Dragon's Revenge

Chapter 4.

"I always knew something was off about you, Elodie."

Her eyes narrow, but she feigns as much confidence as she can muster. "You caught me. Which means you better pray to your god, because I'm taking you down."

"You can try, but I'm not going down without a fight." She pulls at her binds, the heat from her skin already burning through the ropes. Nori sees what's happening and raises her hand to smack Elodie again. "No! Don't even think about it-" before she's able to connect with the girl's face, Elodie bursts out of her bindings. Her body finally shreds its human flesh and morphs into a fierce dragon. She completes her transition, turning into a sleek dragon with jet-black scales. Across from her, Nori's eyes suddenly flash silver, flames erupting from her skin. She's furious. "Jonah's going to murder you when he finds out. Not to mention Morgan and Desmonda..."

She embraces her new dragon form and in amazement, stretches her wings wide. "Nori, Jonah and I share a bond. Something you'd know nothing about. He'll understand."

"I know Jonah better than you think, better than you ever will." Nori steps back and transforms into a dark green dragon with deadly silver eyes. "I'm coming for you, Elodie." Nori flaps her outstretched wings, lifting herself high into the sky above, before lunging at the new dragon. Elodie's body reacts and on instinct, her wings move, pulling her out of the way and into the air. Mid-flight, she fumbles around a bit, getting her bearings in an unfamiliar body. Nori notices her testing out her new wings and realizes something. "This is your first transformation, isn't it?" Nori chuckles to herself. Seeing that she's distracted, Elodie seizes the opportunity and quickly flies past her. She disappears into a clearing, swooping between the tall trees, using them as cover. Nori follows her, gaining speed. Eventually, she catches up to Elodie. Fangs bared, she roars. "Silly, Elodie. You're out of Jebel territory now. Out here, you have no protection. Not from Jonah, or from anyone."

Nori catches up to her, whipping her tail at the new dragon, trying to push her out of the air. Without warning, Elodie slams her body into the green dragon, knocking the wind out of it. "Looks like I'm getting used to this dragon body, after all." As Nori tumbles out of the sky, Elodie takes off, picking up speed. But the dragon recovers and flies after her, scanning the trees until she is spotted.

"You know why you'll never defeat me, Elodie? It's because you simply don't have what it takes."

Suddenly, Elodie's eyes widen at the realization. She closes her eyes and searches within, allowing the power to consume her. She scans the open air, looking for a way out, but she's trapped and Nori knows it. "You're all mine, Elodie. And this is going to be fun." Nori pushes forward and just as she's about to connect with the new dragon, a large rock hits her over the head.

They both look down to see Jonah underneath them as he throws another rock at Nori. "Leave Elodie alone!" The rock hits her right in the eye and knocks her. She falls to the ground, landing next to him. Nori's passed out cold, quickly transforming back into her human form. Still in dragon form, Elodie lands across from Jonah. He stares at her in utter shock. "I don't understand. You're a dragon?"


Jonah watches as her skin ripples back into a human. His face is a mix of confusion and fury. "Who.... are you?" Without warning, she wraps her arms around him and he stiffens. He's about to hug her back, when he realizes what she's doing and pushes her away. "No, Elodie. I will not allow you to distract me." He takes her chin in his hand, forcing her to look at him. "You're avoiding my questions, yet again. It's becoming a terrible habit, Elodie. Let me make something very clear. Either tell me the truth, or face a Jebel tribunal..... and those usually end one way: execution."

She doesn't dare move, paralyzed by the thought. Panic sets in. "Jonah, please. Just trust me."

"How can I possibly trust you? I barely know you. And clearly, what I do know about you is a lie."

"I'm sorry I'm asking this of you. It's not fair, but you have to trust me."

Jonah studies her. After a long beat, he releases a sigh. His tone softens. "I want to help you, Elodie. I do. But I can't unless you give me something to work with. If you let me in, I'll do everything in my power to help you. I promise you that."

"I don't know what to say. I'm as shocked as you are! I never knew I was a shifter, Jonah. You have to believe me."

