EarthBorn: First Days

Chapter The Fate of Us


Violet Twilight

Angered by the sapiens small victory the rock stacks stomp and flail in tantrums, some charge early leaving the horde in rage for the blood of the sapiens...A deep horn sound and the rock stack front opens wide, three figures emerge from the mass of troops followed by a single line of berserkers that step forward with them barging their way through the infantry to the front...Gaia, Mungam and Orin step up in full battle dress, Gaia locked in thick bark for armour wielding an ancient blade black as the devils will wrapped in lush green ivy, Mungam removes the chains holding his cape to him, it slides off the machine shine alloy of his armour revealing a feather pattern of razor edges that flair as the phoenix flames the blade used to slay lieutenant Charge and a short spike punch for armour piercing in close combat, Orin supernatural takes the form of a golem revealing his true form, a big troll of stone his fists solid as the ground he pounds hard as granite he will take some punishment ...they step up , they will lead from the front, Mortem will hold back...they stand in posture Wayke the only match for them he braces, standing there in blind stare at each other across the field these two forces moments before the most decisive battle the Sapiens have faced the anticipation can be felt like a blanket of flame over head , the sky fills with thunder, a thunder that warps the skies with sonic booms minutes apart the sky ripples like fabric ,the morning sun begins to set behind the closest of the moons east to west the twilight begins to dominate by casting its web of black over the suns Light focusing the eclipse it is dangerous for the Sapiens to gaze upon the halo it creates, the Rock stacks begin to scream acting like tortured animals in celebrations as the second furthest moon of fiery violet draws close to position, already the affects can be seen far behind the Stacker ranks, a sheet of purple hue begins to pour over the skies like a squid firing ink into it, the Rock stacks eyes begin to glow with slight bioluminescence like predators eyes in the night moons they savagely roar the sky change brings something about in the genetics, their eyes see clearer then ever the very volts that coarse through the sapiens highlight them in glows only the cave men can see, this was all an elaborate plan to bring the stackers to maximum deadliness they are in huge advantage, the stackers thrive in the sky change hues they now ready to barrel down unto the sapiens they ready...

The stomach pipes fill the air all around them, all eyes turn west, Maidon and Airon atop their Mandibles emerge from the forest everyone present gaze at the two as Tankitz loud command comes echoing from the Forrest...AAAHHHOOOOOO!” ...the Colonian WarBound begin pouring out with Tankitz trotting up onto the field joining with Maidon, organized the lines roll out in choreographed perfection, the spearman taking front, sworn swordsman follow next then the masked men, wedges of invertebrate Calvary merge around the flanks all in ten thousand strong... in position without order they beat their shield and stamp their feet as one...”HAKAAA...BOOM”...Mortem in shock but not fear he heads forward with Gaia at the front splitting the force breaking away to the right to face the Colonian forces, leaving the sapiens with a third of the horde and two devastating Shepherds to contend with , Wayke could not be more relived someone has returned with aid but his excitement short-lived seeing they are still outnumbered heavily.... A well sounded command gentlemanly and rough rings through the colonial ranks the words fast and abrupt higher pitched towards the end....”MMM BRING UP THE BOMBARDIERS!”...Maidon and Airon turn their heads backwards to be met by Tankitz face with his teeth on full display in gleeful grin raising his eyebrows up and down twice...The men part and Colonian handlers bring up dog sized beetles timid and inquisitive they appear harmless, one hundred strong they stand at the the same manner Tankitz issues phase two...”PREPARE TO FIRE THE EGGS!”...from the rear Colonian troops assemble their makeshift catapults not built for siege but simple function single use, a Y stick made of two wooden poles pounded into the soft turf crossing each other with a small cup and translucent material pliable in form...the load is a large silk sack with compartments in hexagonal form they are loaded in the gum pouches and held....”RELEASE THE EGG”... letting loose their soft projectiles they fly far and land all around scattered amongst the middle of the horde, nothing happens the rock stacks and their shepherd lords laugh until, smaller beetles burst out of the silken sack and begin screeching and secreting invisible fumes foul to the nose, the bombardiers grow agitated pulling hard on their leashes to get free to get to their young larvae with ferocious motherly intent...”RELEASE THE BOMBARDIERS”...the handlers let go of the adults who as if gliding run full speed towards their young amongst the enemy, they rampage through their insect agility superior to the wild swinging Neanderthals, they reach their young who have formed small circles in the horde as they try escape the intoxicating gas the larvae release, the mothers with great effort losing none unite with each one of them to a sack and then point their abdomens upwards...”AHHHHHHHHH” ...hundreds burn as the adults ignite their young’s defensive mechanism with a spark from their abdomen tips in domes thirty feet across of incinerating blue flames, the flesh removed in seconds they explode breaking up the Rock stacks forming holes within the horde, if any enemy get too close those immune creatures defend themselves with endless flames living breathing mines, seeing the mass bewildered and disarrayed Tankitz sets his phase three into motion...”BRING UP THE MANDIBLES”...the Colonians bring up their Calvary to the front for a charge, they the monstrous can smell what lay for them across the field, a feast of caveman flesh ready and ripe even seasoned by the Sky change they are sweet...”REMOVE THE BLINDFOLDS’ ...OF YOU’RE CRICKET!!”...All mounted men along with Maidons Wrath and Airon except Tankitz himself remove the blindfolds covering their killer insects vision, they instantly become uncontrollable trying to jump only the clever harness that restrict their knees mobility stop them taking flight...”DISMOUNT AND PREPARE TO PULL YOUR CHORD!”...All the men dismount and retreat behind each of their untameable companions aching to be released, starved for days to keep them at their peak almost breaking free almost impossible to hold back even for Maidon...”PULL!” ...All including Maidons Wrath and Airon yank their chords unshackling the beasts and they immediately stampede towards the Rock stack lines...Gaia takes the lead forming up with her berserkers they stand ready for the beasts onslaught, one hundred yards left the gap closed with a final launch forward using their powerful back legs they smash the line like battering Rams clamping those caught in a cage of death made of the thorny legs, the Mandibles easily fit heads inside their razor jaws taking chunks of armour flesh and bone in clean cuts leaving insides on show, their thick natural plaiting deflects all except thrusts between segments their instinct tuned to one thought they disrupt and maim many for little loses, they continue on rampaging reaping havoc making meals out of anyone they can sink their mandibles into...”PREPARE TO CLOSE FOR BATTLE”...Tankitz rides along the front lines waving his sword atop his impenetrable steed, his army stamp and ready themselves pikes lowered sworn swordsman salute their gods the masked pagan ones still but ready to move...

