El remordimiento de Alfa: Mi Luna tiene un hijo

Chapter Capítulo 119

capitulo 119
Advertencia de activación : algunos pueden encontrar este capítulo angustioso porque contiene SA .
zoe punto de vista
“ ¿ Tomaste los diluyentes de pintura ? —
le pregunté a Ava mientras hacíamos fila en la ferretería . _ _ Rebuscó en su cesta , sosteniendo la lata , y yo asentí . _ Estába
mos renovando algunos de los muebles de exterior y nos detuvimos en nuestroforma de hacer la carrera escolar para agarrar al
gunas cosas antes de recoger a los niños .
“ ¿ Crees que lo conseguirá ? _ — preguntó Ava , leyendo las instrucciones en el reverso de la lata.
“ Sí , funcionará . _ _ _ Eso sí , no te lo pongas en la piel , te quema como una perra —
le digo mientras pasamos por el autoservicio . _ _ Tomo las latas de ella y las escaneo rápidamente . _ Pagamos por nuestros a
rtículos .antes de caminar de regreso a mi pequeño auto .
Estábamos cargando todo en la cajuela cuando escuché el chirrido de neumáticos en el camino . _ _ Ambos miramos por encim
a del hombro para ver pasar una furgoneta roja a velocidades alarmantes . _ Ambos vimos la conmoción en la calle principal ant
es de que el autodejó nuestra vista .
“ ¡ Caramba ! Maldito idiota . Es hora de
ir a la escuela ” , dice Ava , sacudiendo la cabeza . Suspiré , cerrando rápidamente la cajuela antes de subir al lado del conducto
r . _ _ Yo acababa de arrancar el coche y Ava estaba subiendo a la pasiento del pasajero cuando sonó mi teléfono . _ Era Marcu
s comprobando si todavía tenía razón para agarrar a los niños , le dije que íbamos camino a la escuela antes de colgar rápidam
ente , y prometió encontrarse conmigo en casa . _ _ _ _ _ _
Nos abrochamos los cinturones de seguridad y salimos a la carretera . Pasábamos por delante de la reserva hacia la manada
de Valen , donde está la escuela , cuando se oyó el rugido de un motor que
se acercaba rápidamente detrás de nosotros . Ava mira detrás de nosotros y gime .
“ Es el imbécil de la ferretería ” , dice , volviendo al frente . _ _ _ _ _ _ Debe ser el día de los conductores idiotas . Yendo
alrededor de la ligera curva , soy empujado hacia
adelante en mi asiento . Mi cabeza golpea el volante y recuerdo vagamente escuchar
a Ava gritar y el sonido del metal crujiendo cuando todo se volvió negro .

