Dragon Bound

Chapter Chapter Twenty


Chapter Twenty


Lune’s hands shook slightly as he grabbed the vial of oil from the bedside table. By the time he had turned back around, Jason was removing his trousers. Lune’s mouth went dry as he stared at the lean muscle on display. The man’s cock lay soft over his thigh. Lune had seen Jason before, caught glimpses of him when they bathed but he had never seen the knight splayed out on display like this. He came back toward the kneeling man.

‘To be clear, you only participate if you want to,’ Damon said softly as he took the vial from Lune’s slack hand. Lune nodded, still a little awestruck.

‘I want to,’ he heard himself say. Damon smirked wickedly and threaded his free hand into Lune’s soft hair. He pulled Lune into a hard kiss, claiming his mouth with a possessiveness that made Lune’s own cock twitch with interest.

‘Now then,’ Damon said, turning back to Jason’s kneeling figure.

‘What to do with you…’

Seeing Jason so submissive did something to Lune. Instinctively, he reached out to touch the man’s face, feeling the roughness of his stubble and tracing the line of his jaw.

‘He’s not bad looking for a human,’ Damon commented. Lune gave a small nod, fascinated by the way the torchlight in the room made the man’s auburn hair glow.

‘Touch him. I promise, he won’t move,’ Damon growled, his eyes threatening. Lune swallowed nervously, then sat down beside the kneeling man. His fingers traced a scar along the knight’s forearm. As promised, Jason didn’t move, though the man shivered. There was an old patchwork of shiny skin along one pectoral that look as though it was a long-healed burn.

‘Does this hurt?’ Lune breathed, touching the oddly smooth skin. Jason shook his head.

‘No.’ He sounded a little breathless. Lune reached up and placed a timid kiss to his jaw. Jason turned his head to meet him. He let out a rough gasp as Damon tangled his fingers in the man’s auburn hair and wrenched his head back.

‘Damon!’ Lune admonished, worried he had hurt the man.

‘He’s fine Lune,’ Damon purred. Lune glanced down and felt his cheeks go hot at the sight of Jason’s cock which was thickening.

‘Keep playing with him. He won’t move again, will you?’ Damon growled, giving Jason’s head a little shake.

‘No,’ the man groaned. Lune leaned in again, inhaling the scent of the leather, smoke and sweat. Feeling slightly braver, he ran his tongue over Jason’s throat, tasting him. True to his word, Jason didn’t move. Throwing caution to the wind, he wrapped his hand gently around the warm hard cock as he sank his teeth lightly into the man’s neck. Jason choked, something between a gasp and swear leaving his lips. The cock bucked in Lune’s hand, and he stroked it, almost teasingly.

‘Fuck you’re gorgeous,’ Damon breathed. Lune drew away from Jason’s reddened neck to accept a kiss from the other dragon.

‘Can we move him?’ Lune asked. In response Damon jerked Jason to his feet. He pointed to the bed and Jason went, sitting on the bed, his cock standing tall with a bead of moisture glistening at the tip. Lune followed after him.

‘What do you want?’ Damon asked seriously. Lune looked nervously from his mate to the rider.

‘I… I want to ride him,’ Lune said in a tiny voice. Jason gave a low pained groan, his cock twitching. Damon cuffed the man sharply.

‘Shut up, you get no say in this.’ Then Damon turned back to Lune. ‘Well then, we need to get you ready…’

Lune had never felt so insanely exposed as he was now, on all fours with his rear in Damon’s hands. The Yoru squeezed and massaged his cheeks, spreading them until he felt the chill of the air on his hole. There was the sound of a cork being worked from a bottle. Lune jumped slightly as cool oil slithered down his crack then yelped as Damon’s fingers stroked down his ass.

