Eight Weeks (Unfrozen Four Book 2)

Eight Weeks: Chapter 3

“but just for this moment / let me live in my head”—Made Up Story by Andi


I have to say, Aaron is ridiculously handsome.

He fits right into the beauty standard. Athletic, blond with eyes that could blind people with its brightness. Though, they’re not blue but green. He hasn’t really smiled at me yet, but even so I can tell he has a pretty one.

Personally, I never really understood why that’s the standard in the beauty industry. But I’ll admit, he sure is good-looking. Could make it as a model if he tried to.

“If you want, you can take a shower, too,” Aaron tells me right after he knocks on his bathroom door.

It’s kind of crazy how my first day here sort of started with me meeting a guy with the same name as the one I’ve said goodbye to last before leaving.

I shouldn’t take the offer, but I feel more than disgusting. “Thank you!”

“My best friend could come home any minute, so maybe try not to take more than ten minutes.” I suppose that’s his way of telling me he wants me to get lost. I can’t even blame him for it.

I don’t try to react to him, as rude as that might come across. I wouldn’t even know what to say, to be honest.

All I want to do is freshen up and—Wow.

My eyes move over to the variety of shower products, only to land on women’s shampoo. He even has women’s bodywash here. If it weren’t for the typical 3 in 1 man’s one, I wouldn’t assume he’s taken and rather believe he prefers the smell of fruits than men.


Dude has got a girlfriend and casually invites some stranger into his house. I wonder what she would say if she knew I was here.

Men don’t usually have a whole shower full of shampoo, conditioner and God knows how many hair products. At least I’ve never come across one. There’s still a chance he’s one of the few that do, but again, judging by the 3 in 1 men shower gel, I doubt it.




As I get out of the bathroom, freshly showered and no longer feeling as though blood is running down my legs, I find Aaron’s bedroom empty.

I’m not sure how rude I am allowed to be by walking out of the room to look for him, but I also don’t want to wait here for him to come back.

So, I do what my subconscious tells me not to do and walk right out of his bedroom. The room door on the opposite side of Aaron’s is open, and because I seem to be nosy lately, I peak inside.

Aaron is putting something into the drawer beside the bed, but that’s not what I’m really paying attention to. It’s the picture frame I find on the other nightstand.

“Who’s that?” I ask before the thought of asking even entered my brain.

Just like that, Aaron flinches slightly but turns around to find my eyes. Then he looks over to the other side of the bed, smiling. “That’s my sister.”

His sister looks so much like… Lily. Like my Lily. Just older and far less smiley.

She’s no longer my Lily. Lily and I haven’t been in touch for thirteen years. I doubt you can call that a best friend anymore.

“She’s my best friend’s girlfriend, apparently. Though he did ask me to put that picture away before they get here. As it seems, he doesn’t want her to know how crazy he is about her.”

My eyes follow him over to the other side of the bed, as he snatches the picture and shoves it inside of yet another drawer.

As he turns around, my eyes involuntarily zoom in on his muscles as his shirt rides up when he stretches. Muscles I’d love to lick.

Woah. Hold on there.

I shake my head, needing to get rid of this intrusive thought. I don’t even know where it came from, but I sure as hell do not want it.

You swore off guys after Leon, remember? And he has a girlfriend.

Or does he?

“Do you have a girlfriend?”

Aaron comes walking out of his best friend’s room, closing the door behind him. “Nah. The things in my shower are from my ex, Winter.” Aaron gestures for me to walk downstairs, which I do gladly. Me being at a stranger’s house is bad enough. No need for me to keep on finding things out I shouldn’t want to find out.

“Are you hungry?” Aaron suddenly asks, just as we both reach the last step. I shake my head at him. I’m starving, but he’s been far too hospitable already. I mean, he let a goddamn stranger use his shower. Who does that? “Are you sure? I could swear I heard your stomach yell at me while you were in the shower.”

I turn around to face him, cheeks burning up so quickly, even if I tried to stop the pink color from spreading on them, I wouldn’t stand a chance. “You did?”

Aaron starts to laugh, holding a hand to his stomach as he does. “No, Sofia. I didn’t hear it. But I assumed you’d be hungry after God knows how long you’ve been on the road.”

“I can eat at my aunt’s house. It’s not a big deal.” And it isn’t. I bet she’s got edible food at home. Everyone does, right? Perhaps not the best bread in the world, but I won’t get to eat that until I’m back in Germany anyway.

“Good, because I can’t cook to save my life. But I would have called my best friend over to do so,” he says, offering me nothing but a quick shrug. “You good to go then?”

I nod, though I do wonder why he wants to get rid of me so quickly. I suppose it makes sense, given how we’ve met and all, so I shouldn’t get offended for it.

Like he could read my mind, Aaron says, “It’s my birthday. I still need to figure things out for tonight. You should come. My sister and I are celebrating at Brites. It’s a sports bar just down the road. Have to warn you though, the team is a bit crazy.”

“The team?”

“I play hockey for St. Trewery University. That team. They’re loud and all, but we’re like one big family.” Hockey? Seriously? This city is just throwing hints at me now, isn’t it?

I mean, c’mon. How obvious can it possibly get? Aaron. He’s a hockey player, too. This city just wants me to find them, doesn’t it?

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