Eden: The Eighth Day Part 1

Chapter 10: Turbulence

Vita approached Kayin’s quarters with apprehension. He had never asked her to serve on him before and she was questioning his motives. What had Sera said? ‘Urgent matters to discuss.’ What on earth could he have to discuss with her? With it being her last night here, she had hoped for a pleasant one. She was still confused by that strange dream; Vesta was in it. She remembered feeling angry and there was a blue flash before she had collapsed. If she, like Vesta, believed in dream interpretations, she should be very disturbed by that one.

It was a long time since she had travelled this way and hated the sadness it brought with it. It seemed every statue, the small cherubs, the mother and babes and the virgins had watched her with their white marble eyes and seemed to replay their observations to her now. It was sad that the very same faces that had once welcomed her were now the ones to push her out of the door.

As she turned the corner to his quarters, Vita subdued a cough as the putrid scent of death snaked through her nostrils. Demons. She silenced her footsteps, eyes to the ground as she advanced to the entrance they guarded. She subtly glanced in the pair’s direction as she approached. Her stomach turned, as it always did at the sight of the rotting mutant guards. The pair stood their ground as if to mock her. She could hear them laughing at her discomfort.

‘Always knew she was a whore,’ one laughed as they stepped aside to let her through. Vita was confused by their remark. Until she opened the door, at least.

She scanned the room as she took in the scene. She retracted as she absorbed the tens of naked bodies coiled around one another like snakes. It seemed every visible surface was taken up by couples in the act of sin; they cavorted on the fine chairs, leant up against the columns, ripped the beautiful hanging portrait of the prince and worst, on the beautiful mosaic tiles, to mock the beautiful angel whose face it portrayed. She heard moans of pleasure from all around her and the air was damp with sex and sweat.

She glanced to her left and saw through to the bathhouse. Many bodies occupied an enormous steaming pool, surrounded by beautiful stone pillars and a vast, open cavity replaced a roof to enable its occupants to gaze up towards the gentle moonlight. Vita felt saddened that such beauty should be forced to observe such promiscuous sin.

In a darkened corner, she saw the all too familiar crater-ridden face of Vulcan Bilo. He paid her no mind, his eyes busy gorging on his naked maid. She shivered, shaking off the memory of the emperor’s promise.

What is Kayin thinking? She remembered the last time she was here, how warm and safe the room had felt, his arms wrapped tightly around her as they had watched the guards training from the window. She had told him how she wished she could learn such skill and he had laughed at her unique desire, telling her that she would get the chance one day. Something dawned on her: her training with Agil. Kayin was the only one who knew her ambition. No, it couldn’t be.

On the grand four-poster bed in the centre of the room, she found Prince Kayin Dolus. He was perched, legs spread wide on the edge of silk woven sheets of red and gold. His hand firmly gripped on a bobbing head of dark and luscious hair between them. His eyes watched Vita as she entered, pushing the girl’s head deeper between his legs. Vita felt her heart stop. This was not the man she had known.

He pulled the girl’s head from his lap, throwing her naked body to the floor, and Vita watched, shocked as she saw Sera’s familiar, confused face appear through the curtain of her hair. Sera looked up, eyes wide with a subtle sting at Kayin’s actions, as he struggled to his feet, eyes fixed firmly on Vita.

‘Sera?’ Vita asked. A pained look crossed her face. ‘Sera, no.’

Kayin advanced, oblivious, as Sera passed a dark look between him and Vita.

Despite Sera’s confession of their relationship, Vita couldn’t stop the crushing weight she felt now. And the prince? He had seemed kind when he had found her by the river. Was it all a trick? Just to lure her here to hurt her. Revenge?

But now, Vita watched, repulsed as he stumbled closer to her, a look attempting seduction on his face as his eyes gorged into hers. Standing completely naked, his chiselled body glistening with sweat, his damp hair tousled, cock still hard and shining from her best friend’s kisses, she could feel the fury rising in her. Her hands were shaking. She glanced over to Sera who had picked herself up and was starting a conversation with another man.

The sheer arrogance of the man.

There wasn’t the time to think. There wasn’t the sense to reason. Before she could even see her hand moving, she felt the sting on its palm and watched in slow motion as the Prince of Mendacia fell to the ground in a heap. She had struck her prince. She stood rooted to the spot. The room fell silent.

Kayin rose from the ground, his face like thunder. He growled and in one swift movement he stepped towards her, grabbing her hair from behind, and pulled her head back. The other he placed tightly around her throat.

‘How dare you!’ he said. ‘I am your prince. And you,’ his lips curled, ‘are nothing but a mere servant!’

She felt the weight of his words, knowing that it was completely true. The past meant nothing to him. He could betray her with her best friend, he could lie to her, he could kill her with his bare hands, but she would die knowing, beyond any doubt, that she had made the right choice.

His fist tightened around her throat and she could see him so close to her, his eyes black and filled with fury. She could feel the heat of his bare flesh surrounding her and an overpowering scent of sweat and wine intoxicated her senses. She clawed at his hands, but he held tighter. The pressure began to build in her head, as she tried and failed to catch a breath. He pushed her back against a wall and brought his face down close to hers. For just a moment, she thought she saw his regret.