‘Try to relax,’ Jason whispered. Lune nodded, openly panting as Damon played with him, stroking over and around his twitching hole before palming his balls and cock. Lune’s head was spinning. At the touch of the first finger, he froze. It eased gently inside up to the first knuckle. It was made a little better when Damon took hold of his shaft again to stroke in time with his exploration. It moved, little by little until Damon was able to press the entire finger in and out without Lune flinching. With more oil, he added a second. Damon’s fingers felt strange and slightly invasive. There were twinges of pain as he moved them deeper into Lune’s channel.

‘Kiss him again, try to relax,’ Damon said gently, licking at Lune’s ear. Lune leant forward and took Jason’s lips again, trying not to clench down on Damon. Jason pressed up into him, tracing his tongue against Lune’s, as though trying to taste every inch of him. Lune shuddered. Jason’s fingers were twisted into the blankets.

‘Can you feel that? He wants to touch you so badly,’ Damon chuckled wickedly. Lune could feel it. The rampant want, hunger and need was leaking across their mental bond. Jason’s whole body was taut, held, and bound in place by sheer willpower. Lune’s mouth fell open as those long fingers brushed against something in inside him. He jolted forward, only Damon’s strong hand on his hip preventing him from tumbling into Jason’s lap.

‘There it is,’ Damon purred. Lune whimpered, hips shaking. The fingers moved a little faster, aided by the oil.

‘I think we are ready. It will still burn a little. Take it slowly,’ Damon murmured into his ear. Those long fingers slid from his twitching hole. Lune crawled clumsily into Jason’s lap. Jason shifted, leaning back on his hands as Lune settled himself. Damon, hand still slick with oil, took hold of Jason’s cock, pumping a few times to be sure it was coated. Jason hissed through clenched teeth, muscles straining. Damon let him go and shifted, wrapping his arms around Lune’s torso to help support him as he straddled the knight’s throbbing shaft.

Hesitantly, Lune reached for it to line himself up. It felt very large. Biting his lip, he eased himself down, Damon’s hand rubbing at his belly. He froze almost instantly, the fat head pressing sharp against his tender ring, stretching it.

‘Breathe,’ Damon reminded him. Biting his lip, Lune forced himself down further until the head popped inside. Both he and Jason groaned. Slowly, inch by eye-watering inch, Lune speared himself on Jason’s cock until he was fully seated. He took several deep breathes, trying to become accustomed to the man’s impressive girth.

‘Tight,’ Jason snarled out. Damon chuckled darkly.

‘I’m sure he is,’ Damon purred, rubbing Lune’s twitching muscles. ‘When you’re ready love, rock your hips,’ he instructed. Slowly, gingerly, Lune shifted. The burn was still there but it was fading in place of a delicious pressure. Every swirl of his hips ground the man’s cock into his sweet spot. It was a heady sensation.

Jason was panting through clenched teeth. He was gorgeous, the sweat on his skin making him glow in the fire light. Acting more on instinct, Lune leant forward and took one of the man’s erect nipples into his mouth. Jason actually whimpered, hips bucking slightly. Lune moved faster, raising himself a little and falling back, the cock sliding all the way inside.

Lune decided he liked this position very much. The man was incredibly deep, but Lune controlled the pace, riding him smoothly. Keening moans escaped his throat as he rocked faster. One of Damon’s hands left his waist to coil around his bobbing cock. The sensation was so powerful he nearly shouted, his body clenching hard on Jason’s cock. Jason swore again.

They were both panting hard, Lune able to feel the cock inside him swelling. Lune bounced harder. He demanded and got another kiss from Jason, their teeth clashing with the loss of control. They were both getting close to their release. Lune clung to Jason’s shoulders, fucking himself harder on the man’s stiff cock.

The sensation of hot liquid filling his insides made Lune gasp and clench down hard. His own balls were drawn up so tight it was almost painful. With one last stroke of Damon’s hand, his world shattered.

His vision tunnelled, back arching as his cum coated Jason’s taut belly. Damon was speaking to him, milking his aching cock of everything he had. Slowly, Lune slumped, grateful for Damon’s strong body. The larger man helped him off Jason’s lap. Jason was still panting, his pupils slightly dilated.

