
Chapter 1


History can easily be manipulated; it can change a lot on who is telling the story. The person will try and persuade you into believing that what they did was the right thing.

When a story comes out there’s always the bad guys and the good guys. The good guys win valiantly and the bad guys fall to their deaths. No one pitted them or heard their point of view of the story. But what if there were neither? What if there was no good and not evil? What if someone heard both sides of the story?

Who will persuade you into thinking they are right? Is anyone right?

Supernatural is always something told in legends and stories. They’re told to teach children wrong from right. Consequences of your actions. They’re told to make children understand who is good and who is bad.

If only the supernatural could stay a legend, but sadly for me that is a reality. My name is Quincy Demopolis, and I’m viewed as the bad guy of this story. All bad guys have a tragic sob story and I wish I could tell you I broke this trend, but I didn’t.

I could tell you my story in hopes to make you pity me, feel bad, make me look less evil. I don’t want that. There is no need for your pity. You can not change it, so what is the point in worrying about it?

I want people to listen to my story and understand that there is no evil and there is no good. Just people brought up in different circumstances, different conditions. I want them to realize that we are no different. They just view themselves in a better light because they believe they’re doing this for the greater good.

But let me tell you. I don’t care. I don’t try lying to myself to make me believe something that isn’t even true. I know what I did and I will not shy away from it. I embrace my past. Welcome even. As long as at least one person will hear my side of the story.

At least one person understands why I did what I did. I guess instead of rambling on you would like to know what made me viewed as the villain well here you go. Try to tag along, This will be a long one.

Dear Diary,

I’m trying out this new dairy thing, I was told it was a great way of expressing emotions. Hello new diary my name is Quincy Demopolis, I go by her/her pronouns and I’m currently 10 years of age. The date is 9/4/1978.

Since I will be the only one reading this I highly doubt, I will need to completely go into detail about my life.

But I always had a fantasy about someone coming along and finding my journal which then in my death I would become widely popular. Everyone would know about me. So I’m going to write every little thing about me here.

Shocking to most but supernatural are actually real. Werewolves, Witches, Dragons, Wizards, Mummies, Shifters, Vampires, Orcs, Goblins, ect. Everything exists. Even species that humans don’t know about.

So many in fact that we are constantly finding new and completely different species that have their own lau...

“Quiney dinner time!” My mom calls as she slowly creaks open the door, popping her head through the small opening. I was so in thought of what I was writing that I hadn’t even realized that she was coming. It’s late evening. I’m hoping that like most nights it will be just me and my mom eating.

Her name was Britney, Britney Collins. But it then changed over to Demopolis after marrying my father. My mother is actually my step mother, but unlike the ones in stories she’s actually nice and doesn't lock me in my room and force me to do chores.

She has a tall slender figure, short shoulder length, and amber hair that slowly flickers around. Showing off her great figure and highlighting her perfectly round face. Her skin is as white as a ghost. She’s wearing a long blue blouse, with flowy long sleeves. Her tight jeans show off how tall she actually is. To many’s surprise she is actually 6"4.

I must have been staring for too long as she clears her throat trying to gain my attention, which works. Her left eyebrow is raised and a smirk is pulling at her lips. Her head tilts to the right ever so slightly as a confused face starts to show.

“Oh ya.” I say snapping out of my day dream,“I’ll be there in a second!” I say finally answering her back. She nods before closing the door and walking away. Her loud heels clank down the echoey halls. Signaling her departure.

My bedroom is a big box. One wall is just one big window that shows off the beautiful forest below. Making the window fog up every once in a while makes the forest look more eerie and mysterious. While also giving me a great view of the moon. The balcony attached helps me make quiet nightly walks in the forest.

The walls are a dark purple, which I was finally able to convince my father to call someone to paint them. The white wall trimmings make the whole room pop. Making everything just that much more darker and menacing. I love it. Purple is one of my favorite colors. The floor is a dark wood, with a giant purple rug in the middle with the common occurrences of the gold trimming.

The half semi-circle balcony blends in well with the rest of the house continuing the black and gold vibe. The balcony itself is the same black stone that is present throughout the house, causing the railing to be made out of a beautiful glissing gold.

My bed is a raised platform off the ground. It’s not that high off the ground but just enough to make it stand out and make it feel more personal and special from the room. Black stairs lead up to it revealing a queen size bed with a night stand next to it. My bed is covered in an orange gradient having the effect of a sunset. My pearl white night stand pops out next to my bed making everything a lot more vibrant.

There’s always something amazing about a sunset. I could watch one forever and never get bored.

Under my raised bed is my desk along with my wall of stuffed animals. It is covered in teddy bears, dolls, and some other animals. When I was little they used stuffed animals to show me what creatures are and what to be careful of. I even have some stuffies of mythical creatures. Along with a big open mirror that makes it easy to see my whole room. There is a very small frame that surrounds it. Then there's a door that leads to my bathroom. In my bathroom I have a large vanity and then another door that leads to my closet.

The bathroom is what a normal bathroom looks like, it has a shower, bathtub, 3 sinks, and toiletries. Along with another room that goes to a hot tub. The closet is just a simple walk in closet. The bathroom and closet are all made of the same black material with hints of purple spotted around, and of course the sinks are made of gold.

My walls are littered with pictures of my family and art work. Some shooting out from the wall, some lying straight down on it. Family pictures aren’t taken very often, but whenever we do the family usually is smaller than the last photo we took. The drawing that me and my twin brother made together when we were little. We drew what we thought our real mom would look like, or what we thought life outside of the mansion would look like.

On the opposite side of the room is a reading corner. It’s a small corner with bookshelves lined up. Covering most of that side wall. Books are littering the ground, and my chairs and tables have stacks of books on them. Next to it is a grand dark blue piano that my ma plays to help get me to sleep. It’s a beautiful side of the room with a fluffy dark blue rug around. Making the space even more comfortable. I’m taking lessons from her! So one day I can play with her to sleep.

I have stuff hidden all around my room. Whether it be candy or things I shouldn’t have. Let's not get into what those things I shouldn’t have are.

I look at myself through the mirror to make sure I’m presentable for dinner. I look nothing like my step-mother. I have long brown hair with the ends being more orange then brown. My hair reaches all the way down to the back of my knees. I have the darkest green eyes that match the color of the forest at night. I’m wearing a blue hoodie with a moon on the back. With matching blue jeans.

When I finally decide that I look good enough to go have supper. I slowly push my bedroom door, it makes a loud squeak as it slowly and gently opens up to the hallway.

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