Dropping The Crown

Chapter 22

Adani's POV.

One couldn't imagine how embarrassed I was feeling right now. My employer had just seen me

in all my naked glory and I couldn't stop thinking about the look on his face.

Utter surprise or was it disgust?

I hope he didn't think I did this on purpose. It was a complete accident.

I eyed the door.

"You did this! You perverted piece of wood!" I said to the door. Mr. Parriston's mom already hated

me and thought I was about to sink my claws into her son.

An image flashed in my mind. Mr. Parriston is hovering over me in his grand bed and my fingernails are making their way up and down his divine back.

Shaking the imagination away, I made sure the adjoined door was locked before I got into the shower this time.

After my shower, I sat down on a chair and occupied my time with a book.

*Knock knock "What does Mrs. Parriston want now?" I asked myself. I got up and went to the door.

"Hi. Adai?"

"Close. It's Adani."

"Sorry about that. I'm Rockett, I'm Ricardo's sister which you probably already know."

"Hi, Miss. Parris..."

"Please call me Rockett."

"Rockett, what do you need me to assist with?"

"I need you to come to the party. You do know you're the only one inside right now, right, come out there with us."

"No. I don't think so. I wasn't invited. I don't want to overstep."

"My brother sent me here and I'm not going back out there without you."

"Oh. Well I wasn't planning on attending. I don't even have an outfit although it's right outside but I..."

"I understand."

Rockett looked at me with concentrating eyes. "We're about the same size and I have a bunch of stuff I haven't worn. Stay right here, I'll be right back."

"No.. Rockett.. Wait a minute.."

But she had already vanished to the elevator and was making her way up to her bedroom. "Damn it," I told myself and closed in my bedroom door but then I started flushing like a high school girl. Mr. Parriston wanted me at his party to the point where he sent his sister to get me. After a few more minutes, a knock came again and Rockett was allowed in. She was holding an all black outfit in her hand.

"You can have this," she said, smiling at me. This was the very first encounter we had while she was here. Usually, she was always quiet and by herself in a corner minding her own business. Sometimes she would be busy on her computer or her cellphone. She was never bossy and always said 'please and thank you' when we served her anything. She even assisted Beth a few times in the kitchen, and she always prepared her own breakfast because she was extremely specific about the first meal of her day.

"Excuse me while I change," I said kindly.

"Of course. If you need help, I'll be right here."


I got into the outfit, and it was a perfect fit. The mini black skirt had a gold zip down the middle

and the top had gold chains as straps. It was very cute to look at and I felt beautiful.

As I went back to join Rockett so she can see me, she gasped at the sight.

"It's like it was made for you. You look beautiful, Adani."

"Thank you. Now, what should I do with my hair?"

"Absolutely nothing."


"Yes. Because nothing beats an Afro hairstyle. And yours is the perfect proportion. I wish I had one."

'Don't let your mom hear you say that' I said mentally. I smiled at her, and she helped me fluff my afro and then help with my makeup.

"Last but not least, I also brought you these." Rockett handed me a pair of golden pumps. Just by the way it glitters you can tell it was expensive.

"Rockett, that's way too much. I don't have an issue wearing my flip-flops."

"Are you crazy, you can't rock flip-flops with that outfit. You need to slay."

"I don't want to bring any attention to myself."

"That's the purpose of attending a party. The look and the fun. Now, put it on. I bet it fits also." Carefully, handling the shoes in the most delicate manner, I slipped them on, and she was right once again. Perfect fit.

"Your look is so amazing that you don't even need jewelry. Now, let's get out there and enjoy the remainder of the night."

Rockett took my hand and together we made our exit. As the doors opened, I felt every pair of eyes on me.

"Wow.. She's beautiful," I heard someone say.

"Who is she?" someone close by asked.

"I think she's a maid here."

"If she's a maid, where did she get the clothes, it must be borrowed from Rockett."

"Couldn't she do her hair to come to the party?"

I pretended not to hear and Rockett was focused on getting to her brother to even bother with

the comments in the crowd, but each one was doing some damage to my self-esteem.

Rockett led me over to Mr. Parriston and a few others he was engaged in a conversation with. "Brother," Rockett cut in. He stopped talking and looked in our direction. His eyes expanded as he saw me and a 'wow' left his lips.

I flushed all over and remembered myself naked again. I looked around me and people seemed to be gossiping about who I was and what I was doing here.

Mrs. Parriston was also on the stage staring daggers and I knew if she had an arrow, she would take aim at my head.

"Rockett, Mr. Parriston, maybe this wasn't a good idea. I'll return inside," I said.

"Why?" Rockett asked me.

"Yes, why?" a woman asked. She cut in and wrapped her arms around Mr. Parriston. He stood still but uncomfortable in her hold.

"You must be that maid I've been hearing something about. What's your name again?"

"I'm Adani."

"Ah. Yes. Adani. And I'm Penelope. Your boss's girlfriend."

"That is official?" Rockett asked and looked at her brother.

"It is," Penelope answered.

"I wasn't asking you, I was asking my brother," Rockett responded with a tone of seriousness.

"Can we just enjoy the party?" a guy asked.

"Shut up, Derick," Rockett snapped at him.

"Excuse me, and do continue to enjoy the party," I said. I excused myself quickly as the shoes would allow and under hot tears, I went back to my bedroom.

What the hell was I thinking attending a party filled with people who ran in the Parriston's circle?

I grabbed some tissues and wiped my tears away and took deep inhale and exhale as my

therapist instructed me to do whenever I was feeling overwhelmed.

*Knock knock It must be Rockett coming to check on me. I opened the door.

I was right. She stood outside my door with a sad look on her face as she looked at me.

"Adani, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm sorry if I caused a scene."

"Don't even worry about that. I'm more concerned about why you took off like that."

"I felt out of place... and people in the crowd were talking about me, the clothes, my hair." "You're someone who cares what people say about you, because if you are, you'll never be able to live your life for you. People would always have shit to say. You just have to tune them out." "The things they say can be hurtful especially when you know you don't belong."

"Don't belong, where you don't belong, Adani?"

"In your world. The rich people world. Out there."

"First of all, I don't have a world. God does. Secondly, some of the people we passed outside are Ricardo's employees from his company so they're no different from you, and lastly, you commanded the attention without effort. I just wish you had stayed and made a statement." "But... then, Mr. Parriston's girlfriend came and.."

"You like him, huh?"

I flushed.

"I can tell," she said.


"You then get shy when he's around. You flush when you're delivering his breakfast and whenever

he passes you by, you look at him until he's out of sight. I've noticed."

"Oh my God. This is so embarrassing."

"It's really not."

"Your brother would never go for someone like me... I'm his maid."

"You've a lot to learn. But one thing I must tell you, if you like my brother and want to command

his attention, you need to be more vocal. Speak up. Stop shying away. If he asks a question, look

him in the eyes and answer with confidence."

"Thanks for the advice. I'll take it to practice."

"You better, because he's in his office waiting for you."

"Wait. What?"

"He allowed me to talk to you first and told me I should tell you that you are to come see him in

his office."

My heart raced. Rockett left and I readied myself to my boss's office. As I remembered what

Rockett said, my confidence grew with every step.

*Knock Knock "Come."

I entered and he was indeed there waiting.

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