‘You’re not done yet,’ Damon growled. Lune looked up, his eyes widening as Jason crawled forward and took Damon’s leaking cock into his mouth. Lune watched breathlessly as Jason’s head bobbed over Damon’s crotch. Damon met Lune’s gaze.

‘Next time, next time it will be me breeding you,’ he growled, eyes blazing. Lune throat clicked. Damon was apparently very worked up because it didn’t take him long to find his release in Jason’s experienced mouth. He thrust deeply, Jason taking him down his throat. Lune could actually see the Yoru’s balls draw up and twitch as he released his load.

‘Fuck.’ Damon spat, hand fisting Jason’s head. Jason was swallowing fast, the sight making Lune’s spent length jerk. Finally, Damon, released him, the two tumbling back onto the bed. The three lay in their afterglow for several long peaceful minutes.

‘Are you okay?’ Lune asked Jason softly.

Jason gave him a weak smile. ‘Yes, are you?’

‘I’m fine,’ Lune replied, blushing. Damon pressed a kiss to Jason’s mouth.

‘Don’t ever try to block us again,’ he warned.

Jason nodded, his eyes already half closed. ‘I won’t.’ They curled up together, Damon half-heartedly throwing a blanket over them. It didn’t take long for them to fall asleep.


A knock on the heavy door jolted the group from their sleep. Jason, trained since he was a child to sleep light, was already pulling on his trousers by the fourth knock. Damon growled and sat up, pulling the blankets up to be sure his mate was properly covered.

‘It’s the crack of fucking dawn,’ the black dragon grumbled. Lune opened one eye blearily. Jason swung stiffly from the bed and opened the door. His squire greeted him urgently.

‘Sir, forgive me but the king has summoned you and Damon to him,’ George said quickly. Damon swore.

‘I’ll be ready in five minutes, thank you George. See to it that Lune is brushed down and fed today,’ Jason sighed. His squire nodded, then vanished back down the corridor.

‘Now what does the man want?’ Damon groused as he pulled on a rough tunic. Lune sat up, long silver hair falling in a curtain around his soft face.

‘You’re leaving?’ he asked sluggishly.

‘Yes love. We’ll take you back to the stable on the way. I’ll make sure George organises something good for your breakfast,’ Jason promised, pressing a kiss to Lune’s forehead. Lune looked up at him, his eyes worried.

‘Is he going to hurt you again?’ Damon gave a bestial growl.

‘He better fucking not,’ the Yoru snarled. Jason raised his hand.

‘Be calm Damon. Let’s just find out what this is about first,’ Jason muttered, helping Lune untangle from the covers. It was very early and there weren’t many out and about yet. The guards nodded to Jason as they left their quarters for the stables. Lune wasn’t looking forward to a long day alone and only hoped that whatever the meeting was about, it would finish quickly.

‘Try to get some more sleep. We should be back soon,’ Jason said as his spell work fell away and Lune was able to return to his natural state. He stretched his wings and gave a small warble. He watched them leave with a bad feeling growing in the pit of his belly.

Jason and Damon picked up their pace as they headed away from the stall. They didn’t speak to each other, not that they needed to. Damon could feel Jason’s unease. Whatever this was about, it couldn’t be good. When they climbed the stairs, Jason wasn’t entirely surprised to see Fredrick and Vulkan. He was less happy to see Kyril and Nibui. The rider so very rarely brought Nibui with him to meetings.

The male dragon was thin and narrow in the shoulders with dark hair. He had a mean sulky look about him and his thin nose and weak jawline didn’t help. Kyril also had a filly, but he rarely brought her either, especially if there was a chance of combat. Judging by the bruises on her female form, Jason guessed the man primarily used her for... other purposes.

The three knights and their dragons entered the room. The Sun King was waiting for them.