Mi cabeza latía con fuerza cuando recuperé la visión , y el dolor se deslizó por mi columna . El olor a aceite y goma llegó
a mi nariz mientras parpadeaba aturdido para
encontrarme boca abajo , mis ojos se nublaban GBKY ; 5Je palpitaba al mismo ritmo que mi cabeza , humo _y el polvo
llenando el interior del auto desde las ventanas rotas .
El olor a sangre llegó a mi nariz y mis manos colgaron sobre mi cabeza cuando me di cuenta
de que habíamos chocado . Traté de recordar lo que pasó , pero gemí , aturdido y dolorido . _ Mirando a Ava , ella también gimi
ó antes de tirar de sucinturón _ _ Traté de advertirla y alcancé _ _ _
ella , pero ya era demasiado tarde cuando se desabrochó el cinturón de seguridad y se
estrelló contra el techo de mi vehículo volcado .
Traté de poner mi mano en el techo para soportar mi peso cuando un dolor punzante me atravesó la mano . Grité , mirándolo pa
ra encontrar mi pulgar dislocado cuando Ava me desabrochó el cinturón de seguridad y aterricé sobre mi mano rota . _ _
“ Zoe , ¿qué pasó ? —
murmura Ava , agarrándose la cabeza y mi entorno dio vueltas mientras rodaba sobre mi espalda . _ Miro por la ventana para e
ncontrar que estábamos en la reserva . _ ¿ Cuánto tiempo habíamos estado fuera ? _
“ La camioneta , ” gemí , rodando hacia atrás solo para ver pies corriendo hacia nosotros a través de
la ventana rota . Se me escapa un grito ahogado y se me abren los ojos cuando veo que un hombre
se mete por la ventana rota y agarra el cabello de Ava , justo antes de
salir .se volvió para ver lo que yo estaba mirando . Empezó a tirar de ella a través de la ventana rota y destrozada . Ava grita
y se retuerce y yo agarro sus piernas , tratando de sostenerla cuando ella
es arrancado de mi agarre .
Sus gritos resonaron con fuerza cuando un hombre al que nunca antes había visto la golpeó y la dejó inconsciente . Su cuerpo
se relaja y me arrastro por la ventana de mi vehículo destrozado y trato de detenerlo , solo para olvidarme de los otros dos pare
s de pies .yo vi _
Los brazos se envuelven alrededor de mi torso mientras grito para que la suelten . Su cuerpo estaba fláccido sobre el hombro d
el hombre . _ _ Girando , trato de girar en el agarre del hombre , tratando de soltarme antes de hundir mis dientes en su bíceps .
. Él gruñe y me suelta , permitiéndome escapar de sus garras . _ El hombre con Ava sube la pendiente empinada , y perseguí al

hombre que la agarró . _ _ _ Antes de que pudiera alcanzarla , fui abordado y el aire expulsado de _ _mis pulmones con un oo
mpfh . Jadeo , tratando de recuperar el aliento cuando siento que el enlace mental se abre . _
“ ¿ Qué quieres hacer con este ? _ _ Una profunda voz de barítono grita por encima de mí mientras me retuerzo tratando de sali
r de debajo de él , su rodilla presiona el centro de mi espalda . _
capitulo 119
aplastando mis pulmones .
“ Tráela . _ El jefe puede dejar que nos la quedemos ” , escuché otra voz gritar y el hombre de arriba me dio la vuelta , su mano
envolvió mi garganta y sonrió cruelmente . _ Su cabello oscuro cayendo en los ojos cuando escuché a Marcus ‘La voz
de s revolotea a través de la mente – enlace .
“ ¿ Nena ? Marcus grita a través del enlace .
“ ¡ Marco ! ” Grité . _
“ Oh , nos divertiremos contigo ” , gruñe el hombre , mostrando sus dientes mientras trato de liberarme . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grito cuan
do siento su lengua rodar por un lado de mi cara y él gime lascivamente . _ _ Su amigo detrás de élse
está riendo y trato de alertar a Marcus cuando un puño
se conecta con un lado de mi cabeza . Miré vertiginosamente hacia el cielo , mis ojos se desenfocaron cuando me golpearon de
nuevo y no vi nada más que oscuridad .
Me despertaron movimientos y golpes . Estábamos en la parte trasera de una camioneta , y mis manos estaban atadas a la esp
alda . Mis dedos
se sentían como si estuvieran perdiendo circulación cuando golpeé la pared lateral antes de escuchar una risa .
Un gemido se me escapa mientras yazco sobre mis brazos atrapados y miro hacia arriba solo para
ser pateado en el estómago por el hombre sentado a lo largo de la pared lateral . Sus piernas eran en lo que
me había deslizado . Gruño por el impacto y me quedo sin aliento al instante cuando la furgoneta se detiene
., haciéndome rodar hacia el otro lado . _ _ _ Las puertas traseras dobles se abren . Tomo una respiración áspera cuando el dol
or sacudió todo mi cuerpo y pude saborear mi propia sangre y olor . _ _ _ .. olor . Girando la cabeza , yoLa buscó para encontrar
a Zoe también atada y otro hombre con el pelo rubio ceniza la estaba manoseando y apretando sus pechos . _ Su pecho estab
a lleno de marcas de mordiscos , le habían arrancado la camisa y solo le quedaba el sostén . _y pantalones
negros . Zoe estaba inconsciente y completamente inerte . El miedo se enrosca y astilla a través de mí . ¡ No ! Jadeé . _

