
Chapter 20

It was my final watch, and the sun was slowly starting to present itself over the horizon. We had just switched thirty minutes ago. I was going to take the rest of the morning and we would be on the move by ealy mid day.

Allowing me to sleep for a few hours while Sam entertained and trained with the kids. It had been such a long time since I had been in a forest. This time however I had a predetermined destination and I actually knew where we were.

The nights were as peaceful as I remember the nocturnal creatures coming out of their dens, or holes in the trees. Them prancing and running around. Looking for a meal. I heard the heavy paws of wolves, the light flapping of wings, the chirping of crickets. All just to look up at the beautiful shining sky. The black darkness makes the whole of the stars pop. The leaves that fluttered in the air every once in a while obscuring my vision.

The breeze calmly danced between trees and lightly tickled the tops of the blades of grass. Causing them to crusade in the bright but all the while dim lighting. The casually animal would come by to see what we were doing but then peacefully left once they figured we meant no harm. The wolves never traveled our way, but you could sometimes seem them running through the trees causing a beautiful sensation to develop deep within me.

The time passed quickly, the birds were up and singing before the sunlight even reached the top of the tallest trees. The slightest movement behind me started to embody everyone else to slowly wake up.

They slowly got up all sluggy, they looked around taking in the full beauty of the woods. It had gotten so dark so quickly yesterday that it was hard to admire its true beauty. After an hour everyone was fully awake. We set up a small fire from some leftover sticks that we hadn’t used the previous night and began to slowly eat some meat we had stored for the journey.

The meat was dry and stretchy. It smelled odd and had a weird texture to it. It was a shade of brown that most people would be disgusted by. It didn’t taste very good but it hasn’t been the worst thing I have eaten over the last couple of years. And it’s always better than going hungry.

After we all finished up our meal. I threw some dirt on the fire causing it to go out faster. I found a nearby tree and climbed up it. Getting myself from the ground. Sam, Maddy, Secle, Jason and Blar would all go and explore the forest, train and do whatever else they wanted while I slept. Seeing as how they wouldn’t be around the area I thought it would be best to put myself in a tree. Away from any lurking dangerous animals on the ground.

I found a sturdy branch and sprawled my body out trying to find a position where I wouldn’t fall out of the tree as well as a comfortable one. It took awhile but I finally had my legs stretched out on the main branch that carried my body and had my arms snaked around to other opposite branches that could hold me if I were to fall. It was somewhat comfortable and I wasn’t going to question what problems it would cause for my back later. I rested my head on the trunk of the trees and let my body relax somewhat, closing my eyes.

I could hear the others' voices slowly adding into the background as they walked away. My body slowly went limp as my body finally gave into sleep. My first actual time sleeping outside since I had been in the city. It gave me a sense of comfort to know that I was traveling again.

My mind slowly started to travel to all different places as my thoughts slowly seized. Soon I was out, hidden by the shadow of the tree, I slept late into the day. Finally waking when the sun was at its peak in the sky and was slowly starting to descend again.

My body was stiff from the horrible sleeping position. I slowly tried to snake my hands from the branches causing them to make. I jumped down to the ground and stretched out my muscles. Missing the feeling of the never ending soreness that I knew was to come.

I grabbed any of my remaining stuff at the base of the tree and started to head towards the direction I had seen them travel before I entered my slumber. I headed behind the tree, and weaved between trees until I saw the kids. The kids were laying on the ground, some had their faces in the dirt while some laid on their backs or belly unmoving.

Sam was nowhere in sight but I wasn’t too concerned. I stayed out of the line of sight and observed from the shadows trying to figure out what was happening and if it was a good time to enter.

I continued to observe as I watched Sam slink out of the shadows and walked in front of the kids. He repeatedly shook his head and said something. They all finally moved standing up. Some are a lot slower than the others.

I decided they weren’t doing anything right now and came out from my hiding spot in the shadows leaving the tree's protection. I headed towards them and stopped hitting Secle, Jason, Maddy and Blar all on the head before I spoke.

“What did I just watch?” I said, sounding disappointed, even though I had no idea what was going on.

All of the kids hung their heads low. Looking ashamed of themselves.

“Well,” Jason said, starting to explain, “Sam was hiding in the shadows throwing rocks at us and we had to try and guess where he was. And well uh we didn't do very well… like at all.” He said, sounding completely embarrassed and upset.

I was still behind them as I started smiling and almost burst out laughing at the stupid reason they were upset.

“So let me get this straight.” I am already laughing. “You were having a hard time trying to figure out where a person who literally lives in the shadows was at?” I burst out laughing at how stupid that was.

Sam had to turn his head to hide his own forming smile. He knew what he was doing and he was enjoying laughing at these kids.

The kids all perked up realizing the whole situation. They all started laughing but then charged towards Sam, tackling him and starting yelling at him. All the while me and Sam were laughing our heads off. I knew then that this trip was going to be a lot of fun.

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