‘Sir Amara and Sir Dane will not be returning for another few days with news from our allies. I am sending the three of you west to my outer towns of the Szary Fields.’

‘The Szary Fields, sire?’ Fredrick and Jason shared a confused look. The fields were several days out and remote. The land there was hilly and bad for crops, the soil more granite and shale than anything else, hence its name. It was also remote and cold all year round. For these reasons they seldom did a sweep of them. Half of Jason’s squad had made the trip about a month ago whilst Jason had been preoccupied with Lune.

As Jason studied the king, he couldn’t help but think that he was not seeing the full picture here. Did the king already know who the traitor was? He caught the man’s blazing eyes and felt the weight of them, but the man’s expression gave nothing away. The three knights bowed low.

‘We will leave right away,’ Fredrick stated firmly. The group turned to go.

‘Jason, a moment.’ Jason and Damon froze. Fredrick and Kyril left without him, though Kyril’s eyes stayed on them until the door swung closed.

‘My king?’

‘Don’t allow Kyril from your sight.’

Jason stared. ‘Sire?’

‘Something is happening inside the walls of my stronghold, and it requires time to sought. Time, that can be gained from sending some of you away.’

‘Do you believe Kyril is the culprit?’ Jason asked, trying not to sound too excited by this. The king studied him for a long moment.

‘I suspect he is involved but perhaps, not how you believe. Say nothing, Jason. Leave your Kagame here. Do not let your personal feelings and thoughts on the man be the lead of your actions. Go.’ With this utterly cryptic farewell, the king rose from his throne and waved Jason from his sight.


‘You still in trouble?’ Fredrick grunted as Jason climbed up into the saddle half an hour later. Jason snorted.

‘Always,’ he muttered. Lune had not been thrilled to find out that Jason and Damon would be gone for a few days. It was infuriating, to be able to bond with the little dragon then have to leave him behind but it was better than having Lune hurt. Of course, just where was Lune in the most danger? With Jason and Damon or here at the stronghold without them?

‘Bah, he just has to get used to not being the king’s favourite pet anymore,’ Kyril sneered. Fredrick rolled his eyes.

‘You two better not bicker this entire fuckin flight,’ Fredrick groused. Jason glared at the other man but didn’t rise to the barb. The three dragons took flight, one after the other.

Nibui was the smallest of the three dragons. Whip thin and nimble, the male stayed in the centre of their formation. Jason leaned forward in the saddle as they gained height. It was good to be back in the air. That thought gave him another pang of guilt. When this was over, he swore he would take Lune wherever the kagame wanted to go.

Damon’s annoyance towards Jason was gone and for the first time in days, he and his rider could properly get on the same page so to speak. As they flew, Jason conveyed all he had heard and learnt. As he shared his guilt and fear over the phrase ’Take that beast’s collar off and see where his loyalties lie...’ he heard Damon chuff.

You idiot, was the thought his mount sent back across their link. Jason sighed. He knew that now. He never should have let what that boy had said affect him. What was more, Damon shared Jason’s worries. The Yoru didn’t want Lune to go anymore than Jason did and by cutting Damon out, he had only worsened things.

‘I’m sorry.’ Jason communicated for what was probably the hundredth time. Damon didn’t answer him with words, but he felt his dragon’s clemency. They couldn’t linger on this. Not now. They had been given a mission. Obviously, there was more going on than Jason’s relationship problems. Something involving Kyril.

Hopefully Kyril is the traitor, and we can just burn him to a crisp. Damon thought drily. Jason snorted. His private conversation with Damon had lasted over an hour. The sky was particularly cloudy, and wind buffeted them as they flew. Something passed over the sun, sending a shadow over Vulkan’s wing. Jason saw it just as Damon did and felt his heart skip a beat.

‘From above!’ Jason shouted over the wind. He heard Fredrick swear as the three beasts wheeled around in time to see four dragons coming straight for them.




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