Dream of Us

Chapter Chapter Seventeen

Ani’s POV.

I don’t notice the time until I realise the sun has lowered in the sky and is now shining directly in our faces. Half of the people from the party have gone, leaving only about six of us remaining. At some point, Sian got out the skittle vodka she had made and encouraged everyone to do shots. I stopped at three, but the buzz is real.

Sian and the other three guests moved to the other side of the garden, they’ve now on the prosecco. Adrian and I are sitting rather close together on a swing on the opposite side of the garden. We ended up here when we tried to escape the blinding light of the sun and we both realised that the shots had hit us harder than we thought.

Sharing the swing didn’t seem like a big deal until I actually sat down and realised our arms would touch. The tingles have died down now, but when we first had skin-to-skin contact, it was like when our hands brushed in the restaurant. Tingles burst along my skin. They weren’t unpleasant like static shocks, they felt like a warm vibration. It’s so strange.

“What else don’t I know about you? Any hidden tricks? Party talents?” Adrian teases me and I roll my eyes.

“I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue, does that count?”

Why have I told him that? Oh, yeah, I blame shots one, two and three.

His eyes darken, his mind going to the place most people’s do when I mention it. I’ll be honest, I mentioned it on purpose to flirt with him. I can’t help myself; he brings out this whole other side to me that I’m not used to. I’m never usually a sexual person around others, as Jaymie can definitely vouch for, but it’s different with Adrian.

“It counts, definitely,” he replies decisively. “Although, I might need proof.”

“Shame there’s no cherries about,” I joke, and he nods, looking disappointed. “What about you? Any hidden talents?”

He has a knowing smile and I’d give anything to know what he’s thinking about right now.

“I have the odd skill,” he replies vaguely. “The timing has to be right, though.”

I don’t know what he means by that cryptic comment, I don’t push it.

“What about normal skills? Hobbies? Can you play an instrument?”

“I used to be able to play the guitar a long time ago, but it’s been years,” he says wistfully. “I’m really good at fighting, actually. Jiu jitsu, that sort of thing.”

“Wow, I was not expecting that,” I blurt.

I don’t know why I’m surprised, really. The man is built with muscle upon muscle.

“What were you expecting? Knitting? Water-colours?”

I laugh at his suggestions. “Okay, maybe not those. Jiu jitsu is impressive, though. How did you get into that?”

“I used to live in a community that encouraged self-defence and protection skills,” he explains casually. “It was like life preparation.”

“That sounds very proactive. Can you show me some moves?”

He raises his eyebrows. “Really? Here? Now?”

I stand up from the bench and straighten my dress. “Why not? Teach me something, Sensei.”

He laughs and gets to his feet, standing opposite me. I have to look up to continue meeting his eyes.

“Okay, let’s start easy. Turn your back to me.”

I do as he asks, facing away from him. He comes to stand behind me. My breath catches in my throat at him being so close to me, I can feel the heat from his body across my back.

“If an attacker grabs you from behind, you can get them to release you in a few simple steps. So, if I put my arm around your neck like this.” He gently places his arm over me. I swallow hard and try to ignore the tingles. “All you need to do is take your elbow and ram it into my ribs.”

“Obviously I don’t actually do it, right?” I check and he chuckles in my ear.

His breath fans over my bare shoulder and I struggle to hide a shudder. Being this close to him is doing all sorts of things to my heart. I move my elbow towards his ribs and press against them.

“Like that, perfect, just much harder, and faster. You can then throw your head back and go for my nose if you need to. Or you can go for my instep with your heel. When you have done any or all of these things…”

He grabs my waist with his strong hands and spins me around without hesitation. I blink and I’ve been spun, I’m facing his chest, startled by the fast movement.

“That’s when you spin around and go for gold,” he says and gestures at his crotch. “Swift kick between the legs.”

I look into his eyes and smirk. “Hypothetically, right?”

One corner of his mouth raises. “Hypothetically, please.”

“What’s going on here?” Sian asks inquisitively, her eyes dancing with mischief.

Adrian’s hands are still on my hips, and he shows no signs of wanting to move them. I take a step back from him, his hands drop to his sides, a frown forming on his face as mine heats up.

“Adrian was showing me some self-defence,” I explain quickly.

“Oh?” She grins. “That sounds interesting. We’re thinking of ordering some pizza, are you guys in?”

I look at Adrian and then check my phone. It’s been three hours since Jaymie left. I don’t want to go home, but I fear I never will if I stay now.

“I should probably go…”

Adrian’s frown doesn’t falter, in fact, it deepens.

“Back to Jaymie?” Sian asks cynically.

I narrow my eyes at her. “Yes, he’s waiting.”

“God forbid he wait a bit longer,” she teases, trying to lighten the mood as she bumps her hip with me. “It’s only pizza, let me know if you change your mind, we’re ordering now.”

“Sure you don’t fancy some pizza?” Adrian asks as Sian goes back to the table.

“Honestly, I’d love some, but I really should be going.”

He nods, his lips pressing into a line. “Okay, let me order you a taxi.”

“Jaymie can come pick me up.”

The look Adrian gives me tells me he’s not thrilled about that idea. To be honest, the thought of Jaymie finding me this tipsy isn’t a tempting one. The last time I got drunk was at Gwen’s birthday a month ago, he was so annoyed when I get home.

“Okay. I’m ordering one for me, though. Are you sure you don’t want me to order two?”

“No, it’s fine. Thanks.”

I pull out my phone and text Jaymie, asking him to come pick me up. He replies immediately, saying he’s on his way. Adrian hangs up and turns to me.

“Taxi will be here in ten.”

“So will Jaymie. We best start saying goodbye.”

We go around the group, hugging everyone and saying how lovely the day was. I give Sian and extra squeeze and thank her for inviting me.

“This was a much better way to spend my Saturday,” I tell her gratefully.

“Yay, I’m glad! I hope your head doesn’t hurt too much tomorrow,” she replies.

“Me too!”

Adrian gently takes my hand and helps me across the paving stones in my heels. I stopped drinking anymore after the shots and that was probably a smart move, I’ve still got a buzz.

We head out to the front of the house and sit on Sian’s front wall to wait for our rides. We sit close to one another, our arms touching again. Against my better judgement, I close my eyes and rest my head on his shoulder. Adrian doesn’t tense up or say anything, he just lets me rest there.

“That’s my cab,” he says softly.

I open my eyes and spot the black car coming down the street. He gets down from the wall and I start to shift to the edge to follow. He places his hands on my hips and lifts me down, setting me steady in my heels. Surprised by his actions, I place my hands on his shoulders instinctively.

He doesn’t let go and step back like I expect him to. We stand very still, holding onto each other, both of us reluctant to let go. His eyes scan over my face, looking for something, I don’t know what. They fall down to my lips, and I rub them together on reflex.

Does he want to kiss me?

The thought of Adrian wanting to kiss me makes my stomach flip and my vagina flutter.

It really should not be giving me vagina flutters.

He leans in as though he is going to kiss me. I don’t lean in, but I don’t move either. I stop breathing, frozen completely as his lips inch closer and closer to mine.

The taxi pulls up outside the house, directly behind Adrian, and honks loudly. A strange sound rumbles from Adrian’s chest, it’s almost like a…growl.

His fingers dig into my hips and irritation crosses his face. He straightens up, leaning away from me and stepping back. His hands drop to his sides, and I feel as though I can breathe again, I take a deep breath.

What was that?


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