Dragon's Mercy

Chapter 12.

Maria's eyes flutter open as Ryker rushes her into his bedroom. He shuts the door, not letting anyone else from his flight inside. "Maria, I need you to stay awake."

Her stomach feels like it's on fire as the sharp, stabbing pain increases. She looks up at Ryker's handsome face and for the first time, sees fear in his eyes. "I don't want to die."

"You're not dying. I'm not losing my mate."

"The cup..... it was meant for you."

"I know. It's possible both of our drinks were poisoned. But I don't want you to think about that right now. I'm going to take care of you." Her eyes are heavy as the poison travels through her body. "No, Maria. Stay with me."

"Ryker, I'm just going to sleep for a bit."

Ryker gently shakes her shoulders, trying to keep her awake. "Maria, fight to stay awake."

There's a knock on the door and Agnes enters. "Lord Ryker, I've brought herbs to curb the poison. You can test them first if you don't believe me."

"I've always trusted you, Agnes." But Ryker still walks over to smell the herbs, then nods to the woman. "Do whatever is necessary to save her."

"I'm not sure what she was poisoned with, but the herbs should soothe her stomach."

Agnes mixes the herbs with the steaming water as Ryker takes off Maria's clothes and puts her in a robe. "Drink it slowly, Maria."

Ryker sits next to her in bed and lifts her limp neck. She opens her parched lips as he pours the hot liquid down her throat. "That feels nice."

"This won't cure you. The only thing that can cure Maria is you, Ryker."

"What do you mean?"

Agnes leans close and whispers to Ryker. "Because you're true mates."

Even in her pained state, Maria's shocked by Agnes's comment. "How do you know that, Agnes?" Ryker asks.

"I know more than you think, but no one else can know you're mates. You'll be in more danger than you're already in. You need to mark her, Ryker. Your mate bond will save Maria."

Suddenly, Ryker's mother barges into the bedroom. "What's happening? Is Maria dead?"

Before Ryker can step in, Agnes approaches Simone. "Ryker is taking care of his wife. We need to leave them alone."

Simone tries to push past the woman, but Ryker's harsh voice cuts in. "Leave us now." Agnes pushes Simone out of the door. Ryker locks it behind her, then walks back to the bed and lies next to Maria. "I'm going to mark you."

"Are you sure you want to be tied to me for all eternity?"

"I'm sure I don't want you to die. I'll worry about eternity later."

"I don't know any dragons that have been marked."

"Neither do I, but we have no choice. We're already tied together, Maria. You're my mate."

"Then do it, Ryker. Mark me." Ryker's left hand gently grips her hair, pulling her head back to better access her throat. Then his lips trail back to the sensitive skin between her neck and shoulder. A loud moan escapes her lips when he sinks his teeth into her neck. "Oh, Ryker!" Euphoria clashes with the pain in her veins and it feels like an explosion. Ryker doesn't let go. He sinks his teeth further as his essence merges with hers.

He pulls back, licking her wound closed, then he winces in pain. "Now that I've marked you, I can feel your pain. The poison they gave you is strong. I'm not sure my marking will be enough to keep you alive."

"Ryker, my side burns."

He takes off her robe and rears back with shock. The symbol of a dragon is burned into her ribs. "You're marked by the ancient dragon branding."

"I can feel its power."

"I know you're weak, but I want you to mark me back. That will complete our mate bond." A wave of pain moves over her and she closes her eyes. Ryker takes her face in his hands and stares into her eyes. "Maria, you're the most stubborn dragon I've ever met. You need to fight. Mark me, Maria. Now." He leans his neck down toward her, lifting her lips to his skin. She leans up and bites him between his neck and shoulder. Ryker moans, holding her head to his neck. Strength moves through her veins and she can feel his powerful heartbeat. "Fuck, Maria. Don't stop." He holds her head tighter as she keeps absorbing his energy. When he finally lets her go, his eyes are wide with pleasure. He stares down at her with a look of awe. Then he takes off his shirt and the same dragon mark is on his upper back. "I had no idea the mate bond would feel like this."

"I do feel stronger. It's as if our hearts beat as one."

"Because they do. As mates, our life force is connected." Ryker turns toward her, running his hand over the mark on her rib. "I love seeing my mark on you."

"Now I really belong to you."

"You already belonged to me, Maria." He pulls her into his arms and holds her close. "You're not allowed to die tonight."

His rough command somehow brings her comfort. She sinks into his arms as darkness engulfs her. Hours later, she wakes up feeling as if needles are stabbing her entire body. She pushes away from Ryker with a whimper. "Don't touch me!"

Ryker carefully gets out of bed, before wetting a cloth and presses it to her forehead. "You're burning up."

"The pain is too much."

Ryker wets the cloth again and presses it on her neck. The cool water soothes some of the pain. "You're strong, Maria. You've got to fight the poison." Hot tears spill down her cheeks. "I wish I could take your pain."

"I wouldn't give it to you."

