Dragon Mirror- Ties Between the Veil

Chapter 27: Cleanup, The Hunt, and Kasey’s Messenger

The smell was the thing that clung to Raina’s conscious thoughts, her mind desperately trying to block out the scenes of mayhem.

Preceding their ride into Verral was a thick fog of smoke, clinging to the ground. There had only been a few of the affected by Blight, and one had been a child. Little more than a toddler, really.

They had been in the bottom of a very deep hole, naked and scratching at the dirt with bloody hands. Raina had thrown up as Tralna stood at the top of the rim looking down.

Likely the poor child’s favorite thing in the world, and they dug their own grave.

Raina had choked on her own words at the callous and macabre thought from the Aya’Chyn, even if the sentiment had been delivered in tones of sympathy.

She felt the wave of force and heard the small body drop as she quickly turned away. Squeezing her eyes shut, she gently touched Iyzdra who was draped across her shoulders as a cloak. With an unsteady breath she Willed the body to ignite in flames.

There were only a few others, but Raina avoided paying attention to what the walking corpses were doing. Tralna dispatched them all swiftly, walking onward steadily with her head down, ears pinned back against her horns. Her crest was tight against the ridge of her neck in agitation.

There was minimal conversation, and the group did not spread out to explore the burnt shells of the dwellings. They would stop as a group, and one guard would check for survivors or the Blighted.

Calls of Blight would bring Tralna forward to dispatch them, and then Raina would burn the bodies.

Everyone led their mounts, as the okapi danced at every shifting timber and gust of ash. It seemed to take forever, for Verrel had grown to be a sizable human settlement. And now it was a smoldering grave.


Several okapi reared in fright and Tralna’s entire crest rose into a rigid sail, the fur in between the feathers standing on end as if electrified. Her tail came up like a scorpions, the feathers spread and the scythed end held in ready.

Raina felt Iyzdra begin to tremble, the cloak beginning to cling to her. Her Aya’Chin had not released this form since entering Verrel, even though she had been reassured that her Aya’Chyn’s energy had been restored.

Tralna stared down the lane between two homes, the smoke obscuring their visibility.


I do not appreciate the theatrics. Tralna’s mind voice was agitated.

Raina looked over at Tralna in confusion. The draconic Aya’Chyn had her head held high, ears up, her entire stance was one of dominance and conveyed her irritation.

There was a strong stench of char that rolled across her as the smoke began to clear. Hulking lupine shapes moved stealthily out onto the boulevard and Raina covered her gasp with her hand.

Standing half the height of Tralna, half a score of black and gray hyena-like creatures skulked out into the pale sunlight. Their pelts were black and smoldering red with gray hackles, portions of their bodies were gaping holes glowing with internal embers. Their eyes glowed eerily in lupine skulls with exposed teeth and dried leathered flesh.

The largest sauntered straight towards Tralna until she bared her teeth and emitted a low growl. The leader stopped while it’s pack cackled and moved behind in a hypnotizing dance.

You do not wish to run with the Hunt?

The sensation of the thoughts were unsettling, conveying the warmth of an inviting hearth, but the subliminal threat of a wildfire.

Tralna turned her head slightly to blink slowly at Raina. Do not speak. Iyzdra, do not stir. The private sending cramped her stomach with fear and Iyzdra shrank against her skin. The group around her shifted, signaling that Tralna had spoken to them as well.

Ian moved forward to take her hand and she squeezed it, surprised, but thankful for the reassurance.

One of the creatures lowered its head and snapped its teeth together loudly while whining, straining towards the okapi. The motion and noise cause one of the okapi to scream and buck. The rider struggled with the reins in futility. Ian’s suket nipped at the animal, warbling until it stood trembling in fear.

What happened to this human settlement?

The charred creatures began to hoot and move more frenetically. The leader cackled, it’s head bobbing.

The Hunt came to feast on the Blighted. We were called when the prey set fire to their own den. Aragon rejoices in the sacrifice… the Blood in the Fire…

Before the pack could begin to respond to their leader's excitement, Tralna threw her head back, a musical howl resonating and causing the creatures to still.

Rejoice in this kindling for your Lord’s Fires! But the time of Devouring has subsided until Aragon’s light sparks anew. The creatures threw their heads back as one and keened, for it did not match any wolves howl, nor any dogs baying. Raina’s hair stood on end and Ian pulled her to him, snaking an arm around her waist.

Begone, with my Blessings. Tralna sounded a keening of her own, then lowered her head to eye the leader. The pack melted back into the rising smoke, leaving the leader to confront Tralna.

Will it be as it was, Elohima? Will we feast? Will we tilt once again into madness? It’s hollow, glowing eyes turned slowly to regard Raina. Does the world break again with her coming?

Iyzdra trembled against her and Raina closed her eyes. She had never felt the level of terror

as what she felt while looking upon this walking nightmare.

I do not know. But tell your Lord that a shift is happening. Beware the Protectora.

Ian stiffened at her side and Raina looked at him to see his face set in an angry rictus, his eyes locked on the back of Tralna. No one else reacted, and Raina wondered if the Aya’Chyn was broadcasting to everyone.

The smoldering monster bowed its head in deference, and with a lingering glance at Raina, turned and dissipated into smoke.

“What are you about?” Ian hissed at Tralna.

Evening covered the smoke fogged forest in a deepening haze. The group had traveled an hour outside of the remains of Verrel before choosing a campsite. Unfortunately the smoke from the fires had carried in the direction they had needed to travel.

The Aya’Chyn didn’t bother to lift her head from her forelegs, her eyes reflecting the light of several of the campfires.

I am currently trying to take a nap.

“You know exactly what I mean!” He squatted down by her shoulder, keeping his voice low so no one would overhear his words. He refused to let down his mental shields to allow her into his mind.