capitulo 119
Le gruño y lucho contra mis ataduras . _ _ “ ¡ No la toques , maldito enfermo ! _ _ —
le grito cuando veo que el hombre empuja su mano hacia abajo de sus pantalones . _ Al mismo tiempo siento un pellizco en mi
cuello , y _the dark–haired man waves a syringe in front of my face.
“That‘ll do bitch. Now quiet or you will get a taste of what she gets,” the man who kicked me says. He sweeps his dark hair from
his eyes before he gripped my arm, dragging me from the back of the van. I felt funny. My vision tunneled yet I remained conscio
us, although I felt the wolfsbane burning through my system, stunning my wolf and muting the mind link. I cursed myself, I should
have played dead and alerted my father. Yet I was helpless as I felt the drug take effect and I was tossed onto the
cold concrete floor. My head bouncing off it painfully when Zoe falls beside me.
“Zoe?” I groaned. She was drenched in blood, and I knew I was too, but she had a
deep gash across her forehead and blood dribbled out the corner of her mouth.
“Zoe!” I cried when I saw the man who stabbed me in the
neck also stab a needle into hers. She doesn‘t respond. When I hear the sound of footsteps, my eyes try to glance around. My b
ody was paralyzed, and it wasn‘t until the footsteps drew close enough that I could see his face.
Carter ... A growl vibrates and dies in my chest. He wore a dark blue suit. Carter looked like his father, only more unhinged. His e
yes are
half red and half green like snake eyes, the aftermath of being a forsaken. His scent was also off, not rogue but also not smelling
like a pack wolf either. His hair
was a styled messily like he had run his fingers through his gelled hair. Tattoos poked out from under his open buttons on his whi
te dress shirt and on his arms where his sleeves were rolled to the elbows.
“Who is that?” Carter asks, motioning toward Zoe with his hand.
Chapter 119
“Some whore she was with. I think Ava called her, Zoe?” the dark hair man says while looking over at his buddy, who shrugs.
“Ah ... Just a rogue whore,” the blonde

man says.
“She isn‘t. She is Beta Marcus‘ mate,” I tried to rasp out as my tongue thickens, swelling in my mouth. My words
are not even audible with the way they slurred. My heart raced in my chest when I saw him bend down
and grip her face, turning it to look at her. “She is marked,” Carter
I watch as Carter stands up and nudges her onto her back with his foot and he sighs, looking at his men before his eyes roam ov
er her half undressed body.
“Do what you want with that one. No one touches John‘s daughter though, I need her alive for
now,” Carter says and the two men chuckle darkly. The blonde man licks his lips as he bends down to grab
My heart sank into my stomach, a pit forming as I watched her get tossed over his shoulder before I am also grabbed. We appea
red to be in some sort of warehouse, but as they moved toward a door, we were suddenly descending stairs. I tried to take everyt
hing in, looking for an escape and trying to remember my way through the tunnels as they navigated the twists and turns.
We seemed to be in the old emergency evacuation tunnels that ran beneath the city. The were all supposed to have
been closed up years ago but it was obvious Nixon‘s pack had been opening them, because after about 10 minutes of walking I
was deposited onto the cold floor in a part that opened up wider creating a large space. Zoe is dumped
beside me, and she grunts as she comes to when hitting the hard ground. She blinks rapidly as she wheezed while trying to
catch her breath.
Her eyes fell on me and tears burned my
eyes, and she opened her mouth, but like me, she couldn‘t get her tongue to work. Yet it didn‘t stop her blood–
curdling scream when one of the men started ripping her pants off. I wanted to help her, yet was powerless to do anything
but watch as she screamed. I sobbed when Carter wandered into the room, his shoes loud on the concrete as he made his way
He saunters over to me and crouches beside me. Carter
peers over his shoulder, as his men fight over who would get her first. He smirks and taps my face in his hand.

