Dragon Mirror- Ties Between the Veil

Chapter Prologue

The umwelt of a single organism contains the multitudes of their Universe.

The echoes of possibility ripple outward from each umwelt into the realms of Time and Space. These ripples reflect into each other, strongest at their epicenter, diffuse the further they travel.

What many do not realize, but have only theorized, is that this aspect will always come back to its center. Perhaps not in a physical aspect, but in an emotional, a metaphysical, or even supernatural impact. The Indian concept of karma, or the Muslim ideal of al-Qadar, barely scratches the multitude of Time-Space continuum in the consciousness of the sentient beings of the multiverse.

The more ripples made, in the right direction, can reap the benefits of the Ages. But the more turbulence made, positive, or negative, the more likely for a corruption or upheaval.

Sentience in a lifeform is subjective to the lifeform that is observing. The human adage of “What is good for the spider is Hell for the fly.”, hints vaguely at the nature of the multiplicity in existence.

All of existence operates via a programing, a type of coding, binary, tertiary, organic and inorganic, electrical, chemical and beyond. The very DNA of an organism can carry the experiences and ancestral memory forward to a new generation.

How real is the common reality for the masses? What rules of physics and math exist outside of human comprehension? Should this be terrifying, like an eldritch horror in the minds of the traumatized child? Or so very real to us as a whole.

Magic for some is the bending of reality, when the true masters of Will recognize it for what it is… just another ripple in Time and Space, woven into the realm of Thought.

Palliza could sense the alien presence hovering in the veils of her World. Its presence felt like a boil beneath her skin, a wriggling botfly larva seeking egress.

She calmly watched her great grandson move through his sword forms, although the waxing unease began to coil within her. The entity was unseen, but she could feel it.

Your sister’s selfishness lingers. Palliza turned her face slightly, glancing at her drakunmate from the corner of her eye. The voice sounding in her head was irate. Her draconic Aya’Chyn was staring at her meaningfully as she shook her mane in agitation. She was studiously ignoring the presence of the alien being. Her Aya’Chyn, Tralna, was terse and on edge.

We have already paid the price in this World from the Tilting. The next chapter of life in this world should have held the flames of Hope. The entity quaked behind the veils between worlds. It oozed towards Palliza, hovering over a boulder shaped egg in the center of the garden. It rested there, trembling in aggression.

MINE! It is MINE! MINE!!!!

She shuddered, choosing to ignore the entity. Without a physical bond, such as spilled or shared blood, the entity should not be able to communicate. The implication of this creature being a blood relation made her skin prickle in fear.

Palliza closed her eyes as the entity gave a vibrating shriek, causing the leaves to shake on the trees. She held out her hand to find comfort by twisting her fingers in Tralna’s mane of fur and feathers.

The presence dissipated as her great grandson paused in his practice at the disturbance in the atmosphere. He looked around, scale bumps rising across his skin in fear.

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