Dragon's Revenge

Chapter 19.

"I..... I didn't kill him. How could this have happened?"

"This was Morgan's doing. He killed him with a remote-link."

"Jonah, how do you know that?"

"He did the same thing to Nori. We just found her body near the cove. They must've let him into their mind freely."

Queen Desmonda walks over. "Your father used to do this. That's why this technique was forbidden. Keeping our minds focused. The mental block is the only thing that can stop Morgan."

They head back to the bonfire to help the Aelons pick up the pieces. Elodie sees Sasha helping an ailing Aelon lying on the ground. "Ahh."

"I think your leg is broken. Can you move it?"

The injured Aelon tries to move, but stops in pain. "No, it hurts too much!"

"We can't move you, not like this."

"I can make a splint for him." Elodie offers.

"That would be helpful, thank you."

She grabs some of the extra wood lying around the bonfire and creates a splint for the injured Aelon. A few of the other Aelons lift up and help him to Sasha's hut. She looks at a few of the injured Aelons and can't help but be overcome with rage. "Morgan can't keep getting away with this. We have to stop him!"

"We can't move like this, not yet. We need some time to recuperate. Besides, you already saved our lives."

"I also brought the enemy to you. Sasha, I owe you a great debt."

"No, no. We're cousins. You shouldn't have been alone as long as you were." Sasha gathers the injured Aelons to take them to another home, one that's more protected. She starts to follow but is suddenly consumed by dizziness.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just need to-" she collapses, but Jonah catches her before she hits the floor.

"Elodie, what's wrong?" Jonah checks her body for wounds, but doesn't find anything too life concerning.

"Jeremiah.... he put a mental block on me, I can still feel it. He was getting more power from Morgan."

Jonah slams his fist into the table and shatters it. "Damn it!"

"It hurts so much."

"I need to heal you." Jonah shifts and takes her hands. Moments later, the world around her fades into darkness. "I see it now." When she opens her eyes, they're back at the forest where her parents were killed. "Jeremiah tapped into your fear about your parents. You're afraid this is going to happen to....me?"

"I lose everybody. It's all my fault."

"It's not your fault. You have to know that. And you will not lose me, I promise. Come with me." He takes her hands and guides her past the forest. Finally, she's back in the hut. "Wake up, Elodie."

When she wakes up, she's shifted. Jonah hugs her. "Thank you."

"I got you. Always."


When they arrive at the other safe-location, the Aelons stand ready, waiting for them. "Took you long enough."

"Cut it out, Abe." Sasha snaps.

"I'm just saying, we've been waiting....."

"We had a little incident, but everything is fine."

"Hey, everyone. Are we still going after Morgan?"

"We're going to help you, but we have to do something first."


"You're claiming your stake to the throne, right?"

"Yeah, but-"

"We need to have an initiation."

"This is your initiation ceremony." Abe states.

"Challenges, initiation, guys! We need to stop Morgan."

"We can't stop Morgan without your clan, Elodie."

"If this is their way, you have to do it. No different than the Jebel trials."

"Sasha, if I do this, you're going to help me fight Morgan."

"If you do this, we're all yours. Right, Abe?" Abe doesn't say anything. "Abe!"

"Alright, alright. If you participate, we're all yours."

All of the other Aelons agree as well. "What do you say? Will you accept this ceremonial initiation?"

"I accept the initiation, but no ceremony."

"You really don't want the ceremony?" Sasha raises his brows in surprise.

"No, I don't think so, but I'd still like the initiation."

"That'll do just fine."

The Aelons build a circle around her, chanting something in Latin. When they're done, they nod at her. She feels a warmth spread across her body. "What..... what just happened?"

"You've been initiated. Welcome to the family, Elodie." The other Aelons welcome her with a hug. "How does it feel to know you're no longer alone?"

"It feels great, like I'm at home."

"You are home." As the other Aelons continue to do first aid on each other, Sasha pulls her to the side. "Elodie, I have a question."


"Jebeem...... how was he before he passed?"

"Jebeem was a great uncle. He was the closest thing to a parent after mine died."

"That's how I remember him too. I have fond memories of Jebeem, he was a great warrior. He was an even better family member. I'm going to miss him. Come with me, I want to show you something." Sasha brings her to a bedroom and takes out a small box from the closet.

