Dragon's Mercy

Chapter 19.

She stares into his eyes. "You really love me?"

"Yes. You're the only thing in this world I've ever really loved."

"Took you long enough to tell me!"

"I've known for awhile, but I wanted to wait until the time felt right."

She wraps her arms around Ryker's neck and looks up at him. "Tonight is perfect."

"I know the future is uncertain."

"It's not that uncertain. So far, we've accomplished what we've wanted to accomplish."

"You and Agnes are the only family I have left. The only thing that's left is for us to start a family."

She laughs, enjoying the rare moment that Ryker has his guard down. "We're already a family. And if we decide to make kids a part of that, then that's okay too."

Ryker's eyes search hers as he presses a lock of hair behind her ear. "Tomorrow's going to be a hard fight. If something happens to me, I don't want you to doubt the depth of my feelings for you."

"I won't doubt your feelings, Ryker. We're so connected, I know what you're saying is true." She leans up and presses her lips to his as he pulls her closer. She presses her lips to his ear. "I need you more than you know, Ryker. You're everything I've ever wanted in a partner."

"I know I don't talk about my feelings, but I love you so much. And if I don't proclaim it all the time, just know it's always true."

She looks into his eyes and knows without a doubt that she's in love with him. His eyes are vulnerable as they lock with him. "You've owned my heart for a long time. But now, I willingly give it to you."

She holds his gaze and sees the unbridled love that shines there for her. "I don't think I'm in love yet."

"That's okay. I can feel how much you care about me. So I'm going to show you how great we can be together."

"Oh, yeah? And how are you going to do that?"

"I'm going to make love to you."

Excitement floods over her and he raises a flirty brow. "Oh, you can do whatever you want to me."

Ryker's hands grip her hips, bringing her body flush against his. "Oh, I plan on it. I want to make love to you here, on the ancestral ground."

"Our new love will get strength from their wisdom."

"Yes. This place calls to my inner dragon."

"Mine too. It feels like I've been here many times before."

"Maybe we have?"

"You think we were true mates in another lifetime?"

"Anything is possible, Maria." He grabs her neck and brings her lips to his, kissing her passionately. Her tongue swirls with his as she presses her breasts against his chest.

"Oh, yes. I never imagined a relationship between us could be like this."

"Neither did I. You've changed my mind about a lot of things." He sits on the cement steps and she straddles his lap.

"Can we really make love here?"

"Yes. I've read that other dragon lords have taken their wives here before. Consider it a tradition."

She laughs at the devious look in Ryker's eyes. "Oh, now you're using tradition as an excuse for sex?"

"Not that I need an excuse with my dragon mate, but traditions are important." She kisses him, lifting her hips higher. "Fuck, you turn me on so much. It's even more intense on the stones." Reaching her right hand down, she massages his cock through his pants. He groans as it hardens to her touch. "Oh.... fuck. That already feels intense. I need you, Maria."

She looks around, feeling too exposed. "I'm not in the mood right now."

"Okay, we can save it for another time. Come on, let's get back to the house."


The next morning, she lies in bed and caresses Ryker's bare chest. His eyes grow sad. He tries to mask it, but she reaches out and touches his cheek. "What is it? Do you still have that bad feeling?"

"Yes. It's even worse now that we've confessed our love." Her stomach clenches as she feels his unease flow through her. "It's not Nestor, it's something else. Something....more. I think it has to do with the potions the dragon hunters have been using on us. The ones that prevent dragons from shifting and the ones that force us to shift."

"Do you think Nestor helped them make the potions?"

"It's possible. He's so hungry for power that he'd do anything that stupid. All I know is that you and I are the first dragon mates in centuries. Is that just because of the dragon hunters, or is there another force, a darker, stronger force that we're not seeing?"

"A force that's helping human hunters kill us." She closes her eyes and connects to her inner dragon, trusting the answer will soon come. Druids. The word flashes in her mind. When she opens her eyes, Ryker nods his head as if he knows exactly what she heard.

"Druids are back. They've broken our treaty."

Druids are powerful wizards. Hundreds of years ago, they almost wiped dragons from the face of the Earth. The fighting got so bad there was finally a peace treaty that forced druids to leave the continent.

