Ember of Hope

Chapter 12

Valiance returned late that night from his border patrol and the next morning, true to his word, the king told him to show Raegan around Evreux. And Valiance’s duties now, to Dimi’s dismay, were his to fulfill. He had grumbled non-stop the whole hour they had spent in giving her a grand tour of the fortress. After that Dimi had to go to Ilya and it was the first time that he wasn’t with them. She wanted to ask Valiance about his visit to the border and how they worked. But she had so many questions to ask and so many things to know that she didn’t even know where to start and what to ask first.

“Where are we going next?” she asked Valiance as they exited the huge iron gates of the fortress.

“I’m taking you to the fighting arena. I think you’ll enjoy it there”. Valiance replied while lowering himself for her to climb on his back. It was both thrilling and terrifying to fly on a dragon’s back. But this time she didn’t hesitate and climbed on his outstretched front paw that he used to give her traction. Once she had a firm grip on his horns, Valiance rose in one smooth movement. He was so graceful for such a huge beast and she found herself wishing to see his human form. She had her first question for him ready, why did he and Damien never shift forms?

The arena was like a mammoth version of the Colosseum… father of mammoths. The round arena was built with a dark stone and there were two huge iron doors, opposite each other, to enter the ground. The elevated seating area could house thousands upon thousands and above all, the walls formed platform like overhangs, that according to Valiance; were to seat dragons.

Currently there were some people sparring with each other, some were practicing hand to hand combat and on one side were young boys in what seemed to be a fighting technique lesson of sorts. Above the arena, in the air, were dragons of various colors, fighting with each other. To her amazement she saw a pair fighting in half shifted forms; a human body with dragon wings and swords in their hands.

“Whoa”. She said with wide eyed wonder. Valiance was right; this was beyond amazing. The sounds of combat; the clanging of swords, the whoosh of arrows, the grunting and groaning from the fighters, was something she never even imagined to experience out of a screen. Her own training sessions looked like a child’s play in front of this. THIS was real… THIS was an art form.

“What do you think?” Valiance asked her, noting her star struck expressions.

“You were right. I love it. This place is amazing Val. Can I go in please?” she turned puppy dog eyes at him.

Valiance chuckled at her semantics, “Of course, come on”. Valiance flew down from the parapet he was perching on and landed near one the giant gates she had just seen. The gates were open and Val motioned with his head for her to enter first. The gates dwarfed her completely and as she entered, everyone stopped in unison and every eye turned towards her and Valiance.

“Hello” she waved awkwardly at the onlookers. Valiance ushered her inside with a wing wrapped around her shoulders and stopped in front of a heavily built man who seemed to be in his late thirties, “Good morning General. This is Raegan, our guest from the human world”, he introduced her to the very intimidating man, currently taking her measure with a scrutiny that left her feeling like she was a naughty 5-years old. “And Raegan, meet General Roth; the instructor here at the arena. He is also a general in our army and our trainer”.

She straightened her spine and stuck out her hand to the General, “pleased to meet you Sir”. The General took her hand in his much bigger one and squeezed lightly; not in arrogance but to gauge her metal. She didn’t flinch… she didn’t react… just kept a firm grip on his hand and didn’t lower her eyes. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too young lady” finally he relented his grip on her hand and inclined his head in a greeting, “welcome to Evreux”. It seemed like she’d passed the test. A sense of pride filled her at once.

“Thank you Sir” she smiled at the man and with a nod he left them to go back to his class.

“He was… intense” she said to Valiance, making him chuckle, “and he can hear you just like everybody else in the arena.

“Fuck”. Just then another much younger guy approached them with an easy smile on his face and he thumped valiance on his chest, “Hey brother”.

“Meet Fenrys, Raegan”. Valiance introduced the guy who looked around her age with beautiful blue eyes and black braided hair that came down to mid-back. He was beautiful and fair and seemed very charming. “It’s nice to meet you Raegan”. He took her hand in his and kissed the back softly, grinning at her with pearly teeth. Damn these people… they were all so beautiful and huge in either form. She smiled back at him, “Pleasure is all mine”.

“I have to go back to the training I’m afraid or the general will be serving my head at dinner tonight”. He winked at her, “but I promise tomorrow I’ll visit you at the fortress with my mate. She’ll be very pleased to meet you. She’s been bugging me ever since she heard about you”. Raegan laughed softly, “I’m sure I’ll love her company and yours”.

“Till tomorrow then” said Fenrys, backing away.

“Do you want to stay here longer or shall I take you to our next stop?” Valiance asked.

“Let’s go. Where are we going?”

“You’ll see”. He said once again lowering himself for her to climb on. She was in love with Evreux already… and every one in it.


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