Tralna emitted a long suffering groan as she lifted her head, turning her neck to stare Ian in the eyes.

You need to know. The Protectora spell form will not prevent the Blight from spreading. And the members of the Council have become corrupt in their xenophobic and imperialist views. The Protectora will devolve into bounty hunters, targeting the innocent and the unaware.

Ian rocked back on his heels, staring off in deep thought. He didn’t know what to immediately think, but he knew what his sister's reaction would be to these accusations.

Tralna pushed her muzzle forward, and Ian placed a hand on the smooth scaled skin reflexively.

It is your responsibility to make Cassiridara realize the gravity of the situation. The Protectora will come for Raina… as they came for my drakunmate. Raina does not have the ability and experience Palliza possesses. She will be murdered in the name of their misguided crusade.

His eyes were hooded as he nodded, gently caressing the horned bony ridge over her multi hued eye. The vertical slit pupil expanded and he could see himself, and Raina standing quietly behind him.

He pivoted swiftly, rising while brushing his hands on his trousers. “If we continue with no more mishaps, we will make it to Silkvetr in…”

He trailed off, seeing how pale her face was. Her hands were wringing nervously in front of her, and her eyes sought something in his.

“I- I want to ask if I can sleep with you.” She jerked her head, wincing. “ I mean- next to you. I’m…” she trailed off as her Aya’Chyn flitted down to land in the hollow of Tralna’s prone form.

“You’re scared.” He said gently.

She nodded numbly and he felt his heart cramp. He felt guilty at his inconsistency and his suspicions of her. But years of hearing about the damage done by the DrakunMagi and their Aya’Chyn was a hard prejudice to overcome.

You may lay out your bedrolls next to me. I will not roll on either of you, and the Diedades dare not attack me.

Raina smiled wanly as Iyzdra’s muzzle burrowed under Tralna’s forearm. The larger Aya’Chyn licked the smaller, crooning to comfort her fearful relative.

Ian walked to Raina and took up her hands, searching her face for some type of indication of what he should do. He understood her reluctance at growing closer to him, but could feel the attraction between them.

“I’ll go get our things. Sit with the old grandmother.” Tralna softly warbled at him in amusement.

Her fingers clung to his for a moment before she dropped her hands to her sides and looked away. Kasey had mentioned in passing that she had had a lover in the other world, before being brought here.

A small moment of jealousy tightened his gut as he walked away, before he beat it down. The woman had been through an ordeal, being forced out of everything she had known, into a new culture, a new language. He knew a bit of what that felt like.

As he collected their things, some of his comrades made lewd comments when they realized what he was about. His irritation with his own memories made him short with them.

“Anyone that encounters the Diedades of Aragon would be shaken. We sleep next to the comfort of the Elohima. Do not be disrespectful.” The guards quieted and nodded to each other solemnly.

Kasey was at the fire opposite, and her eyes watched him. Catching the light, they were still flinty and resentful. Ian shrugged his burden to settle it, lifting his chin in acknowledgment. She had been stubbornly silent since Verrel, and he knew she was still angry with him, and angry at herself.

She had demanded they send a rider to Temp’Allah, but he had refused. Before she could explode at him, he had pointed to the burned out husk of a dwelling in Verrel.

“Not only is there Blight, the Diedades have begun to swarm. You want me to send one of my people back the way we came, alone?” He had watched her face go blank, her dark skin going ashen.

“That is why we must send someone.”

The tone of her voice had made Ian look at her more closely. She shifted, chewing her lips in frustration.

“Qué Hiciste?” He asked in a low voice.

“I did not let the messenger know-” Ian’s hand shot out to grab her arm.

“What did you do?” He asked again in Daka.

She jerked her arm out of his grasp and threw up her hands. “I did what should be done!”

Ian stood very still, trying to control his rage, and his fear. “You sent a message to the Protectora.”

Kasey didn’t answer immediately.

His voice had come out in a vicious whisper. “Did you tell them about Raina?” Kasey took an involuntary step back. Her hand came up to cover her mouth.

“DID YOU?” His hushed voice broke, causing two of his guard contingent to look over at them.

“I did.” She whispered.

Ian nearly lost himself to an overwhelming fear and rage, built on the back of the childhood traumas he had suffered at the hands of the Protectora.

“They needed to know!” She growled. Her eyes blazed in defiance as she squared her body towards him, her hands balling into fists as they dropped from her face.

He controlled himself and quietly asked. “Did you indicate where we were going?”

Kasey laughed helplessly and he felt a weight on his chest, constricting his breath.

“No.” He blinked rapidly in surprise.


“No.” She made a cutting motion with her hand. “I wanted to assess the situation myself before that idiot Gadrhagnar sent an entire batallón across the Wilds after us. I figured they would send an ambassador contingent to Silkvetr, since I covertly told the messenger that we had been sighted with the group.”

Ian sucked in a breath, then let it out slowly.

“You did not tell them as their Queen, you tipped off the outpost contingent.” She nodded sullenly. “You’re still avoiding being brought back home.”

His statement made her jaw visibly clench and she looked away.

“We will not send one of my people out into the Wilds.” He held up his hand as she angrily opened her mouth. “We will ride hard to Silkvetr and utilize the kagami or the dream walker that lives in the castle.”

His sisters scowl blackened. Kagami were crystals or mirrors used to project thoughts and visions to another kagami in a different location. The messages could easily be intercepted by psychic sensitives.

And the Dreamwalker was the crone Clow’Lara, whom Kasey had discovered a deep and mutual mistrust.

“You will cause panic-“ Ian had scoffed at her words.

“There will already be panic.”

Coming back to the present, Ian watched his sister turn away purposefully. He sighed and turned towards Tralna and the alluring DrakunMagi.

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