"As your mate, you're supposed to be completely in love with me."

Her brain is fuzzy from the poison, so she isn't careful when she speaks next. "Love? You could never love me, Ryker." Exhausted, her eyes drift shut.


The following morning, she wakes up feeling completely healed. Her hands move to her neck where Ryker marked her. She looks over at his sleeping form. A feeling of intense possession moves over her.

Ryker opens his eyes and sits up, immediately concerned. His hands move to her forehead, checking for a fever. "Maria, are you still in pain?"

"No, I feel fine. Just a bit tired."

Ryker gets dressed and walks toward the door. "I'll be back. Right now, I want you to rest."

"I don't want to stay in bed when there's a killer under our roof."

"That's the first time you've ever referred to this flight house as yours."

"Well, it's the first time it's felt like mine."

"My home is your home for as long as you want it."

The implication hangs in the air. She can tell he wants to say more, but a tap at the door interrupts the moment. Ryker opens it and Agnes enters their room. Maria quickly puts on her robe.

"I came to check on Maria. And to see if either of you wanted me to bring up breakfast?"

"Agnes, I'm glad you're here. Please stay with Maria as I go down and get breakfast." Ryker starts to walk out the door, but Agnes gently grasps his arm.

He turns to face her. "I questioned the entire kitchen staff about last night and no one saw anything. The rest of the cups and food from dinner were thrown away."

"No one comes in this door except for me."

"Be careful."

Ryker nods and walks out the door. Agnes walks over to her and adjusts her blankets, then sits on the bed with anxious eyes. "The flight has accepted you, they trust you. But someone wants you and Ryker dead."

"Do you know who it is?"

Agnes gives a quick glance toward the door as if she's afraid someone is going to come barging in. "I dare not say it yet. If it's who I think it is, it will bring down this entire flight."

"Are you talking about Simone, Ryker's mother?"

"I can't say anything yet, not until I have proof."

"Agnes, you have to talk to Ryker. He'll help you get proof."

"Not yet. I'm very close to getting the information I need, then I'll talk to Ryker."

"Agnes, I can't protect you if I don't know who's after you."

"I don't need you to protect me. I need you to protect Ryker. You were once enemies, but I can tell he's in love with you. I need to trust that your feelings for Ryker are true and you'll take care of him."

"I'm not sure how deep my feelings are for Ryker. We haven't known each other for very long. I want to make sure I care for him as Ryker, not just because he's my mate."

"I understand." Ryker walks back into the bedroom with a bowl of soup and bread. Agnes stands and walks toward the door. "I'll let you know if I see or hear anything else." She leaves.

Ryker gets in bed next to Maria.

"Agnes is the only person from your flight that I trust."

"I worry she's doing too much. I've tried to get her to let the house duties go, but she refuses."

"I'm not surprised. She's got a lot of spunk."

"Yeah, like someone else I know." Ryker leans over and kisses her softly, then lifts the soup toward her. "I prepared this myself, so I know it's not poisoned." He gently feeds her spoonful by spoonful, taking bites himself in between. The soup is surprisingly delicious.

"Ryker, this might be the best chicken soup I've ever had. I've never known a dragon lord that could cook."

"Agnes has been the head housekeeper here since before I was born. My mother didn't like children. She's barely spent any time with Mason and I. Agnes is really who raised us. And since she did most of the meal preparation back then, I cooked with her a lot."

"It seems like you trust Agnes more than your own mother."

"I do. My mother has always been guarded with me." Ryker stands and walks toward the balcony doors. His body is tense as he takes a deep breath. "It's too dangerous for you here. I want you to fly south-"

"What? No. You're not sending me away." His change in tone confuses her. She throws the blankets off her and stomps toward him.

"It's not up to you, Maria."

"Yes, it is. We had a deal and I'm not running."

Ryker turns and grips her upper arms. "You were poisoned! You almost died in my arms. You're my mate, I can't lose you."

"I told you before I'm not going anywhere. But just because we're mates doesn't mean the plan changes. We're in this together, Ryker. And if I die, then I die."

Ryker's jaw clenches as he stares down at her. "It will destroy me if you die. Whether we like it or not, you own a piece of me."

"Which is why I can't leave you. We're stronger together." He runs his hand behind his neck in agitation. She presses her lips to his and kisses him until they're both breathless.

He picks her up in his arms and walks her to the bathroom. "What are you doing?"

"We're going to take a shower. The more skin-to-skin contact we have, the stronger you'll be because of our mate bond." He sets her down and removes their clothes. Her eyes track down over his muscular chest. "Don't look at me like that unless you're going to back it up." She reaches out and tickles her hands down Ryker's abs. Her lips part slightly as lust moves through her. His eyes turn dark with desire as he reaches up and cups the back of her neck with his palm. He plants light kisses from her ear to her collarbone and she melts into his muscular chest. "I love how sensual you are. Everything about you turns me on." His hand drops to the back of her thigh and slides slowly up to cup her ass, before pulling her into the shower. His lips skirt across her shoulder as the hand on her ass kneads gently. She sucks in a breath, then he lathers the shampoo and gently massages it into her scalp.