"So druids are helping the dragon hunters. That makes sense."

"It's how the hunters have been getting the potions and why they've been so successful in defeating dragons this year."

"Do you think Mason and Simone know about the druids?"

"No. They've always been terrified of the return of druids."

"Maybe this is why we're true mates, to ensure the druids and hunters don't wipe out dragons."

"Yes. The last time true dragon mates were heard of was right before the druids fled the continent."

"So we're together to kill a bunch of druids." She nods in understanding.

"Yes, I believe that's why we were paired."

"We should be prepared to see druids today too. Even though we're making a surprise attack, I assume the druids are watching Nestor too."

"Yes, I bet they've been watching us this entire time. And they've been trying to get others to do their dirty work." Ryker walks to his closet and gets dressed in his special fighting uniform.

There's a knock on the door and Agnes enters.

"Agnes, how are you feeling?" She asks.

"I've never physically felt better. And I want to thank you again for saving me."

"We'll always have your back, Mom."

Tears fill Agnes's eyes at Ryker's endearment. She smiles at him, then hands Maria a package. "This is for you. It was my fighting uniform when I was your age. Ryker's father had it made for me. It's made of the finest material to stop copper bullets and arrows."

"Oh, thank you, Agnes. You always bring the most beautiful gifts."

"Try it on. Let me see how it fits."

Maria walks into the bathroom and puts on the outfit. When she returns back out, Agnes smiles with excitement. "It fits me well."

"Oh, it's perfect."

"It does look great on you, Maria. And you could use the extra protection."

She takes off the black outfit and shrugs on jeans and a t-shirt. "This feels better and easier to move in."

Agnes walks to her and adjusts her top. "I want you to be careful today, Maria. I've come to think of you like a daughter." She smiles sweetly.

"Agnes, I think of you like a mother too. You've been so kind to me from the moment I got here."

"That's because I could tell you were right for Ryker. He needs a strong partner to lead him. I'm too old to fight now, but I'll be here protecting the flight house until you get back."

"You've earned your leisure."

"I want you to be careful too, Ryker. I know you hate when I say that, but I mean it. You have Maria to think about."

"I promise I'll live." Ryker hugs Agnes before he takes Maria's hand and they walk out the door. Their flight waits on one side of the yard while Lord Gregory and his flight stand next to them.

He moves to stand next to Ryker. "My flight is ready. We'll take whatever direction you give us, Lord Ryker."

"Thank you, Gregory. We'll stick to the plan we discussed last night. Maria and I will lead our dragons first, making sure Nestor sees us. He won't be expecting you, so you'll come behind us, surrounding Nestor and his dragons."

Gregory nods with vigor.

"Also, we're using the element of surprise, so stay quiet."

"And there may be druids fighting with Nestor."

"Druids? Impossible."

"Impossible as true dragon mates?"

"Damn. We'll be on the lookout."

Aelons steps toward the mated duo. "I've decided to fight. And don't you dare try to stop me, Ryker."

"I'm not going to stop you, Aelon. We could use you."

Aelon nods, then looks at him. "Are you going to give a speech? Dragon lords have always spoken to the soldiers before battle."

"Yes. And I think Maria should speak too."

"Do you think the flight will be okay with that?"

"I think they need to hear from you. It will increase their confidence." Ryker confidently turns to his and Gregory's flights. The air buzzes with energy. Maria sees Crispin, her father's friend and old flight member standing in the crowd, ready to fight with them. "Thank you all for bravely joining me today. Nestor has attacked our dragon flight with the help of Mason, the traitor. With Lord Gregory, our ally, we have the numbers to defeat Nestor." The crowd cheers with excitement. "Nestor doesn't know we're coming, so stay quiet and follow our signals. We're faster and stronger than him. We will win this war tonight." Ryker turns to her with a nod. The crowd turns to her with expectant expressions. She tries to speak, but she gets nervous in front of the crowd and her whole body freezes up. Ryker looks at her with confusion and she shakes her head, indicating that she can't talk. "Dragoness Maria has full faith in you!"