‘Please,’ she mouthed, reaching for his hand at her throat, one last time as she felt her body turning limp.

As the fear entered her eyes, his anger seemed to melt away. The darkness left and he returned to her, a look of utter dismay creeping over his face. He released his grip on her throat and stepped backwards, glancing around him as if waking from a nightmare.

He came back towards her and with his thumb, gently rubbed the purple marks where his hand had been, shaking his head as if to shake the event completely.

Once he was satisfied, he raised his eyes and let them gorge into hers, as if searching the depths of her being for an answer to some long-lost question. He let his hand stroke along her shoulder and noticed that the skin began to prickle and bump, just like it always had. His fingers retraced their journey and travelled up her neck, below her ear and then traced along her jaw, slowly progressing up towards the bruise on her cheek. He stopped, letting them linger there, delicately circling the discoloured skin. The darkness in his eyes returned.

‘Who did this?’

Vita couldn’t answer, only gulp her answer like a fish out of water. Her body trembled, half with fright and half with desire. A whirlwind of emotions circled her mind as she stared into the familiar stranger’s eyes.

He stopped, looking around him, only just realising there was anyone else in the room. He looked from Vita to the group and back again, trying to gauge her reaction. He stepped away from her and turned towards the sea of naked bodies, all standing silent and confused. He shook himself and then the Prince of Mendacia returned.

‘Now, that makes for an interesting celebration,’ Kayin smiled to the group, although the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. He turned his head over his shoulder to see Vita backing out of the door, leaving him for the last time. He slumped over to a corner and scanned the room to realise everyone was still watching him as he took a seat. He snapped his fingers in the air. ‘Wine,’ he demanded, to no one in particular and a very coy Sera approached, cup in hand.

‘Are you hurt, my prince,’ she began. Kayin failed to reply as he took the drink from her and stared, brooding, at the red liquid. He turned it in his hands. ‘Kayin?’ Sera tried again. He briefly glanced in her direction before returning his attention to his wine.

‘She shouldn’t have done that. She should respect your greatness. There will be consequences when the emperor hears.’

He stared darkly at her, wishing her away.

‘What will you do to her?’ she pushed.

’She will get what she deserves. Now, leave.’

She stuttered, turning from him reluctantly.

Kayin returned to his brooding, swigging the contents of his cup in one, his foot twitching against the cool tiles. He looked around at what had been a fun evening, now turned empty by the ghost of her fear. He sighed, dressing quickly as he made to leave.

‘Well, she’s gone and made it really easy for us at least,’ said Vulcan. His naked lanky frame rested, open-legged, on the back of a chair. Hugo and Gallus cautiously nodded their agreement.

‘Saved us a fortune too, I bet,’ he added, ‘who else will be prepared for so much trouble.’

‘Gentlemen,’ Kayin revealed himself to the group, his usual charming demeanour re-established. ‘Can I enquire the nature of your conversation?’

‘Oh, uh… Prince Kayin,’ Hugo mumbled. ‘We were, erm—’

The boys hesitated, intimidated by their mysterious prince.

‘We were discussing your little princess’s fate tomorrow,’ Vulcan interjected, digging his brother in the ribs.

‘I assume you are referring to Miss Dulcas?’ The trio smiled an affirmation. ‘Well, please, go on.’

‘We realise, after tonight,’ said Vulcan, ‘that you will have some scores to settle.’ Vulcan tried to gauge the prince’s reaction. He hoped Kayin would simply want rid of her. He did not want to share her.

‘But I have waited a long time for my chance. I just want you to know we will let you have your vengeance, so long as you hand her over intact.’

‘Oh how very noble of you,’ Kayin laughed, ‘but I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about.’ The prince straightened up, crossing his arms over his broad chest, irritated by Vulcan’s demands. Who did he think he was?

‘The auction, tomorrow noon. We’ll have the highest bid, of course,’ Vulcan added proudly.

‘Oh, of course. The auction.’ What auction? Kayin’s interest piqued. ‘And, just remind me of the details, I’m afraid it’s been a busy day.’

‘For Vita? I believe your father wants to wash his hands of her from her birthday?’

‘He certainly does. Her skills as a servant leave a lot to be desired.’ He gestured to the handprint on his face and laughed at his humiliation. He deliberately studied the three brothers’ naked bodies. ‘But, I must ask, what makes you three think you could keep her happy?’

‘With all due respect, Prince Kayin, her happiness is not on our agenda.’ Vulcan’s lips twisted into a cunning smile. ‘It is why Emperor Malum wishes our bid to be the winner. He is wary of her, the witch reputation follows her and we three could control her.’

Kayin nodded slowly. ’Mmm, I see. And, how would you intend to do that?

‘We have certain means,’ said Vulcan. A dark, satisfied look passed his eyes. ‘But here is not the place to discuss it, if our prince respects that?’

‘Yes, of course,’ said Kayin. ‘Although, I would like to discuss things further. I couldn’t let you have all the fun now, could I? Vulcan? Perhaps you’d care to escort me to the library? You two stay and enjoy the celebrations.’ He gestured to the younger boys to remain seated.

Vulcan nodded to follow.

‘What do you plan to do with her?’ Vulcan asked anxiously, as they turned to leave.

‘She will get what she deserves,’ Kayin said simply, as they walked into the corridor.

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