Tankitz raises his arm ready to initiate the charge with Maidon and Airon either side, just as he is about to give the order two riders they ride hard from behind the enemies left flank crashing through the thinnest of the stackers lines like wrecking balls and across no mans land in front of Gaia and Mortem to join with Wayke The Sapiens erupt into glorious cheer as Wayke looks on at Rune wielding aglow relic in his hands, the Centur...

“What is that what are you doing?”...Wayke mutters to himself, Earth thane atop his steed with the Centur wielding it in his hand it beams laser rays from every prism face drawing all attention to him as he charges full speed across the soon to be corpse littered land, he stops and turns twenty yards from the Sapien lines while the eternal Guard rides to Wayke ...” What is he doing with the centur?... WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THE CENTUR THANE!?”... Wayke panics as Earth Thane his friend breaks the two keys from his necklace ignoring Wayke completely ...”NO YOU CANT!”...He tries to run him down and stop him but it is too late Rune puts the two keys into the centur unlocking a blinding light it sends out a shock wave that sends all to the ground but the sapien troops, the rays and now outpouring cloud shrouds the Sapien people in green and blue smog the last sight is of Earth thane holding the powerful relic above his head a prophecy fulfilled a storm brought on...

A storm cloud that wreaks bolts they strike all sapiens and Airon across the field brought to his knees in crippling agony holding his head violently and hard, the stackers and Colonians look on in awe of the spectacle picking themselves back up powerless to act the force led by Mungam of Alloy and Orin of stone fall into all out charge and like a swarm following their false prophets the empowered Stackers follow, cascading wildly down the slopes Mungam constantly at the front his armour shines , Mortem signals Domi-nos his beast master to join Mungams advance before drawing his own sword...

