Dream of Us

Chapter Chapter Ten

Denali’s POV.

My foot taps on the pavement as I wait impatiently for Sian to come out of the restaurant. She eventually emerges from the back door and moves towards her car. She spots me and frowns in confusion. I watch her look back over her shoulder to check we’re alone. Once it’s safe, she walks over.

“What are you doing here, Denali? I thought we said we wouldn’t be seen together.”

“I know, but I had to see you, I’m losing my mind.”

She hesitates again and then sighs. “Fine, get in my car. I’ll take you back into the city centre, come on.”

I get into the car with her, turning up my nose at the jelly bean swinging from the rear-view mirror that is scented like cherries. It’s a sweet, cloying scent that is unpleasant to say the least. It makes me long to breathe in Dyani’s scent, it’s so much lighter and far more appealing.

“What’s up? Other than the obvious,” she asks me as she pulls into mild traffic.

“I’ve been trying to contact the Moon Goddess all night,” I tell her. “I’ve been praying, begging for any kind of clue or hint as to where my other mates are being held. Nothing. Not even an inkling.”

“Did you use a map?”

“Yes! I went out yesterday afternoon and bought one from a book store. I spread it on the floor and held my hands over it for ages, trying to get a feel for something. There was nothing.” I drag my hands down my face. “I feel so lost. I didn’t know what to do, so I came to find you. I figured, even if you were busy, I could see Dyani.”

“Maybe the Moon Goddess doesn’t want you to find them, yet,” Sian suggests.

I look at her in shock. “What? Why do you think that?”

“Well, isn’t it a little strange that she gave you the sign at the airport to find Dyani, but has now gone radio-silent on you? Perhaps, she doesn’t want you to find your other mates just yet.”

“Why? What else does she want me to do?”

Sian holds one of her hands up in surrender, keeping the other on the wheel.

“I don’t know! But I think it might have something to do with Dyani. She wanted you to find her and maybe she doesn’t want you to leave her.”

“But Dyani doesn’t even know who I am.”

“That’s the point. Maybe you’re meant to help her get her memory back.”

“But I can’t do that without our other mates. I’m not strong enough alone.”

“Okay, maybe not get her memories back, but maybe you’re supposed to win her back. You know, the old fashioned way. Perhaps, the Moon Goddess wants you to restore your relationship.”

I frown as I consider it. She has a point; it is weird that the Moon Goddess was willing to help me at the airport but not now.

“I’m supposed to court my mate whilst my other mates are incarcerated? It doesn’t seem right.”

“I know, it doesn’t. But they’re not in pain, right? You were okay?”

“Yeah, it was boring, not painful. It was missing my mates that hurt more than anything.”

“I don’t know if I’m right or not, Denali, but this is my take on it. The Moon Goddess wants you to sort Dyani’s life out first.”

“Sort her life out? What am I supposed to do? She doesn’t remember me.”

Sian scoffs. “Well, for starts, you can get her to break up with that douche and help her remember how much she loves you. Once things are strong again between you two, the Moon Goddess might help you find your other mates.”

Although I don’t like the thought of leaving my brothers high and dry in prison while I wine and dine our mate, I hate the thought of that asshole boyfriend of hers touching her even more. If I can get him out of the picture, we’ll all be better off.

I know, if Nuka and Calian were around, they would want removing another man from the equation to be my first priority. They would be equally as jealous as me at the thought of a human touching our mate. They would want him gone.

“Okay, I’ll do it.”

“I’ll be your wing-woman, we can get her back easy.”

I feel suddenly nervous at the prospect of courting Dyani. I think back to what happened before. It was barely a courting. We were all aware of what and who we were. The mate pull was the main indicator for us, it’s not like I flirted and attracted her off my own back. We all sensed the bond, acknowledged our pairing, and got to know one another. It’s going to have to be completely different this time.

“What do I do?” I ask desperately. “I don’t know how to woo her.”

