Dragon Mirror- Ties Between the Veil

Chapter 13: A Murder, A Trial, and Unexpected Companions

Raina woke up to pounding on her door. She was snapped out of disturbing dreams of going on dates with a blonde Zhao during Mardi Gra.

“Fuck me.” She sighed. “What? Come in?”, she called out louder.

The owner Camilla came in with Jrash and a tall man that looked like an official of some type. Jrash looked pale, and Camilla's face was drawn. “You are needed downstairs with all the other guests. There's been a murder.” She closed her eyes briefly in pain then looked at Raina.

“It was Corael.”

Raina jumped out of her bed, looking for her pants. Jrash averted his gaze, even though Raina's nightshirt went down to her knees. The tall thin man appraised her legs, earning a glare from Jrash. Raina was not able to make herself care.

She had liked Corael in the brief time she had associated with the woman. She had explained how the plumbing worked in the bathhouse and was connected to the cisterns that collect runoff from the peaked ceilings. The woman had given her an extra pillow when she had mentioned how uncomfortable she had been.

Her anxiety was peaking as she thought about how her life was a badly written isekai anime or awful Netflix Original. Someone she had just talked to was dead.

After she had dressed, they stood uncomfortably with three other guests in the common room. Raina stood next to Jrash, who stood too close, and she felt Iyzdra peering down at her from the rafters.

There are other people outside in the yard.

Raina glanced up, not able to see her drakun mate, and shifted. She looked at the tall official who stood by the door to the yard. He turned to stare her in the eyes as he let in the people from outside and she quickly looked away in embarrassment.

Jrash grunted in surprise and Raina looked over to see a small black cat wrap about his legs. The cat’s eyes were red.

Ramoth’s voice sounded into their heads. I changed shape for better travel. I have had such a wonderful adventure, I am sure the rest of our trip will be just as significant! The cat blinked slowly at them.

Raina’s surprise was quickly overcome by another surprise. The people coming in through the door were the group she had danced with the night before.

Ian leaned to say something to his sister as his eyes locked onto Raina’s. She felt her face flush and turned to Camilla.

“What is happening? Are we being questioned?” Camilla looked surprised.

“Well, I guess you could call it that. The Shifu will lay the Truth on everyone that was in the area of Corael’s death. We found her body in the joint courtyard by the garden. We share the yard with the Tired Trail Inn.”

The tall man nodded at Camilla, and Raina surmised that he was the Shifu. “Is this everyone?” Camilla nodded, as did a round buxom woman and short man standing with the group that had come into the room.

He opened a satchel from his side and held up a handful of coins. “The deceased was found between these two establishments. There was not a mark upon her, but there was the absence of blood.” Those in the room murmured listlessly.

“This is unusual, yet not unheard of, so I will cast the Truth on you all, and you will take a coin. If you are unable to hold the coin after the Truth is cast,, or able to take it yet unable to leave this room, you will be questioned further. Otherwise you may go.”

Raina held out her hand for one of the coins, and looked over to see Ian standing next to his sister. He was appraising her again. Those pale eyes in Zhao’s face unnerved her. She tensed as the cold coin dropped into her hand and she stepped back for Jrash to take one. Ramoth was nowhere to be seen.

The man accepted a lock of hair from Camilla. She supposed that it was Corael’s hair. Creepy.

After everyone had taken a coin, the Shifu held up his hands, the lock of hair in his fingers, and intoned deep in his chest “So shall the Truth of Violence done to this soul, bind thee!”

Raina’s eyebrows raised- it was in english, or Darkuni. It was weird hearing plain english treated like some type of mystical latin.

Kasey murmured something in Spanish that Raina didn’t catch, and Ian laughed softly, replying. “It is good that it is specific, si?”

The tall official gestured at the door. “All of you, one by one, please exit the room by the front door.”

Kasey immediately stepped forward and went to wait in the street, two of their group waiting to follow her. Ian stood back while more people filed out of the door.

Jrash looked between her and Ian with a sour expression, then stomped out the door, leaving Raina, Camilla, and Ian in the room with the Shifu. Ian winked at Raina, then sauntered out the door, joining his sister.

Raina glanced at Camilla, and saw the woman’s pale face and started in surprise.

She held the coin clenched in her fist, and she shook.

She looked up at the tall official and whispered. “I would never kill Corael, I swear it.” She trembled.

Raina gaped in surprise. She then looked at the Shifu, and blurted. “What does that mean?”

He tilted his head. “The binding does not restrict to just murder- it is any violence. And considering your long relationship, have there been any… disagreements that ended in physical altercations?”

Camilla gasped in relief. “We did fight.” Her olive skin darkened as she flushed in embarrassment. “I slapped her over something she said just last night…” She trailed off, looking relieved but still anxious.

“Will the young lady also step through?” Shifu gestured to Raina. “And we will remove the binding and discuss this occurrence?.”