"What is that?"

"It's a few of Jebeem's things from the last time he paid us a visit. But there's something in particular I want you to see. It's a picture of your parents. Do you want to see them?"

"I would like to, yes." Sasha moves to a drawer and takes a framed picture out. "Wow. I've only had memories of what they look like, but they were a lot more beautiful."

"They were. I have some other things from Jebeem in this box, something that may help you along your journey." He removes a box with designs carved into it.

"You're in the gift giving mood, huh?"

"You're the last cousin I have!" Sasha exclaims. "I know his passing has taken a great toll on you, so I think you'll want this. Do you want to open it?"

"I think I'll pass this time around. Maybe in the future I'll come back for it, but right now, it's too soon."

"I understand. It'll always be here waiting for you." Sasha gives her a hug.

Abe barges into the room, stumbling through the door. "What're you two love birds doing in here?"

"Lovebirds? This is my family, Abe. Have you been drinking?"

"I may have had a taste, but you know what I'd really like a taste of?" Abe looks directly at Elodie. "This lovely lady right here." He grabs her arm.

"Whoa, you're being inappropriate." She tries to yank herself away from him.

"What's inappropriate is you dropping in and bringing a fight to us. I think I deserve a little time with you." She yanks her arm firmly away from Abe. "What's your problem?"

"What's your problem?" Jonah walks into the room, his eyes fixed on Abe.

"Oh, here comes the boyfriend."

"Fiance." Jonah corrects him.

"Whatever. We were just getting better acquainted."

Jonah gets into Abe's face, now with fury leaking from his pores. Elodie puts her body in between the boys, looking Jonah in the eyes. "This isn't the way."

Sasha grabs Abe and pulls him out of the room. "Don't worry, guys. I'll take care of this drunkard."

"I'm sorry about that."

"It's not your fault. He's been an asshole since we arrived." Jonah looks at all of the mementos on the bed. "What's all of this?"

"Just a couple of things Jebeem left here that Sasha was keeping."

"Is that a picture of your parents?" Jonah picks up the photograph.

"It is. Weren't they beautiful?"

"They were, indeed. Just like you. It's interesting seeing your parents together like this."

"I wish I could've had a longer relationship with them."

"They would've loved the woman you grew up to be."

"Your father too."

"Hm, I'm not so sure."

"Why not? You're a great man." Jonah doesn't respond, instead, taking a seat on the bed. He looks somber. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just thinking about my father and our relationship."

"What was it like?"

"Are you sure you want to know? It might explain a lot, or it might make you run away in horror."

"Jonah, I'm here for you. Tell me about your father."

"Oh, where do I start? For one, I wasn't always the crown prince and because of that, I always came second. Second in the crown hierarchy, second in his eyes."

"Why would you be second......" she realizes. "Just because you were younger?"

"That's something you'd have to ask him. But that wasn't where it ended." Jonah looks at her like he has a confession to make. "I understand how Morgan became what he is now."

"You do? Maybe enlighten me on that one."

"Once Morgan's temper became too much to handle, I became crown prince, but father, he.... he was torturous in his methods. Morgan and I, we were made to conquer, no matter how falls in order for us to do it. He wanted to make me a monster."

"But you're not a monster, you're a great man."

"I'm happy you feel that way. I'm not always so sure, but I try to be."


Later that night, they're all gathered around to talk about the mission with conflicting ideas on what to do.

"I don't think we should sneak around. We are Aelons, we fight head-on!"

"Fighting head-on is a sure-shot way to die fast. Is that what you want?"

"Listen here, boyfriend. I've been in many battles."

"You also fled the other Aelons to be safe." Jonah remarks.

"From the likes of you!"

"Guys-" before she can cut in, an eerie ringing sound brings everyone to their knees. Except for Jonah, who still has the headpiece she made.

"What.... is..... this?" Sasha says through a gritted jaw.

"Hahahaha!" A dark voice cackles.

"I know it's you, Morgan. We're coming for you!"

"I'm already here for you!" Morgan turns up the power, slowly causing all of them to lose consciousness. The last thing she hears is his voice. "Oh, Elodie.... Elodie. If only you knew the truth."

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