“Well, I’d start by never saying ‘woo’ again,” she says with a laugh. “I can help you, tell you what she likes etcetera. To begin with, you should go to the restaurant tonight. She went home at lunch but is back for the dinner shift.”

“Okay.” I take a deep breath. “I go to the restaurant tonight. Then what?”

“Then, you flirt. You get your charm on, you show her what she’s missing. Jaymie, her boyfriend, is not smooth at all. He’s boring and average. You need to be Casanova, the sexy stranger.”

“The sexy stranger,” I echo, sounding unconvinced.

The word ‘stranger’ hurts me. I never want to be a stranger to her.

“What do I do after the flirting?”

She rolls her eyes. “Don’t push too hard. Just flirt, don’t ask for her number or a date or anything. But, come back in the morning for breakfast. You want her to get comfortable with seeing you often. That way, she’ll let her guard down and you can work your way in.”

I consider her advice for a moment before nodding. “Thank Goddess I’ve got you, Sian.”

She smirks with pride. “I know. You’d be lost without me.”

“I actually would,” I confess.

Sian drops me off in front of my flat. I’m quiet as I get out and thank her for the ride. She leans across the console, onto the empty passenger seat.

“Hey, Denali,” she calls after me.


“Don’t lose hope. You’re gonna get her back.”

She closes the door and drives off. I stare after her, wondering how I’m going to convince my mate, who doesn’t remember me, that I’m one of the loves of her life.

This is not going to be easy.


I don’t know how long I stand outside the restaurant, trying to work up the nerve to go inside. I’m wearing a new white shirt, black slacks, and shiny Oxford’s. I’m a bit dressed up; I know. I wanted to make a good impression, but now I worry that I’m going to look strange and overdressed.

My palms are sweaty as I finally reach for the door and open it. The aroma of all the meals hits me as I enter the restaurant, as does the chatter of the diners. I’m relieved to see straight away that there are others in formalwear. The restaurant looks completely different to how it did in the morning yesterday. It was still more fine-dining than diner at breakfast, but it wasn’t as fancy it is right now.

The lighting has been dimmed. There are separators between the tables to enhance intimacy. Even the cutlery and dinner places have been changed.

“Hello, Sir. Do you have a booking with us tonight?”

I look at the battering eyelashes of Dyani’s friend. I didn’t catch the name of the waitress, but she had a little flirt with me yesterday when I came in. Most female flirting tactics are dissimilar from males, I don’t think battering my eyelashes at Dyani will get me very far.

“Uh, no, I don’t. Sorry. Do you have a table for one, please?”

She scans the booking records and nods. “I’m sure we can squeeze you in. Let me grab a menu, follow me.”

I follow the waitress, looking around for Dyani. I can’t spot her yet, but I can pick up a faint trace of her scents, she’s here.

“Dining alone tonight, Sir?” She asks pointlessly when I take a seat.

“Yes,” I reply bluntly and accept the menu from her. “Thank you.”

“Well, I’ll be sure to keep you company as much as I can. I’ll be back in a couple minutes for your drinks order.”

She rushes off and I scan the menu with disinterest. I want to be here for as long as possible, I need as many chances as possible to talk with Dyani.

If only she would come out of the kitchen.


Ani’s POV.

“You’ll never guess who’s back.”

I look up to see Gwen standing at the kitchen door. I finish wiping off the plates and put them on the tray to take out.

“What? Who?”

My heart picks up as I think about who it could be.

He wouldn’t come back so soon, would he?

“The hottie that came in for breakfast yesterday,” she hisses excitedly, following me out into the restaurant. “And he’s alone again.”

“Very interesting,” I mumble under my breath.

I take the food over to the correct table and make a not-so-subtle cursory glance around the restaurant for him. Our eyes meet across the crowded room. He’s seated in the corner at a table by himself, looking at me over the top of his menu.

He’s wearing a white shirt that beautifully accentuates the darkness of his skin. His eyes lock onto me and don’t let go. I find myself unable to move, caught up in the moment.


Another customer calls out to me, getting my attention. Our moment is broken, and I find it in myself to turn away.


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