A demonic roar from Mortem sets loose the Main horde to bear down on the Colonians in all out assault, Gaia brings up razor vines beneath her that swirl beneath like snakes, clawing like demonic fingers dragging themselves forward carrying her with them they surf the plain leaving chewed ground in their wake...”HAKABOOM”... Tankitz shouts in encouragement at his troops before riding to Maidon and Airons Side...”what is wrong with him!”...the Colonians chant back...” HAKABOOM” ...” YOU BROUGHT US HERE THIS IS IT LASSY! LEAVE HIM.” ...Screams Tankitz before leading his troops into battle ,Airon staggers to his feet a different Man he rubs the electric charge from himself as if brushing off dust, his physique is different more built, his eyes have depth more focused then ever they don’t miss anything Maidons Wrath looks over to see the sapien force still engulfed in the eye of the Centurs storm Tankitz taken off his men follow behind to engage the Stackers, Airon takes his blade right in palm and takes off without even acknowledging Maidon, he speeds off leaving her behind making for the front for first clash, Maidon strives to catch up and makes it in time in Tankitz and Airon at the hundred and fifty yards to go the ground tremors with the sounds of war , a few causing a ripple in an ocean setting into motion changes that cannot be undone for the many, the cloud begins to retreat into the Centurs core leaving behind a new breed behind, they stand shaking the bolts of lightning from their bodies and weapons, taller denser influenced and warped by the Centurs power, the steel armour is no longer heavy they can move freely without restriction, they have an edge about them they know what they must do the twilight no longer blurs their vision all is clear, Wayke lays on the ground where he was thrown and looks on at the silhouettes that stand in the clearing fog before him, a dark figure emerges and offers his hand to lift Wayke it is Rift...grown and matured he’s the perfect adolescent, strong nimble and now fuelled by the centur and true strength of Man Wayke taking his hand Rift pulling him up with ease they stand ready, Rune now cleared tosses the smoking Centur down he draws his blade slams his helmet down and charges straight for the descending Horde alone atop Canride, Kolide rockets off with no warning after him a living bulldozer the men form up flawlessly pikes down shields sturdy as stone walls swordsman at the ready in the rear...seventy five yards to go, Domi-Nos and his riders atop their reptilian monitors swing around the right using the downward gradient to gain momentum they almost soar when hitting the flat, without order the back two sapien ranks take their bows, they draw the bows to full capacity and in perfect sync they are now strong enough, they release a volley taking down the whole front of the beast riders causing many behind to crash to the floor and halting Domi-Nos himself gifting the sapien Calvary a chance to charge down the enemy Calvary under cover of arrows the precious shard tips of diamond ruby and sapphire shatter against the armour sending thousands of deadly fragments raining as shrapnel into the skin and eyes of many, Ten yards left until the slaughter begins...

All those at the front brace for impact the allies dig their feet hard and tense their spear arms, the air stamped out from between the three great forces a winding moment, the Colonian Force Halt hard and so do the sapiens but the stackers do not, led by false gods they charge directly into the pikes skewing themselves stopping the six yard pike length short , Rune and Kolide hurtle through the front ranks trampling any in their path cutting deep like scalpels through the dense mass, sapien legs stand firm, they do not shout they do not show pain their focus channelled into one idea on one wave length they know what to do and when to do it, the Colonians press from the left only the shepherds escaping the tips of the small men, their insect shell armour proves superior defences for the untamed arm of the cave men their individual power useless against held lines their strengths lie with personal killing, the sapiens lock shields moving forward like a fortress of destiny enveloped only a few fall immediately replaced with another just as firm just as capable they could go forever with three thousand, Wayke Rune and Kolide in deep amongst the mass take down quick they do not toy with any today, killing precision they all dismount freeing their steeds to roam free to kill with instinct...Kolide the eternal Guard uses every part of himself, single blow head-butts elbows and swings see stackers fall in pieces or liquidised with in their armour, each of the three hack slice and decapitate their own killing space of circles...”AAAAIIIOOOOO BOOOOOM”...The Colonians chant and the front line begins the push, they stamp forward each with arms up against the back of each man in front forcing their way forward 3 Colonians for one front Pike the horde too many and too close the Colonian line long and of depth, Neanderthals they are forced unto those behind them forced into the range of the Bombardiers still waiting in defence amongst the stackers like mines...”AHHHHHHHH”...Screams of insane pain ring out as again the Bombardiers incinerate any who were forced within their range, the Shepherds unable to break the strong lines they order a fall back to regroup and try another way before they spend too many troops...

They fall back one hundred yards and reform the lines this time with the shepherds behind the front, both Colonian and sapien lines hold on guard in a phalanx as a united front, an arrow of hope they a tank now too close for artillery to be used Mortem and the shepherds are lost with their numbers no match for the charged sapiens and organized Colonians, the sapien rear pick stragglers with their bows and any that fall in range behind the cover of the solid sapien wall, any of dominos riders who try to charge immediately get arrows sunk into them any who lay wounded finished off cold and calculated with nothing to break the allied lines the shepherds retreat seems inevitable..

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