Duty and Destiny

Chapter 18

Xander couldn’t believe she had dismissed him like that. He stood at a corner in the room and watched how she interacted with the other men at the party. She was just as dismissive with them as she was with him, if not more. Xander was glad that he wasn’t the only recipient of her icy cold demeanor. It was obvious she didn’t want to be there. Even more obvious when she snuck out of the party.

Xander followed her to her chambers. And after a while he saw a guard emerge from her room. The shock and rage caused his heart to blip. He waited for a while, expecting the princess to emerge later on. He didn’t know exactly what he was going to do. But he needed to know how one could get the warmer side of her. But Adalia didn’t emerge from her room. Cautiously he went into her room. Immediately he was hit by the rosy scent he expected from a beautiful maiden’s room.

Swaths of gold, black and red clothes hung from every corner of the room. Her bed had a huge black duvet, which he couldn’t help but smooth his hand over. Touching her bed, being in her room, her most private area in her room, made Xander’s heart swell. In an instant he could imagine himself sharing this room with her. And when her father died her would be-

Xander left the room before his fantasies could run away with him. He went to the mock battlefield hoping to find the guard- who he now knew was Adalia-there. He walked into the loud clangs of steel meeting steel. He watched as the guard was light on ‘his’ feet, practically dancing circles around the opponent. Xander was in awe as the guard ducked and counter attacked like a skilled warrior. He was in awe of her, and now more than ever he knew he had to have Adalia.

A bark of a command halted everyone’s activities, his thoughts too. King Gabrielle stood at the balcony, his face set with fury. His eyes burrowed holes through Adalia’s shield, and with a wave of his hand she left the mock battlefield. Xander followed, sure that the presence of wanting to pay his respects to the king would give him enough cover as to why he was following the princess.

He got there just in time to hear Gabrielle scold his first born. Telling her what was expected of her, and behavior a Princess should not be engaged in. Adalia liked to fight, and it seemed her family didn’t approve of it. This was his in; he could jump for joy for it.

“Sire,” he said as he bowed.

“Xander, I am glad you are here,” Gabrielle’s tone softened. “I hope you are enjoying the festivities.”

“Yes, your highness,” Xander turned his attention to Adalia. “Princess, I don’t remember seeing you in this attire upon my arrival.”

Xander saw the deep pink flush in her cheeks, and he knew she was embarrassed. “If I had known it was you sparring with that guard like a seasoned warrior, I would have come to watch a lot sooner.”

“You meant it?”

Adalia jumped on his compliment like a dog on a bone. It definitely would not be hard at all to win her affections, Xander thought. “You possess an expertise that I have only seen in the King. I’m glad I didn’t challenge you, you would have had me on my ass in no time.”

“I hope not, “Gabrielle cut in. “I hope you possess more skill than a seventeen-year-old girl, especially if you want a place in the King’s guard.”

“I’m sure he was only humoring me father.”

“Anyway, you have great skill. I will see you later at your party,” Xander bowed and took his leave.

Adalia sort him out an hour later. She was back in her ballroom gown. Her hair neatly arranged, but this time cascading in curls down her back. “Thank you for saying the things you did, even if they weren’t true.”

“I assure you, everything I said was honest.”

“Thank you,” she blushed.

The thickness in her voice struck a chord. Xander knew then that he had finally gotten a way to weasel himself into her heart. A muscle throbbed in his proud chin, as every man watched in every as he danced with Adalia for the rest of the day.

Xander and Adalia begun meeting up. At first, all they did was talk about battles, and Xander taught Adalia new techniques. But soon their friendship grew into something else. Xander took advantage of it. Turning her naïve affection to a forbidden desire that she needed to have. The first time he kissed her, he took her breath away. He had been practicing with the wenches at the pub. Her mesmeric eyes beset with curiosity meandered across her face. She watched with fascination as he slowly trailed the pit of her neck with kisses. Xander pulled back knowing he had gone too far. He knew how dangerous it was to let it go on, but every sense was swimming in a maelstrom of wine and honey.

For a year Xander nurtured his love for dalia. He had managed to get her thoughts into marriage. At first Adalia was against it. She wanted to be her own woman. She didn’t want a man to control her and had every intention of letting Randi surpass her to the throne. But Xander couldn’t allow that. His father had died for the throne and according to him; it was only fair if he was the next ruler.

But he had let his guard down, and his affection for Adalia had turned into love. He was in love with her, while Adalia only seemed to be smitten. Xander knew he had to strike when the iron was hot and when he thought the time was right, he asked Gabrielle for Adalia’s hand.

Xander didn’t get the response he wanted, no needed to here. Adalia was to be married off to Archer. Their marriage was to be the symbol of unity between the two kingdoms. And to add insult to injury, Gabrielle sent Xander to lead the troops into the forest. They were to sit at the border and make sure nothing penetrated their defenses. In other words, he was asked to babysit the kingdom boundaries. Xander had enough time and malice in his heart to plan his take over.

The first stage had already been implemented, but the Royals came out of the attack unscathed. But that had given him an avenue to see Adalia again. He had managed to get a commitment from her, only for it to be taken away by Archer. Randi and Novia’s marriage served as a plus to him. He wouldn’t have to kill Randi and take away Adalia’s beloved sibling. She would heal faster from any loss she suffered with Randi by her side.

But now it was time to implement his next plan. And this time he couldn’t fail, he just couldn’t. His whole future depended on it. His gazed narrowed as he studied Adalia in Archer’s arms. Archer’s laughter woke up every angry and hateful cell in his body. He shook his head, to clear it from the fog of vengeance and swore through a gleaming rack of tightly clenched teeth. “It’s not yet over Archer, not by a long shot.”

Once they were far enough from the North Kingdom, Xander turned his horse and geared it towards the forest. He was going to hide and watch until it was time for him to carry out his plan.

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