Dream of Us

Chapter Chapter Forty-Two


Dyani’s POV.

It’s a hectic few weeks. The vote from the people is unanimous, Aloria will be Queen. Her coronation is quickly arranged and takes place the following Saturday. Chogan rushes the legal features of the handover, wanting to keep the time without a ruler to a minimum. His fear is that there may be an uprising, although there are no reports of riots or protests.

The entire kingdom turns up for the event on the Saturday, flooding the castle walls and filling the grounds. There are flowers and balloons everywhere. Aloria gives a speech from the balcony, thanking them for their faith and promising to do them proud. In the throne room filled with nobility, she is crowned and named Queen.

When it’s over, the crowds pour out to the roads. Loads of street parties take place, filling cobbled-streets with music and tables full of food and cakes. My mates and I walk amongst them, celebrating with the people because, really, we’re just like them. None of us wanted the throne, we don’t want that power or status.

My mates take me to see the house they have chosen. I knew I was right to trust their taste; it’s exactly what we need. It’s a large five bed house with two acres of land, it used to be a farmhouse. The master bedroom is big enough to fit all of us should it need to, but we agree that we should all have our own rooms as well to maintain our personal space. After getting my approval, my mates arrange the purchase for us.

Time passes so fast; I feel like I barely spend any of it with my mates. Moving into the house and decorating it takes up a lot of our time. Seeing as none of them have been ‘living’ for a decade, they don’t have any furniture or assets. I have some from my rental, but only the bare minimum like a bed, sofa, and fridge, none of which are big enough to accommodate four people. We have to buy everything. Money isn’t an issue, it’s the time it takes for us to order everything or go in-store or have it delivered or assembling the furniture.

We spend our days painting and decorating, making the house just how we want it. I see my auntie a lot too. She is settling in really well to her role as queen, but still has nerves like any person would in her position. I try to reassure her as much as possible. Chogan is always there to support and advise her, too.

By the time summer comes, I feel like I can finally catch my breath. Everything is how we want it in the house for the time being. We all have our own bedrooms and the things we need to live comfortably. I’ve been sleeping in my mates’ rooms on rotation, swapping to a new mate each night like on a rota. It seemed the fairest way while we were settling into the new house. However, it has meant that none of them have marked me, and we haven’t gone further than touching each other. It’s gone back to how it used to be when we were teenagers, I think. My body has been in and out of heat for months, leaving me tired and crabby.

None of us have spoken about the fact we’re all ready to take the next step, but yet we’re all aware that we’re on the same page. I can see it in their eyes when they look at me, I can feel it when they touch me. I know they’re ready and I’ve done everything I can to show them that I’m ready.

In a casual agreement, we decide to spend the evening in the master bedroom, the four of us. A special bed made just for us sits in the centre of the room. We’ve had a lovely meal, cooked for us by Denali and Calian on the proviso that Nuka and I did the washing up. I was happy with that deal, the kitchen is spotless downstairs thanks to Nuka and I.

My mates stroll over to the bed, and each take a seat on it in three of the four corners. My confidence has grown tenfold in the last few weeks. I have completely settled into my life with my mates. I may not have my memories back yet, but I believe that I now have a better idea of what my life was like with them before we were torn apart. Their love for me is palpable, they show me affection whenever possible and support me in everything I do. Their continuous ‘showing up’ has helped me grow into who I am today.

With that in mind, I unzip the back of my dress and pull my arms out of the sleeves. My mates watch me intensely. I slide the material down over my hips and let it drop to the floor. My white bra is made of lace and doesn’t cover very much, my dark nipples show through it. I got a wax yesterday without telling my mates, but my g-string doesn’t leave very much to the imagination, and they can see I’m bare down there.

“I would like you to mark me tonight,” I announce to them.

None of them say a word. I rub my lips together and clasp my hands behind my back, waiting semi-awkwardly for someone to say something. I expect Denali to be the first to speak, he is the leader of our group after all. Instead, it’s Nuka that stands up. He grabs the hem of his t-shirt from behind his head and pulls. He yanks his top off and drops it the ground. His eyes meet mine and he grins.

“I’m game.”

I smirk at him.

That’s my boy.

Calian follows suit. He stands up and takes off his shirt. I stand at the end of the bed, admiring the view. When Denali takes off his top, I’m given a mini-Chippendale show just for me. Tattoos, deeply tanned and Black skin, and muscles are all on display for my greedy pleasure. I can my feel my pussy fluttering with excitement between my legs. In many ways, I am the luckiest woman in the world.

