Eaten Alive

Chapter Almost Gone

Elliot’s body was bouncing up and down as he was tied up and penetrated with an organ injecting green semen inside him that would occasionally squirt out. His eyes kept closing from exhaustion, he turned his head looking behind him at the thing violating him and asked, “When are you going to stop? I can’t cum anymore.”

The zombie suddenly stopped his movements and looked at him. He had made sure that Elliot was at least enjoying himself but stopped keeping count a long time ago. He pulled out slowly and wrapped his left arm around his waist holding him up then started untying Elliot.

Elliot just stared at him and shook his head, who knew it was this easy? But he could have told this thing to stop long ago then!!

He laid Elliot down on the bed and covered him. He sat down on the bed after fixing himself then looked at Elliot and he was asleep. He stood up and started cleaning up then went out of the store.

Walking around he heard screeching from their leader then rushed off with the rest of the plague. He arrived faster than the rest and saw their leader. Walking over to him, he bowed and was scrutinized. He was of a later generation whereas the leader was a second generation.

“Where have you been?” He asked.

“Looking for a mate,” he answered as he stood up.

The leader’s expression turned to something that looked like a smile and asked, “Were you successful?”

He shook his head, “No but I did manage to kill a group of humans,” he lied. He had to mention humans because the oracle would have picked it up that he came into contact with one and informed their leader.

He hummed and nodded his head, he was informed and asked, “How did it taste?”

It? He thought and was confused. He specifically mentioned ‘humans’ and not ‘human.’ “The same as the first time you took me hunting. I haven’t pinpointed the taste yet, I think one tasted salty and the other tasted sweet.”

Another hum came followed by the screech of his queen. A woman walked over holding her stomach and they almost kissed, their teeth chattered with a sound coming out of their throats almost like a mating sound.

He lowered his gaze out of respect but his thoughts trailed back to Elliot who was asleep in his territory. He narrowed his eyes as his leader’s words came into mind and with the power struggle, he’d suspect anything.

He took a deep breath as he was surrounded by his fellow zombies then a few of his generation was called up to speak with the leader in the headquarters and after a moment they stormed out of the building running in the direction of his territory.

He kept his head lowered trying to not make himself suspicious but inside he was panicking. If what he thought was correct, they were heading to his place and would find Elliot asleep, they’d kill him before he woke up and all his hard work would go to nothing.

The leader came out, standing in front of them all and he raised his head staring straight at him. He was not surprised that he was looking directly at him but the other was confused. He ignored his son and spoke howled at the plague of zombies while his son just stood there listening to him.

Their leader made sure to keep him away from his territory for the rest of the day and he too couldn’t understand why it was taking them so long to return, maybe they went off hunting or humans got to them but they returned disappointing him.

They found Elliot’s shoes without his knowledge and when he saw that they were around, he was called in and the leader said to him, “Tomorrow we are invading the human hideout. Your brother found a way in and I need all my sons here so do not go missing again.”

He nodded his head and left after he was dismissed. After he was out of sight, he darted off to his territory and saw that the windows were shattered meaning they jumped through the glass doors.

He rushed to the storage room that he locked and saw that it was broken. He looked around and it was a mess. The bed was toppled over and the food that he left out for Elliot was shattered.

His head lulled from side to side as he thought of Elliot and became sad then he frowned. He had never felt sad before and it was odd especially when he barely felt anything during sex.

He bent down flipping the bed back and started fixing things around. As he was fixing everything, a familiar smell entered his nose and it instantly clicked that the smell came from Elliot. Frowning, he rushed after the smell and found Elliot on top of a roof looking down at the ground below them.

Walking up to Elliot, he grabbed him from behind giving him a fright and just as he was going to scream, Elliot saw who it was and couldn’t be happier. He started crying and yelled, “Why did you leave me behind? I almost died!”

The zombie fell to the floor landing on his butt and hugged him, “I thought I lost you.”

“Oh really?” Elliot growled trying to pull his arms apart but he wasn’t budging. He sighed giving up and looked at the blue sky as he asked, “Why do you seem so happy to see me? I thought you sent those zombies after me.”

“Why would I when I was hiding you away?” He answered.

Tilting his head, Elliot said, “I am Elliot, what is your name?”

“I forgot my name,” he answered.

Closing his eyes Elliot hummed, “You look like a Michael.”

“Okay, you can call me that,” Michael said.

Chuckling Elliot asked, “So, were you gay before you became a zombie?”

“Why do you call us zombie?” He asked.

“Oh I am not the one who came up with that name but the undead is called that in the human world.” He answered and tried to sit up, finding it much easier to move now.

He turned around facing Michael and said, “So explain it to me.”

“First you tell me how you managed to get out,” he said.

Thinking about it, he started, “After you left, I took food and ran away. I was a few buildings away when I saw them rush into the store and saw them walk out with the clothes I wore before you manhandled me. Where did you find these, I’ve been looking for another pair of socks for ages, my old ones were torn.”

Michael looked at the ducks on the socks as he answered, “I’ve been through many places.”

Elliot nodded as he dug in a bag and asked, “What did you do with my gun?”

“You don’t need that thing anymore,” he was answered back.

Taking off his shoes, he chucked it at Michael and said, “It could have helped me against those zombies but you took it away.”

“You couldn’t even use it against me!” Michael said baffled.

Rolling his eyes, Elliot said, “So now it’s your turn, were you gay before.”

“What is gay?” He asked.

Elliot frowned, “You don’t know what gay is but you slept with me?”

“Slept?” Michael asked.

Elliot started sweating from embarrassment, “You know, that thing we did in the storage room. You tied me up and stuck your ding dong in me.”

Michael stared at him confused then asked, “Mating?”

Elliot nodded his head turning a shade of red. Michael’s face pulled into a smile and he said, “You smell nice and I wanted to see if I am able to have a child like my leader.”

Elliot’s eyes widened and he screeched, “You expect me to fall pregnant with your child?”

Just as Michael was going to answer. A zombie burst through the door and he looked at them. Michael quickly stood up and blocked Elliot ready to protect him but they both witnessed how he just looked at them then left.

Elliot was scared shitless and so was Michael but he was more confused too. He turned back to Elliot and said, “I don’t think this is a good hiding place. Let’s go.”

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