
Chapter 3

We head up the grand staircase and turn right heading back to my room.

You see, me and my brother don’t have to talk to each other to tell what we are thinking. All we have to do is look at one another and we will be able to tell what each other is thinking. That’s how we communicate without speaking too much to each other. Like dinner, I thought we were talking by just looking at each other.

I open my bedroom door, we both walk in. We both let out an exacerbated breath that we were both holding in. This is the first time in a long time that dinner has ended peacefully. Usually someone got poisoned or that someone caused a scene. Ending up with a violent dinner.

We head over to the reading corner, and start talking about how our day was.

“Today Johnny hit his teacher and...... Then Mother 4 got....... and then I got.....” Quarry goes on and explains how his day was. We usually talk about any drama that has happened to one another. While he talks about his drama I continue to write while listening.

Shocking to most but supernatural are actually real. Werewolves, Witches, Dragons, Wizards, Mummies, Shifters, Vampires, Orcs, Goblins, ect. Everything exists. Even species that humans don’t know about.

So many in fact that we are constantly finding new and completely different species that have their own language.

It gets quite difficult because of the exact reason that new species keep popping up, they all have their own set of rules which others may not agree with. Which in result causes wars to break out.

Their has also been an increase in slaves and suicide rates. All of the maids here aren’t actually maids, they're just slaves with slightly more power than other slaves.

Anyways moving on, Quarry was a lot more talkative today rather than usual. I wonder if something exciting is going to happen today. Quarry resembles more of our father than our real mother. With his long shoulder length dirty blond brown hair, and wise looking hazel eyes. His face looks constantly stern but his randomly spotted freckles help balance that out. Despite our mothers best efforts she could never get him out of anything other than a hoodie. For some reason he hates the look of his face. He is rather tall for a 10 year old, he is already 5″7.

Quarry’s day usually consists of being around the other members of the family while I’m stuck learning all of the different types of arts I can do. Nothing as interesting as him.

I think that’s wrapping up my day today. It's been long and I’m ready for bed. So goodnight diary!



Once we are both done exchanging stories of the day, we prepare for our nightly excursion of the woods. We wear all black to hide in the darkness of the forest. Even on the full moon it would be hard to see us.

We open the glass door and slowly jump off the balcony, the cold night wind nipping at my nose and cheeks. Causing them to go a light pink. The wind was cold but it wasn’t strong. We slowly stalk towards the forest using the cover of darkness. We trench forward walking our usual path. We stay in complete silence, so we can hear if we have anyone approaching.

Once we are far enough from the mansion, we start in a full on sprint having a race to see who could make it to our usual training grounds. Since I’m learning the arts and am a lady, I’m not allowed to be handling a sword or any type of weapon.

But who listens to adults? Certainly not us.

Today I made it to our spot first by taking the shortcut of jumping in the trees to cross the river instead of going around. However that most likely means I won’t be winning another competition between us again this evening.

The training grounds are just in the middle of the forest that surrounds the mansion, the trees make a small clearing that gives us a perfect camouflage. The ground has smoothed out from the trace of our excessive stomping. There’s a big tree with its roots coming out of the ground as a perfect cover for any weapons or tools.

We do basic warm ups, you know sit ups, a five mile run, and one hundred push ups. Once we are finished, we start our sword fight. We have basic untold rules when we fight.

When the other is down you can not strike. You can use any means necessary to win a fight. You cannot leave the set of boundaries.

Without a word we start.

Quarry makes the first move, jabbing his sword straight at me. I use a simple one handed block and prepare for an immediate counter attack.

I slash at his chest making him block by putting both hands on the hilt and using all of his strength to block the attack. We clash swords a couple more times before things finally start to get serious.

We are now picking up the pace, I attack the blocks, Quarry attacks I block. We move around the space. Making it feel like a synchronized dance. Quarry decides to end this fight by slashing and kicking up dirt. The dirt goes flying into my face. Making me lose my sense of sight. He strikes my sword, unexpectedly. I lose balance. Marking the end of the fight.

It is now late midnight, the moon is looming high in the sky telling us to start making our way home. We hid any equipment under the bushes and leaves. We go our separate ways.

If one of us gets caught we don’t rat out the other. For less chances of getting caught we head our own way. Switching up directions every night.

Like every day we dash off our direction without a word of farewell. With the moon looming high in the sky the guards would be more intense. Not like anyone would dare to try and enter.

I make my way back up to my balcony, scaling the wall to get in. I climb over the railing and open the door.

I keep my lanterns unlight and change into my night wear. Heading into bed for the rest of the evening.

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