Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 92 The Way of the Spear

Chapter 92 The Way of the Spear

Wu Long felt General Feng exude Spear Intent, the equivalent of Sword Intent for the spear wielders. Unlike Sword Intent which was refined and exquisite, Spear Intent was like raging tidal waves of violence and pure raw power, though both of them exuding a feeling of sharpness was a commonality.

General Feng's eyes further widened when he saw Wu Long's unfazed appearance. Since he judged that he was not so simple, he decided to play it safe and unleash his Spear Intent right from the start, but it seemingly was not enough to move Wu Long. contemporary romance

Sharp Spear Qi covered both weapons, as General Feng hit the ground with his leg and left a fury of dancing snowflakes as he pierced like an arrow toward Wu Long with a thrust. Wu Long's Guandao made a profound arc and lightly parried the thrust at the furthest range, shifting its trajectory while inertia carried the body of General Feng closer to Wu Long.

General Feng made an immediate countermove as his spear turned from the force of being sent to the other direction to return in a circling motion of the shaft and made a strike from above. Wu Long's Guandao was already on the return path after a beautiful arc of its own and made a slash that completely negated the strike, sending it further to the side.

Countless sparks flashed between them as Spear Qi detached from the blades of their spears and hundreds of strikes were exchanged in the air while these two moves were happening. Snowflakes were moving in small circular arcs between and around them in a mysterious dance.

'Spear Intent!!!'

General Feng was flabbergasted that his Spear Qi was reflected and his spear did not cut off Wu Long's Guandao, which was only possible if Wu Long also comprehended Spear Intent. As otherwise with their cultivation difference even if he did not imbue his Spear Qi with Spear Intent, it should have easily torn through Wu Long's Spear Qi.

This meant that despite having a lower cultivation base, Wu Long's comprehension of the spear was a lot higher than his own. He did not know that Wu Long was not utilizing his Spear Intent fully, only using the tip of the iceberg.

They made 30 more moves, as Wu Long's profound footwork as well as expert spear-wielding kept him at a fixed range of his Guandao, not allowing him to corner Wu Long against walls or take the complete initiative. Each strike of the spears was not only sharp but very powerful and violent. Woerful gusts of wind sent the snow flying in all directions. Countless Spear Qi collided in the air in the meantime, as the people looked with dazed faces at this fight.

As they both stepped back, General Feng was already not even thinking about Feng Yi's situation, he was too engaged in this fight as a maniacal light appeared in his eyes. He easily saw that Wu Long was simply parrying and negating his attacks, not once making an attacking move, as if toying with him from his perspective. His pride was already hurt so his reasoning was slightly blown off. The sharp aura intensified and all people present felt a sharp spear point to the spot between their eyebrows. An incredibly powerful and violent Spear Qi went straight at Wu Long, causing a furious dance of snow and sparks from earlier confrontation to form a horizontal vortex along its trajectory.

However, at the moment it should have reached Wu Long, it somehow lost all its vigor, and simply dissipated. Furious wind with sparks and snowflakes went past Wu Long, flapping his clothes and hair as he simply stood there with his Guandao spear pointing to the ground in a reclining position just like he stood at the very beginning. The wind made the old willow tree in the background sway all of its branches, snow falling off of it.

There was utter silence, with only the sound of wind and the creaking of the branches of an old tree filling the courtyard.

General Feng looked with abject horror at Wu Long. He stood there for some time, looking at this terrifying young man as snow waltzed in the air and sparks dissipated around him, and then retracted his spear into the spatial ring. He turned around, silently walking away.

The spectators watched first in a daze, and then a comprehension appeared on their faces. A sigh of relief could be heard from some of them, and some shook their heads with a rueful smile.

"Heh, I was surprised at how impressive he was, but I knew father was just holding back. He did not stand a chance if Father did not retract his Spear Intent at the end"

"Still, to last this long against Father, Yi'er, it seems you found a good man. I am sorry to have doubted you"

The youngest sibling and older brother both said their peace and left after their father, while Feng Yi approached Wu Long who also retracted his spear.

"Sorry, I did not know Father would react like this"

"No worries, it wasn't anything big anyway"

Wu Long replied to the apologetic Feng Yi with a smile.

"But still, you had to fight such an intense fight, … not to mention… while it is not a shame to lose to Father, to lose is still…"

Feng Yi was speaking in a frustrated tone, as losing a fight for a martial artist could affect their confidence and rattle their Dao heart, and could potentially be detrimental to their future achievements. But as she was speaking she slowed down and eventually stopped as she looked at the first surprised and then amused Wu Long.

"Lose? Who said I lost?"

He simply asked her, chuckling.

General Feng walked away as his sons caught up to him.

"Father, with his strength, we have another potential guardian for the Kingdom serving under you!"

The older son said optimistically. He was completely sold by Wu Long's decisive character and his strength.

"I am not sure about that. Who knows about his origins and intentions, I find him more suspicious. Besides, no matter how strong he is, he would have been a dead man if father did not retract his strike"

The youngest son said in a skeptical manner.

"You haven't even been at your level of strength that long and you already look down on others, heh, youngest, I hope you don't make a fool out of yourself"

"Wha-? Brother! How can you say that!"

At this moment, General Feng's steps abruptly stopped, and he looked at his sons with a somewhat crazed look. The two stopped right after, not continuing their conversation as they looked attently at him.

"Guardian? Retracted my spear? Dead man?"

"Father, what is it?"

Both of them were taken aback as they never saw their almighty father in this state.

"I did not retract my strike"

He said, shaking his head in a low voice. There was disbelief in the voice as he still was not able to accept it fully.

"Wha.. but we clearly saw…"

"It dissipated … my spear did not dare to oppose his Spear Intent…? "

General Feng said with a somewhat lost face.

"That's impossible!"

"Father, how can that be?!"

They both refused to believe their father's words, while he stood silent for some time. After a while, he opened his mouth again and said with some hesitation:

"That is possible, but… I did not expect to see it in my lifetime... It is only possible if his comprehension of the spear, his Spear Intent, is that much higher than mine…"



That night, at one of the corners of the capital city, two veiled figures met at a VIP room of a luxurious restaurant.

"We have a problem…"

"What is it, we have provided you with all the support we promised, it is time for you to uphold your end"

"There is a new face in the city, he's guarding the Extreme Yin girl"

"So what, there's 10 or 20 of them there, all from the outside"

"No, the problem in that he is too strong, stronger that even that old fart"

"What? Hmm…"

The veiled figure pondered for some time in silence, while the other one waited a little anxiously.

"It's fine, I'll handle it"

The veiled figure finally said, and they parted ways.

Miles away, in a small roadside town there was a traveling inn.

The travelers from Yin Yang Unity Palace stayed here for the night, and in one of the rooms, Ye Ling was tossing in her sleep, there was discomfort on her face, and she was sweating profusely.

A figure of an unremarkable old woman appeared in the room, seemingly out of nowhere. She looked at Ye Ling with a pondering gaze.

"Unlike my expectations, you were first"

She said as her figure started to change, her hair turned midnight black and her normal looking brown eyes turned more and more golden until they shone with pure golden light. Her features were otherworldy as she stepped towards Ye Ling.

"I didn't expect for the sequence to be like this, since I cannot see the future, only arrange some things…"

She then said as she approached and touched Ye Ling's forehead with her finger that shone with a golden light.

Ye Ling's tossing immediately stopped, as she peacefully slept, now with a happy smile on her face.


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