Eden: The Eighth Day Part 1

Chapter 5: Revelations

Vulcan pushed through the doorway of his dwellings, barging past his horse demon guard. He was lucky to have a noble house, a domus, a rarity in the town, only afforded to his family because of Vulcan’s close friendship with the emperor. He knew more of Malum than anyone in the empire and over the last three years, he had begun teaching Vulcan certain tricks and crafts. He saw him as more of a son than the prince, telling him often that Kayin was too soft of heart to ever run the empire.

Following the mysterious disappearance of Vulcan’s parents some years before, the three boys, Vulcan and his two brothers, each had their own room. They even had their own atrium to collect the divine rainwater. He stormed through the vestibule and into the atrium where he began to pace back and forth. He let out an angry sigh and pushed his hand through his red curls.

‘Fucking witch,’ he spat. She’d done something to him that was for sure. To all of them, there was no other explanation. He had been there, at the nominations, that much he knew, but he couldn’t remember anything. The whole scenario was like a blur in his mind, but something had happened. Something bad.

He walked down to the cellar, stopping in the doorway to light a lantern. From nowhere he let out a guttural roar and punched the adjacent wall. He saw the girl hanging by her wrists from the ceiling, her eyes closed and her skin beginning to grey, mottled with black scars and dried blood. Another one dead. That was three over as many weeks. It wouldn’t do.

He didn’t want to kill Vita when he finally married her, only control her. You can control anyone through fear and pain, he reasoned, and he knew Vita would need more than most. He walked over to the body and took out his knife, slicing off her smallest finger, a souvenir of their glorious time together.

He walked around to her face and lifted her head to peer at his artwork. For her eyes, he had used a burning poker, just slightly, over her lids to give another pupil. He had carved around their outline to create Vita’s shaped eyes. He had done the same to her lips; this girl’s were thin, so he had produced a full, red pair. She looked a mess, but if he used his imagination, he could believe it was Vita.

He remembered her scream and felt the excitement creep through him again. He couldn’t wait much longer. He un-cuffed the girl, letting her body fall to the floor.

‘There’s another one in the cellar,’ he ordered his guard, as he left the dwelling. ‘Take it to the river.’

He waited beneath the clear twilight skies that were gleaming above the palace. The palace road was busy at this time of night, the chatter and footsteps floating through the air. Vulcan was crouched behind a boulder, a predator awaiting its sweet prey. He scanned the crowds of people, his excitement peaking as he caught sight of a young servant girl, slight in frame but with a large bust, just perfect. She was rushing up towards the gates; perhaps she was late, Vulcan reasoned, marvelling at his luck. Had she taken her time, walked slower, he may have missed her altogether. He got himself in place, scratching around in the dirt while never taking his eyes off the prize. He found a rock, big enough to cause some damage and pelted it across the road. A young man yelped as the rock hit him, causing everyone to turn towards him and away from Vulcan.

This was it. The perfect moment. Even the best plan needed the perfect timing. He always knew just the right moment. He believed this skill and dexterity made his attacks a work of art, not like the demons who used tactless brute force.

He would practice. Spend hours upon hours perfecting his techniques; his accuracy and aim, the perfect depth to cut the skin without causing too much blood loss and, most importantly, his speed. He would move so fast towards his victim that they never even knew he was there, until it was too late.

He felt his heart leap in his chest now with the thrill as he sprang from his hiding place. He grabbed the girl, covering her mouth with his palm as his unnaturally strong arms restrained her and dragged her to his temporary den. He watched the fear in her eyes and couldn’t help but smile; this was his favourite part. Their fear always caused him such excitement. They were so innocent, their eyes seeming to beg for answers, for mercy. She thrashed this way and that, trying to cry out through his hand that remained clasped over her lips. Her brow was furrowed, her long hair spiking down across her face like daggers. He held so much power in this moment and felt himself begin to grow beneath his toga. He smashed her head on the boulder and her body turned limp.

‘Vulcan, my boy,’ the emperor sang, as Vulcan walked into his chambers. ‘I am afraid I must make this quick. I have a crowd waiting. What troubles you?’

‘Ah, just frustration, sire. I had another run-in with her today. I’m not sure how much longer I can wait.’ Vulcan sighed.

Malum nodded, bringing his fingers to his beard in consideration.

‘But,’ Vulcan continued, ‘I have another problem too. I’ve lost another one today. This one only lasted three days. I seem to be getting stronger.’

‘That’s not a problem son, that’s excellent! You need to keep practising though. No matter how strong you think you are, she will always be stronger. You will need to be quick and smart. Even then, I fear you could struggle to contain her. But I wouldn’t worry about the lifespan of a couple of whores. Vita’s strength far exceeds that of any normal being.’

‘But when, Malum? I fear I can’t wait another day, the frustration is killing me inside.’

‘In time. In time. Just remember: self-discipline is a pure practice. It sets us apart from the beasts.’

‘I know, but I don’t understand why you keep her around? Your promise is near done. You have shown your discipline, master, avoided your temptation. Why not release her? She is mere days short of her birthday.’

Vulcan looked up at Malum, his eyes heavy with admiration. To him, at least, Malum Dolus was a god.

Malum smiled and chuckled, enjoying his little disciple’s flattery. ‘So long as she behaves herself, I have little cause. I would only appear callous to be rid of her. Appearance is everything – don’t ever forget that. But the clock is ticking, my boy. Believe me, the sooner I can be rid of her, the better. I have a sneaking suspicion that the woman will become a thorn in my side if she stays around much longer.’

Vulcan lit up. ‘Well, I may have the perfect solution then.’ His lips twisted with cunning. ‘I was minding my own business at the serpents’ lair today and she was there. She had run away again, a blatant disrespect for your great authority. Wouldn’t you agree?’

‘Is that so?’ said Malum, a smile creeping across his face ‘Well, my dear boy, I think you have done it again.’ He patted him on the back and gave a deep laugh. ‘I will make arrangements for an auction. I suspect you will have plenty enough with one hundred Numus. I will arrange for it to be delivered to you, of course.’

Vulcan turned to leave, but stopped by the door. ‘There’s just one thing I don’t understand, sire.’

‘Go on.’

’She’s only a girl. I know why I want her, but, why your desperation to be rid of her?’

Malum’s face turned dark, his eyes wavering with uncertainty. ‘There’s more to Miss Dulcas than meets the eye,’ he said. He glanced towards Vulcan who was still watching him intently, implying he wanted to know more. Malum sighed.

‘What I’m about to tell you must never leave this room. She doesn’t know anything and Meridian forbid she should ever find out.’

Vulcan saw a look of fear flash across Malum’s eyes, barely noticeable, except to Vulcan, who was close enough to Malum to be able to discern even the slightest alteration in mood. How by the stars could one girl inspire such fear in a man so great? He felt his stomach tighten.

‘Yes, Malum,’ he said, gulping a stomach-full of air. ‘W-why?’

‘If she learns her true origins…’ Malum said and then paused. His eyes cast down to the marble at his feet and his lips tightened as he battled to keep the words at bay. With a decisive nod he raised his head and locked eyes with the red-haired young man, ‘…the whole empire is done for.’

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