"That feels so good."

Ryker lathers the soap and rubs it over her breasts. Then his fingers move down to her clit. Her legs clench with need. "After marking you, I need to be inside you."

"I need you inside me too."

"Good. I want you to turn around and put your hands against the wall."

Ryker's voice has gone low and commanding, sending a thrill running through her. She turns with protest, bracing herself. "Bend a little and spread your legs."

"How about a 'please', or did you forget your manners?"

"I'm not in the mood for manners." He lifts her hips and she instinctively bends forward, widening her legs. Without a word, he reaches around and presses two fingers to her swollen clit. Pleasure moves through her whole body. Then he moves them down and pushes them deep inside her.

"Oh, God. Ryker." She moans when he presses a hot kiss to her neck as he reaches his other hand around to massage her clit. His hands move in unison. One presses against her clit, while the other pushes deep inside her pussy. The pressure builds until she can't take it anymore. Her legs shake as she cries out. "Yes, Ryker!" Her orgasm crashes over her as he holds her close. "Oh, that was so....."

"We're not done yet." Ryker turns her around and pins her back against the wall. He lifts her leg around his waist and positions his hard cock against her slit. She sucks in a breath as he slides his dick into her slowly at first, then slams into her the rest of the way. She reaches her hands out and grabs his hips. Then she pulls his hips to hers, pressing herself harder against him. "Do that again." She quakes beneath him, tightening around his cock. She feels her orgasm coming in white-hot. "Yes, Maria. Come with me." She cries out, coming on command, Ryker finishes at the same time. He holds her against him as they catch their breath. "Damn. It gets better every time." He helps her out of the shower, then wraps her in a towel and walks her into the bedroom. "I'd like to train with you today and practice using a bow and arrow."

"Oh, prepare to lose. I'm excellent with a bow and arrow."

"So am I. We're going to train out in the open field. If anyone from my flight asks you to spar, tell them no. I don't want even the opportunity for an accident."

"It's cute that you're so protective of me."

"It's my job as your dragon lord and mate."

"It's more than that." She locks eyes with Ryker as so many unanswered questions flow through her mind. She shakes her head, not wanting to think too much about the future.

Ryker walks to the closet and pulls out an outfit. "Get dressed." She looks down at the sexy, red leather pants and crop top that he lays in front of her. He quickly throws on some clothes. "You're officially the dragoness, so the women wanted something edgier for you." Instead of the red pants, she walks to the closet and puts on a pair of jeans. "That will work for today."

"Good. Because it's comfortable."

Ryker takes her hand and walks her outside to the training area. They both pick up a bow and arrow and take a few practice shots at the target. "Okay, Maria. Let's see if you can beat me." Ryker notches his arrow and pulls it back, letting it fly as it hits dead center.

As she notches her arrow, a group of children run over. Gretchen, the young girl who was sweet to her before, approaches. "Dragoness Maria is going to win!"

"Gretchen, any tips to beat Lord Ryker?"

"Yes. Hit it in the center."

"Gretchen, I can't believe you're betting against me."

"Everyone knows girls have better aim than boys." Gretchen rolls her eyes at the tall boy standing next to her. Maria pulls her arrow out and notches it in her bow, then releases. The arrow hits Ryker's dead center, splitting it in half. All of the children cheer with glee. Ryker looks at her with a raised brow. "Yeah! I told you Dragoness Maria would win."

Ryker still looks slightly shocked that she won.

"Looks like you just turned over your title to me."

"I want a rematch."

"Maybe later. I'm going to enjoy my win for now."

"Will you train us, Dragoness Maria?" The rest of the children jump with excitement.

"Sure. Lord Ryker and I will instruct you."

They show the children how to hold the bow and aim. Then, step back a few feet while the children practice.

"You're great with kids, Maria."

"Thank you. I find children easy to get along with. They're honest and I respect that. Especially in our world where someone is trying to sabotage us at every turn."

"As the dragon lord, it's my duty to train the children."

"Do you want children someday?"

"Yes. It's my duty to have them."

"But do you want them?"

Ryker studies her face as he steps closer to her. "Yes, I want lots of children. Do you want children, Maria?"

"Maybe eventually, but I'm not interested right now."

"As a dragoness, it's expected of you."

"Maybe I'll change my mind in the future."

Mason walks out of the flight house and approaches the pair. "Ryker, we need to talk security. After Maria's poisoning, I'm concerned our whole food supply could be contaminated. I'd like you to check our food warehouse with me."

Ryker looks at her with a sigh. "Go ahead. I'll stay here with the kids. I'll be fine."

Ryker and Mason walk toward the other side of the flight house while she continues training the children.

20 minutes later, Aelon runs out of the forest as arrows fly by him. "Hunters are attacking! Get the children inside!"

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