The crowd roars with adrenaline as they run through the forest. Ryker looks at her with concern. "I'm okay. I just got in my head a bit."

"Good. Because we've got a long battle ahead of us."


It's evening by the time they arrive in Maria's old territory. Nestor's dragons are on patrol. They easily move past them and into the secret passage that will lead into the dungeon. Once inside, the group encounters two of Nestor's guards.

Maria takes out her knife and slices the first one across the throat. Before the other guard can see her coming, she throws a knife, hitting him in the heart.

"Nice, Maria." Ryker beams.

They sneak through the dungeon when Aelon moves to the left and hits a trip wire. The alarm sounds, alerting all to their presence. "Run to the main floor! Lord Gregory will attack from the outside!"

"Stay behind me, Maria." Ryker commands, stepping in front of her as they move through the main living room.

Nestor's dragons attack them from all angles. She pulls out her gun and shoots two in the head, while Ryker rips another's throat out before shooting three more.

"On your left!" They fight their way through his guards. "I don't see Nestor. Is he hiding?" Her hair stands on end and she turns to see Nestor standing with Mason.

"Mason, you're a little bitch for betraying me to Nestor."

"I won't be a bitch when I kill you." Mason attacks Ryker, but he grabs him by the neck and they fall to the ground.

Nestor rounds on Maria. She gets in a defensive position, ready for any hit from him. "I knew you'd come for me. It's obvious you miss me."

"Nestor, no one misses you. Everyone just tolerates your annoyingly insecure presence. And when I kill you, they'll be thanking me for getting rid of you." She steps back so he can't get a quick hit in.

"Attacking was a mistake. You don't have a chance."

Lord Gregory's members break down the front door and swarm in. Nestor looks at them with shock. "Kill Nestor and take the house!" Gregory commands.


"Oh no, you don't! There's no way out for you." The fight turns in their favor as Nestor's guards fall one by one. As soon as the dragons from her old flight see Maria and Ryker fighting Nestor, they join in their side.

Ryker has Mason pinned on the ground, smashing his fist into his half-brother's face.

"Stop, Ryker! You're going to kill me."

"Just like you tried to kill me multiple times, only you're a failure." Without hesitation, he snaps Mason's neck.

"No!" Nestor looks on in horror as Mason dies. He realizes his whole plan is crumbling. He lunges at Maria, enraged, with nothing to lose. She dodges left, but he keeps coming. "If I'm going to lose, at least I can kill you first." He tries to kick her legs out from under her, but she jumps over him. She sinks low and uppercuts Nestor's nuts. He jumps back with a howl. "You nasty bitch! I should've known you'd fight dirty."

"Me? You've betrayed everyone, you asshole!"

Ryker stands a few feet away, fending off Nestor's guards so she's free to fight her ex-fiance. "Kill him, Maria!"

Nestor pulls out his knife and runs at her. She dodges the knife and he runs right past her, but she gets light-headed and begins to sway. Then everything goes black as she passes out.

Sometime later, she wakes up to Ryker hovering over her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I don't know what happened. I got dizzy."

"There may have been too much fighting for you. Nestor got away after you passed out, but we've killed the rest of his guards."

Her dragon flight cheers with excitement and Crispin steps forward. "Maria saved us."

"I didn't do it alone. I had Ryker and his flight to help."

Her flight cheers, finally happy to be free. "Crispin, search the house and make sure none of Nestor's dragons remain." He walks off. Ryker pulls her aside to speak privately. Lord Gregory joins them.

"I didn't see any dragon hunters or druids." She tells them.

"Neither did we."

Suddenly, cold air enters the room. Her hair stands on end as she turns and sees a man walking toward Ryker. Before anyone can move, the man pulls out a copper knife and throws it at Ryker, hitting him directly in the heart.

"Ryker!" She rushes over to him as he falls to the ground. Her dragons shout at the man before he runs off.

"I.....knew something bad was going to happen today."

"Ryker, you're going to be fine. This is nothing."

Ryker coughs blood as ice-cold fear moves through her body. "I love you, Maria."

"Stay with me! Stay awake." His eyes close as his head falls back. She checks his pulse, but there isn't one. "No, Ryker! You can't be dead!"

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