Raina stared at Camilla’s abashed face for a split second before hurrying through the door to stand next to Jrash. She was unnerved by the situation and tried not to show it.

“Are we free to go?” Raina asked Jrash, looking back over her shoulder. He shrugged noncommittally. He was gazing at Camilla through the door with a confused expression.

I believe you are free to go, since you were able to leave the room. Tralna’s voice in her head made her jump. Raina couldn’t see where the Aya’Chyn was located. Iyzdra flitted out of the Feather’s Flight and landed on Raina’s shoulder. I want to leave, too.

She was about to ask about their things when she realized that the general sound of conversation had stopped after Iyzdra’s appearance.

“What is that?” Kasey asked, her question breaking the awkward silence. Ian stood next to her with one hand lifted to his mouth. His darker eyebrows raised to his white hair.

“Ah- well, this is Iyzdra.”

She is my kin. Tralna stepped delicately from around the building, raising her head, the feathered crest raising slightly. She held the reins of Supi in her mouth, and dropped them.

I am sure the Scion of Silkvetr and Charbitia recognizes me. Both Kasey and Ian stiffened. Tralna flicked the end of her tail when Supi frisked.

Jra’Shanolar, Chib’Raina, go retrieve our belongings. I would speak with these children. Raina backed away slowly, following Jrash back inside. Ian was scowling at Tralna, while Kasey was talking quickly with the men of their group.

The Shifu and Camilla looked up in surprise when they entered. They were seated at one of the tables in the common area, his notebook propped up in front of him.

“We were done here anyways, Camilla. I will contact you after a full examination of Corael’s body, and I have spoken with her family. I doubt you had any involvement with this tragedy.”

Camilla looked wan as the man stood and collected his things. The coin sat on the table in front of her. He reached across and picked it up, pocketing the coin in his purse.

Raina realized she still had her coin and began to hold it out to the man. He looked surprised and smiled.

“You were able to leave, and had committed no violence to the deceased. It is yours.” She felt unsure, but placed the coin in the pocket of her loose pants. Jrash had already disappeared up the stairs.

“What happens now?” She tentatively asked. The Shifu gazed down at her, and he seemed to be mulling something over in his mind.

“Well.” He straightened his back, clasping his hands behind him. “I will investigate the surrounding area and question Corael's habits and doings.” He looked down at Camilla, who still sat.

“It is unfortunate to say, but the circumstances are unusual with very little evidence of what happened last night. My associates will be here shortly to comb the yard.” He hefted his satchel, and nodded to Camilla.

“I will be in contact.” He stooped to exit out of the back of the room.

Raina hesitated, looking at Camilla as the woman slumped in her chair, then headed up the stairs to throw her things together. Jrash passed her on the stairs, a look of agitation on his face.

“Ramoth is gone again! She wasn’t in the bedroom.”

She shrugged and continued up to pack her bags.

When she met Jrash out in the yard, everyone else was gone except the Aya’Chyn and Supi. Jrash seemed agitated and was looking around.

“Has she come back?” Raina hooked her bags to the back of Supi’s saddle. The irascible creature tossed his head, blowing his nostrils out at her as he craned back to look at her.

Did you mean me or some other creature that may have gone for a delightful walk? I am not bound to you, DrakunMagi, and I AM free, no matter what Mother of Bonds tells you.

Raina looked down, seeing the small black cat stropping Jrash’s boots. Scarlet eyes blinked contentedly at her, and Raina noted that Ramoth had two sets of ears, a smaller pair peeking out under the larger like tiny horns.

“Perhaps you could change into a larger creature like…” Jrash broke off before mentioning Tralna. “Ah, Supi?”

Ramoth’s ears flattened.

It would take much effort and I would need much time to accumulate that amount of mass. Are you proposing that you would ride me? Or strap me down as a beast of burden? She managed to give the impression of looking down her nose at him from the ground.

He sighed, looking upward. His mouth moved silently as if in prayer.

But Raina was also curious. She touched her Aya’Chyn who had converted into the necklace nestled in her cleavage.

The Daroul is correct. We are young and small. we would have to accumulate the mass over time, usually from our Drakunmate. Raina felt a strange reserve from Iyzdra. Which makes me wonder how she gained in size. Unless forming a closer bond with Jrash has enabled her to increase her mass and shift… Or perhaps she has always had the same mass.

Raina frowned. The difference in size was not much changed. Is this how you will grow?

She felt amusement and warmth from the Aya’Chyn. Yes. But I suspect your power will grow quickly, thus I as your Will will gain much in a very short time.

They crossed to the other side of Auscilla, passing an aisle of shops that Tralna explained could have had the supplies for an Aya’Duel. But they likely did not, and Palliza did not want to take the time to build one from scratch, anyways.

The Festival was still ongoing, with booths set up with art and treats. Games with multicolored twelve spoked hoops were being played, where competitors would attempt to ring colored posts with the associated colored section of spokes.

Jrash was nattering about how each spoke represented a hero that had been led by Gameatta to put the world to rights after the elemental spirits, the Aya’Chyn and their mates had gone mad.