“Don‘t worry Ava. I will make sure you get to watch,” he purrs, sweeping my hair away from my eyes.
“Should have taken me up on the marriage proposal. Oh well,” He clucks his
“Your sister and father made an enemy of the wrong person. But,” he pauses when
Chapter 119
Zoe screams and Carter laughs as I watch one of the men run a blade between her breasts and cut her bra away. Yet all she cou
ld do was lay there and watch what they did to her. A whimper escapes me.
“Now, if Valen and your father don‘t meet my demands, that will be you next,” he says before rising.
Zoe cried and screamed before she just stared off vacantly, like she suddenly became an empty shell. Her eyes staring at the cei
ling and her screams died out when the dark–haired man pushed her legs open and pushed inside her.
I screamed and cried, clenching my eyes shut, unable to watch as they raped her. Praying someone would
get to us before they killed her. Yet as the hours dragged on, I lost track of time. And on regular intervals I was jabbed, just like Z
oe, with a needle.
I had no idea how long had passed and I had dozed off when I heard footsteps of
the two men and Carter returning, along with another man. Carter nods toward his men who then dragged a screaming Zoe
from the room, down the tunnel and around the corner into the next room. Her screams rang out loudly, and I threw up, choking on
I prayed they would kill me, I couldn‘t handle her screams, handle her cries and what I saw. I wanted to tear my eyes from my hea
Only death didn‘t come, because Carter swiftly walked over, turning my head enough that I did not aspirate on my own vomit.
“There, that‘s better. Can you see? Don‘t want you to miss the show,” he taunted, wiping my wet eyes before he grabs my hair, he
forcing words out.
“I hope he rips you to
fucking shreds, you fucking pig!” I screamed and Carter laughed. He dropped me on the floor, the back of my head smashing the

toward my face and everything went black. 1
Time was lost to me when I came to, though this time I had feeling
in my limbs, yet my mind felt stunted. Warmth bled into my back and her body shook, which made me turn my head to find
Zoe huddled beside me, her knees clutched to her chest, yet the dead look in her gaze was off–
putting. Sluggishly, I pull myself up to a sitting position and lean against the wall she was leaning against. I press closer to her, try
“Zoe?” I murmur, but she just stared vacantly ahead and I turn my head to find Carter on the phone.
“Well, I will hand the little
one back, send the rogue to get her. But Ava stays until you stand down and hand the city back over Valen, and don‘t forget my m
“What‘s going on?” one of the men ask glancing over at us.
“Grab her, her friend is going to do the exchange at the bridge,”
“And if she doesn‘t bring the money with
“Then we toss her over, but Everly won‘t risk her sister. You watch Ava,” he says to the ash blonde one.
“Grab the bitch. She is coming with us.”
“What about Valen?” The dark–haired man says.
“Not an issue, he knows he follows the woman I kill Ava, he wants her back, he stands down as Alpha and relinquishes his
pack to me,” Carter says and I gasp.
“And John?” the man asks.
“He wants to swap places with his daughter. We‘ll let him
sweat it for a bit, maybe send him some pictures. But I think our only chance is to keep her. John would die for his girls and Valen
the swap. Besides I want John to live with knowing he is the reason his family is dead,”
“Well, obviously. But what next?”

“Once Valen stands down, the city is ours, then I will get revenge on Alpha John when I kill his daughters and grandson,” Carter s
“And her?” he motions toward me.
“We kill her, but first we‘ll play with her first,” he cackles loudly while walking out. The dark–
haired man moves toward us and reaches for Zoe, who spits on him. He backhands and I launch forward
only to be kicked in the face by the other man and
she is dragged out kicking and screaming by her hair.

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