The three of them strip down to their boxers. Nuka goes all the way, walking over to me as naked as the day he was born. His dick is semi-erect and swings back and forth between his legs with each step. My mouth starts to curl up in a smile from the amusing appearance, but he grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in for a kiss before anything can come of it. Nuka’s tongue probes at my mouth, intent on deepening the kiss. I open up to him and our tongues touch in a flash of excitement that twists through my body.

Warm hands join his. Nuka’s hands are on the back of my neck and my lower back. A pair of hands pulls my underwear down my legs. Another pair unhooks my bra and slides it down my arms. I’m stripped bare and loving hands stroke my skin. Fingers trail up and down my sides, they trace my curves and caress my breasts. Someone applies pressure to my thighs, massaging my muscles to coax my legs open wider.

Nuka’s kiss is hot and passionate and takes my breath away. His tongue plunges relentlessly into my mouth over and over again, mimicking sex and exploring every inch. He angles his head, changing regularly to kiss me at a deeper angle each time. His teeth bump mine occasionally, not that I care, I’m kissing him back with equal enthusiasm. I can feel that he is now fully erect and pressing into my stomach.

Fingers are probing my pussy, spreading my labia to push inside me. Two thick fingers fill me up, I moan into Nuka’s mouth. Skilled hands delicately play with my nipples, squeezing them softly so that they don’t get too sore before the fun really starts. My hands slide down Nuka’s chest, skimming over his abs until I reach his dick. I wrap my right hand around it and stroke him a few times. I squeeze my hand harder each time I get to the tip of his dick, he grunts into our kiss.

He lets me play with him as hands play with my body, but he stops me a few minutes later and growls the word ‘bed’ against my lips. In a blur, three sets of hands guide me to the bed and lay me down on it. As my mates surround me, stroking and playing with various parts of my body, I’m mentally transported to the hot dreams I’ve been having for years. My mind was remembering these very moments shared between us, my body has never forgotten.

For years, I lovingly thought of them as my ‘trio’ who visited me in my dreams. I recognise now that they were old memories resurfacing. Denali bites down on one of my nipples and my eyes fly open. I watch him lick the pain away with his tongue. He sucks my nipples into his mouth and looks up at me, winking. He presses my breasts together and swaps to pinching my nipples.

Calian lays between my legs, he licks at my pussy, pushing his tongue inside of me as deep as it will go. Nuka sits by my side, rubbing my clit in targeted circles that have my legs twitching. He notices the hazy look in my eyes and recognises that I’m close to cumming from all this attention. He leans over me and captures my lips in another kiss. I pour all my love into our kiss, desperate to show him how much they all mean to me.

Denali’s hot mouth is on my nipple again. He massages my breasts with his hands and teases my nipples with his teeth. Calian moves his attention upwards to my clit and flicks it up and down with the pointed tip of his tongue. Nuka grips my jaw, holding me in place as he loves me with his tongue. I feel breathless and overwhelmed in the best way.

My orgasm, a brewing storm between my legs, becomes impossible to ignore. I can’t hold back any longer, the metaphorical floodgates break, and my body succumbs to the intense pleasure they are giving me. My legs shake uncontrollably, my hands curl into fists on the sheets, my back arches. I cry out into Nuka’s mouth, the bliss lifting me to such a high, I feel as though I’m floating above myself.

Each time I expect the orgasm to finish, another wave of intense pleasure comes. I’m quaking almost violently by the time it finally fades, letting me fall back against the sheets. My mates pulls their tongues back from my body, but they are far from done with me. Calian peppers soft kisses on my inner thigh. Denali does the same on the tops of my breasts. Nuka breaks our kiss and buries his face into the side of my neck instead.

My eyes are closed from exhausted bliss. They open at the same time three sets of teeth pierce my skin. My mates mark me at the exact same time, their sharp teeth puncturing my skin. Their bites signify their claiming of me, their acknowledgement and commitment to the bond we share. Our souls connect in a way they never have before as the bond solidifies. A feeling similar to the one I get whenever we combine our magic rushes through me.

My eyes glow gold, filling the room with their brilliant light. My body hums with pleasure from their marking. Gold veins appear under my skin, the golden threads flowing throughout my body as their marks take hold. The energy inside me builds to a crescendo and I can’t hold back a cry as it escapes from my throat.

The entire room shakes. The pulse of magic brewing inside me is released and every window in our bedroom shatters with an almighty crack, it sounds like the world is splitting in half. The damaged panes fall to the ground with splintering crashes. In the midst of it all, my sight disappears, and I feel myself black out into a strange sleep.


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