Eaten Alive

Chapter Still born

Michael sat down on the bed and shook Elliot’s body. He had just gotten back from getting him food to eat and he needed to leave right now.

Elliot was dead tired, he was not in the mood to get up but he opened his eyes with a complaint, “What is it?”

Michael ran his hand down Elliot’s left side and said, “I have to leave now. I brought you new clothes and food to eat. Make sure you eat okay, I will be back for you.”

Elliot smiled and said, “I thought you said you won’t come back.”

“I’ll make sure I will come back,” Michael said and stood up. Elliot grabbed his hand and pulled him down. Falling against Elliot who wrapped his arms around him and said, “I had a weird dream.”

“What was it about?” Michael asked, surprising himself and Elliot. Elliot opened his eyes to stare at him properly and asked, “Since when do you answer me?”

Michael just stared at him forcing Elliot to answer him, “It was about my parents but they are dead now.”

“I need to go,” Michael said and got up. Elliot pouted and said, “Make sure you come back.”

Michael smirked with a nod of his head and left. Elliot spread his body making himself comfortable on the bed and closed his eyes.

‘The sex is good better than I imagined but he is an undead. I didn’t even know they could fuck but he seems to be good at it, does that mean he’s done this with others before?’ Elliot wondered.

His eyes opened and there was still no light coming in. It was still during the morning when he arrived here and when they were done being intimate, the sun had just gone down. He sighed, closing his eyes again and went back to sleep. It was no use getting up when he was already in a safe place.


A few hours later, Elliot woke up from a sharp pain that stabbed him in the stomach. Opening his eyes he could see some light shining in through the windows. After he got up from the bed his legs were trembling and the pain he was feeling was unbearable.

The room around him started turning. He opened his mouth to try and scream, but nothing came out. His knees gave in, making him drop to the floor. The pain felt sharper as he hit the ground. Tears formed in his eyes as he tried his best with all of his strength to make it to the toilet. He didn’t know what was hurting him but it needed to come out now whether he liked it or not and the room was too beautiful to mess up with his shit stains.

He made it to the bathroom but before he could even reach the toilet he had to push with all his might. He lifted his legs holding up them by his thighs and pushed. Elliot’s butt hole spread open with each push and slowly, out came something small that felt like a long big turd.

He took in deep exhausting breaths when it finally came out and just lied there on the cold floor. Soon the bathroom filled with the smell of blood that sent a chill down his spine.

He stood up with all the strength he had and reached the curtains, if he was bleeding from taking a shit, he needed to see how bad the damage was but what he did not see coming was that when he turned around, on the floor lied something that looked like a dead cat covered in blue and red.

Elliot walked up to it with heavy steps and a trembling body. He lowered down onto his knees and picked it up. Looking at it carefully, he saw a head, arms, toes and even a nose. Immediately he recalled Michael’s words about trying to see if he could have a child.

Elliot’s hands flew to his mouth blocking the vomit climbing up. He rushed to the toilet bowl and emptied out his stomach. WIping his mouth, he walked over to the shower and cleaned up. Returning to the pile of blood, he picked the infant up and went over to the wash basin with it. He placed it inside the bowl and cleaned it up, running cold water over it.

Elliot looked at himself in the mirror and saw that he had tears running down his cheeks. He did not think he would be crying over something he didn’t want but it’s not what he didn’t want, just something he wanted but knew he couldn’t have.

Looking back down at it, he searched for a pulse and a beating heart but there was nothing, it wasn’t even attached to him like it should be with an umbilical cord. He grabbed the towel on the side and wrapped the infant in it then walked out.

He placed it in the centre of the bed and sat on the edge looking at it. An unexplainable emotion took over him and bubbled out making him cry.


Michael returned with more clothes and food for him. Walking into the room he saw Elliot sitting on a couch holding his knees up to his chest naked and in tears. He immediately picked up that something was wrong and placed the bags down. As he stood back up, he caught the scent of something that did not belong in the room coming from the bed.

Looking at it, he grew curious and climbed on the bed. Unwrapping the towel, something strange fell out. He scooped it into his hand and examined it. His eyes widened in realization at what it was but why was it here so soon and it’s not moving.

He looked at Elliot and saw that he was still looking through the window. He placed the infant down on the bed and picked out one of the warm hoodies he found and walked over to him.

He wrapped the hoodie around Elliot and sat down beside him. Elliot turned his head to look at Michael. Even if it was something else ready to kill him -- he wouldn’t care.

Sighing, Elliot leaned back against him and let his tears fall again. Soon his shoulder shook and he started crying again. Michael sat there at a loss, Elliot had no reason to be crying. Why was he crying right now?

“I’m sorry,” Elliot suddenly said, bringing him out of his thoughts.

Michael looked at him carefully as he wiped his tears and didn’t say anything. He didn’t know what was going on so it was best to let things unfold on its own.

“I’ve always wanted a child but I lost hope after you zombies took over the world. And now, seeing her lie there I just can’t help but feel worthless. She’s so small and maybe if I looked after her properly she wouldn’t have died,” Elliot explained and burst out crying again.

Michael turned to look at the infant on the bed and as much as he wanted to feel sad, he just couldn’t. He did not know it existed nor did think it would work.

He looked back down at Elliot and said, “I didn’t think it would work but it is possible for me to have a child. We just have to give it time, yes? You are not a woman right?”

Elliot went silent thinking about his words. He slowly sat up and turned to look at him. There was no emotion of remorse on his face so he asked, “How can you not feel pity for her? I thought I needed to shit but instead I gave birth!”

“It grew in a place that was not made to keep it so your body got rid of it,” Michael explained to him.

Elliot was so angry with his words and stood up. He slapped Michael across the face and yelled, “Get out! GET OUT!!”

Michael shook his head, “No, we are going to try for another one!”

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