Tralna sporadically interjected scathing commentary. She had apparently known Gameatta and was not a fan.

Raina wasn’t very interested, and was withdrawn into her overwhelming anxiety over Corael’s murder.

Supi took that moment of vulnerability to jerk his head back and warble. She cursed and leaned back in the seat as he gave a minute buck and Tralna snapped at him.

“What is this things fucking problem?”

They stood at the edge of Auscilla, on a roadway that led out into the thick forest. Raina dismounted and checked Supi’s saddle for anything that might have caused the violent reaction. Jrash’s eyes scanned the area.

I feel as if something is off… Iyzdra whispered in her mind. The Aya’Chyn had flown up into the nearest tree and fluttered her wings.

Jrash opened his mouth to ask a question when they were hailed by a familiar voice.

Raina froze, facing Supi, who shoved her with his muzzle in an annoying pseudo affection. She was afraid to turn around.

“I am relieved to have caught you before you entered the forest.” She slowly turned to look at the man in his crystalline blue eyes. They seemed to flash a pale green in the sunlight.

Ian was grinning broadly, mounted on another suket that was snowy white with brown speckling on the rump. Supi blew air out his nose, spattering her arm.

The rest of his party was similarly mounted on the strange zebra striped animals she had seen on the road before, except his sister who sat on a curiously feline animal, whose saddle had a leaned seat backing and stirrups that curved over each muscular shoulder. If her legs had been allowed to hang down, they would have dragged. The animal's hide was dappled and spotted like a leopard.

Ian leaned forward to pat his mounts neck and the animal danced, hissing and making a deep grunting in its chest.

“Aylla wants to challenge your suket.” He laughed.

Raina elbowed Supi as the animal tried to push past her, gripping his reins. “Aylla is a stallion?” She asked dumbly then shook her head. “What are you doing here?”

Kasey spoke up abruptly as Ian opened his mouth to reply. “Aylla is a mare, suket ova are led by the strongest pair, regardless of sex, and females wont mate with weak males.”

Ian glanced down at his sister, slightly annoyed.

“We are here to escort you to Silkvetr.”

“What?” Raina exchanged looks with Jrash, who was scowling down at Tralna, who stood passively with her head up and ears forward. Her crest was down, but fanned slightly across her arched neck.

Tralna turned her head to glare at Jrash as he tugged on her mane. She exposed her teeth to him, but remained silent.

“I- ah, I guess Tralna told you where we were going?” The man nodded and she felt herself flush. He just looked so alien, yet familiar.

Kasey grinned. “It would be a pleasure to bring you to Silkvetr, maybe we could stop by Temp’Allah?” Ian jerked in his saddle, and two of the men behind him muttered to themselves.

“I am not welcome at home.” Ian said stiffly, and the men behind him relaxed.

The woman’s face went blank, and she seemed to be struggling with herself. But the mood passed and she shrugged, turning her mount away to the side.

Ian eyed his sister for a moment, then turned a charming smile on Raina. “There have been issues with elemental sprites and the route to Silkvetr would be safer in a larger group. The King also has an interest in meeting the DrakunMagi. Our main mission was to inquire about your presence at Elohima Palliza’s and extend an invitation to Silkvetr.”

Raina felt cold creep up the back of her neck. She had spent the past several months sequestered in the forest with Palliza, yet somehow this King knew she existed. They knew she existed and had sent people to find her.

She understood that this world believed Palliza was the progenitor of the DrakunMagi. She wasn’t considered a part of the Magi, but as a type of demigod. She had jokingly told Raina that in her youth, people had traveled to find her and petition her to speak to the gods.

Some of the histories she had been given to translate had discussed the treaty between Palliza and the ruling family of Silkvetr. The treaty was established after a disastrous attempt to assassinate her, gone wrong. A group of people had assumed Palliza would go bonkers like the rest of the DrakunMagi, therefore, off with her head.

The woman had been a boss they had not been prepared to take on. Palliza had locked the assassins into crystalline cocoons, and stored them in a place called the Crya’Shal Falls. Gameatta had later come to beg her ancestor for their release. Palliza had required Gameatta to agree to establish a new ruling family, agree to the precepts of Charbitian stewardship of the Wilds, and to essentially leave her the fuck alone.

Raina felt a little cynical towards the idea that Palliza was so ancient, but Jrash had explained that he was not actually her grandson, but more in the ballpark of a seventh generation grandchild. His ancestry, like King Silkvetr, also derived from Palliza’s son Jrashan, but his familial line had lived a quiet life in the Wilds after the Tilting of power.

She couldn’t really hold her cynicism when she felt an internal inquiry from Iyzdra. Mentally she shrugged. Shits’ magic. I’m sure it makes sense to someone else. Iyzdra’s return emotions felt amused.

But for whatever it was worth, she didn’t seem to have a choice in traveling companions. At least without looking like a complete bitch.

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