knew the reality. And I wasn’t going to take any chances.

OR I could do what I was so good at. Be a coward and alter his memory. He wouldn’t remember we had a child, a daughter. He wouldn’t remember the best thing to ever happen to us… even thinking about this tears my heart. The idea is like a serrated knife to my heart. How can I be this cruel to take this away from the man I love? This was the happiest I’ve ever seen him. It seems like the idea of a daughter has made him forget about his world and people which he never forgot and always mourned whenever he thought I wasn’t looking. But our daughter has brighten him up so much he is like a different man altogether. But what other choice do I have? I’m conflicted… HELP ME GOD…


“The lamb fell in love with the lion”


“Beauty wanted the beast”

And what a beautiful, magnificent beast. How could she not love him? He was noble than any man she had ever seen. He might look like a vicious beast but he was gentle and loving and caring.

Raegan found it difficult to think about anything other than him. He possessed her every waking thought and he was there in every dream of hers. Oh she was sure the raven haired Adonis was him. She believed it to be him more than she believed in anything.

She wanted to tell him she loved him… that she wished to be the one to break his curse. Somewhere deep in her heart she knew he felt the same way about her too. But she was afraid… she was afraid that she won’t be able to break him free of his curse and that he’ll then hate her forever. And she couldn’t bear to see hatred towards herself in those beautiful eyes.

Day by day it was becoming difficult for her to see him bound in that wretched curse… to not be able to touch his raven black hair… to not be able to kiss his beautiful lush lips… she wanted to be in his embrace… she wanted HIM more than anything in the world…

She had to muster courage and tell him. She had to do herself a favor by telling him so she could get out of this state of limbo.


She had come back. Valiance was still in shock – reeling. Damien was right after all. The mate bond had pulled her back. May be she missed her friends. Or maybe she wanted to show her friend Sarah the freaks of nature that they had become. His paranoia had increased instead of lessening by her return. He was going mad – over thinking even the smallest things.

Only if he could tell her what he felt for her – what she meant to him. Maybe then she’d be able to see past his beastly exterior and into his heart where she resided in every beat.

Oh who was he kidding? A beautiful, gorgeous, and kind woman like her deserved much, much better than him. She wasn’t going to miraculously fall in love with him. There was no hope for him.

– No hope for a future with her in it –


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