He doesn't look like he wants to believe her, but he clearly wants to. "In rare instances, there are humans who don't know they're shifters. Maybe you're one of those...." he grabs her hand and pulls her back toward the compound. "We need to get back before the others notice we're missing. It's dangerous out here. We're no longer on Jebel land, which means we're exposed." Jonah stops. He looks back at Nori, still on the ground, knocked out cold. "What should we do about her?"

"Leave her to rot. She drugged me and tried to kill me. If the roles were reversed, we both know that Nori would leave me. So why would I act any differently towards her? Besides, she was the one who attacked me."

"That's cold, but I have to say, I think you're right. But may I suggest another idea? I can mindlink with her and erase her memories of what happened here." Jonah places his palm on Nori's forehead. He closes his eyes, brows furrowed. Nori's body jolts forward, as if a stream of electricity flows through it. After a long moment, he releases his grip. Nori's body slumps down. "It's done. Her memory is wiped. When she wakes up, she won't remember how she got here, or anything about your encounter."

"Jonah, thank you for helping me. I know mindlinking with another dragon, without their permission, is illegal."

"It is, especially under Jebel law."

"And that's why I'm thanking you. I understand the gravity of this decision."

"Well, you are technically my responsibility. As I've told you before." Jonah takes her hand, guiding her out of the forest. "We have to get moving." He hurries her back to the compound, but when he turns back to her, he notices something that fills his face with concern. "You're bleeding! Slow down, let me take a look at your wounds."

She looks down and notices the fresh blood caked on her clothes. "You should see the other guy."

"Oh, I saw Nori. And yes, she wasn't doing all that well either. But she's not my concern, you are. And I need to make sure that you're okay." He pulls her close and looks over her body. His touch sends a wave of pleasure to her core.

"See, it's nothing. I'll be fine. I can suck it up and keep going." Suddenly, she starts to feel woozy. Before she knows it, she collapses right into Jonah's arms.

As she blacks out, he whispers softly in her ear. "I have you. You're safe."


When she wakes up, she's in an unfamiliar room, wearing a man's sweater. "Where am I?"

"You're in my suite." She looks around. Jonah's room is decorated a lot simpler than she expected. He's sitting next to her on the bed, cleaning her wounds with a cloth. "You're okay. It's just me." He stares into her eyes. The air between them is charged.

"Jonah, thank you for taking care of me. After my parents died, I had to take care of myself. There was no one else. It's a nice feeling.... having someone else tend to my needs for a change."

Jonah stares deep into her eyes, setting her soul on fire. "I will always look after you, Elodie. I can promise you that." He brushes the warm cloth up her neck and to her forehead. Before she knows it, his face is inches away from hers, his eyes fixed on her lips. Slowly, he inches forward. "I'm going to kiss you now, Elodie."

"Go ahead."

Jonah grins as he threads his hands through her hair. He pulls her closer until their lips meet. She slides her hands to his neck, holding him tightly as their lips caress one another. "Mmm." Eventually, his lips part, sucking hers into his fullness. Jonah's tongue finds hers and playfully strokes against it, before swirling around it. His tongue then slides against her bottom lip before peppering her with sweet kisses. He pulls away, slowly, savoring every moment. Eventually, he opens his eyes and looks deep into hers. "You have to be the sexiest thing I've ever seen. And you're a damn good kisser. Can you blame me that I want you even more now?" He leans in to kiss her again, meeting her halfway. She sucks on his bottom lop, before gently pressing down on it, rubbing her tongue over it. He immediately gasps and pulls her even closer to him, pressing her into another kiss. He presses his lips against hers hungrily and she embraces him. They kiss for what seems like a lifetime. Eventually, they pull apart, taking a moment to catch her breath.

Just then, the estate alarm sounds, interrupting them. She jolts up out of bed. "What is that?"

"It's the compound's alarms. Something's happened."

"Alarm?" She raises her brow. "What does that mean? Are we under attack?"

"Maybe. It wouldn't be the first time."


Jonah holds up his hand, just as the alarm blares one last, final time. He turns to her, fear in his eyes. "When the alarm blares three times, there's only one thing it can be. Dragon hunters."

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