Dragon Born: Book I of the Tendaaren Chronicles

Chapter 7: Betrayal

" Smiling faces sometimes pretend to be your friend.

Smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within.” --The Temptations*

Emily’s day couldn’t end fast enough. She heard Damien had an incident. She wanted to run to him, wanted to make sure he was safe. She had loved him ever since she stepped foot in Kaelen’s Keep. His soft green eyes, his loving smile, his playful personality. She knew he was a flirt; she was okay with that it was just for show.

She never actually saw him choose another lady before her. She always watched from a distance. Forever his shy shadow, his secret admirer. He always treated her with kindness, but he never seemed to notice her. Until a couple of weeks ago.

He found her one night while she was working. She dusted off an image of Eleanor, ‘savior’ of their people. She had been working quietly, too terrified to speak as he confessed his hidden feelings and how he knew she loved him as well.

He insisted that their love remain a secret. It had to, or she would find out. Emily agreed eagerly to their arrangement, and they have been meeting in secret ever since. He was such a gentleman. He always left her little gifts, or notes to demonstrate the purity of his affection. Emily mentally swooned at the thought of their first kiss.

It was perfect. It was midnight in the garden. Damien had begged Emily to meet him for a secret rendezvous. The scene was straight from a romantic ballad. Moonlight lightly kissed the tropical flowers. Fairies danced lightly between the blooms of passion flowers and gardenias. The fountain water was still as glass framing their forms in a perfect liquid mirror.

He came up behind her his warm arms encircling her waist. He held her close and said something that made her laugh. She couldn’t remember exactly what. The whole evening remained in a blissful haze. After a few minutes, he gently cupped her face in his palm. She leaned into his palm enjoying its warmth. Her eyes met his and held them. She was unable to look away from the sparkling soul contained within.

“Thank you so much for your help.” The strange new girl said. Everyone was fussing and excited about her but Emily could not for the life of her figure out what for. Eleanor was the savior this was some girl that looked like her. She was more annoyed at the interruption of her blissful daydream than she was interested in answering questions. She wanted to complete her work quickly and check on Damien.

“what is your name?” The annoying new girl asked.

Exasperated at the continued interruption, she answered”Emily.”

“Emily that is a pretty name what does it mean?” The girl probed. Emily realized, with exasperation, that her task this evening would take much longer than she originally planned. She choked back a sigh and put on her most hospitable expression.

“My name miss? It’s just the one my parents gave me.” Keeping her answer short. Not like this girl cared, but she had more important things on her mind, well one thing, Damien.

Emily busied about the room the newcomer girl firing off irritating questions at her. She wanted nothing to do with her idle small talk she had to get to Damien. The faster she finished her tasks the sooner she could check on him. To look into his emerald eyes and make sure he was okay.

The girl interrupted her musings yet again with irritating questions. “No, I mean where are we what is the name of this land?”

“This land miss? Well, we live in the land of Tendaara.” How could she not know that?

Suddenly the new girl lost her mind. She collapsed in the chair drool lolling out the side of her mouth. The girl was catatonic and unresponsive to Emily. Emily clapped and yelled trying to get her attention, but nothing happened. Worried that this would further delay her evening Emily called for help.

It did not take long for the noisy dwarf and silver elf to come in. Nice guys but nothing special as far as Emily was concerned. They threw water on the new girl wrecking Emily’s braids. The girl sputtered and yelled but was utterly ‘fine.’ Relieved that the evening was finally progressing, despite having to re-do the girl’s hair. Emily finished getting this troublesome girl ready for the gala and promptly left the room.

Emily ran to the garden in excitement. She ran with the enthusiasm of a small child smelling the aroma of fresh pies. Her pace picked up as the clock chimed the first stroke of midnight. She arrived in the garden and looked around frantically. She was alarmed that she may have missed his opportunity, but then his hands covered her eyes, and she smiled. Excitedly she turned around and there he was her handsome man. She held him so tight he grunted.

“Easy my midnight flower. What has you so excited.” The deep baritone of his voice sent a thrill through her spine. She snuggled in deep to him.

“My love you, of course, you had me worried are you okay?” she said carefully stroking his cheek and running her fingers through his silky chocolate hair.

“Yes, my midnight flower why wouldn’t I be?”

“My love you had an episode today!” Shocked that she had to remind him. “Then everyone started acting quite weird. The new girl especially.”

A flash of red appeared in Damien’s eyes and then vanished. Emily was too busy nestling into his embrace to notice.

“I am fine darling.” He cooed “Tell me about the new girl.” He pressed.

“Well, she is pretty I guess. Average height and all. I do not understand all the hubbub.” Emily said downplaying her looks. Emily knew that her form was not much to look at, she always feared Damien would one day decide he could do better.

“Darling you know my episodes are hard for me to remember.” He crooned at her. “Did you hear anything about what I said?” Placing her on his knee and covering her neck with sweet kisses. His hands traced her waist and gently grabbing her hips and her rump. All of it drove her wild with passionate distraction.

“No nothing.” Emily thought hard on her about the strangeness of her day, ’Though everyone acted quite strangely after you did. The dwarf and elf requested a surplus amount of dried goods to their quarters.” She was pensive for a moment, “which is weird because they had a big gala planned tonight. Hardly the time for snacking in your room.”

Her eyes popped open “unless they were planning on leaving?” She shook her head, “no, they are not supposed to leave for several weeks.” Emily groaned and held her hand up to his face. “Which may make these meetings of ours a little less frequent.”

Again Damiens’ eyes flashed red as he pulled a bit of her hair. Emily was so focused on the moment and the depth of his affections that she did not notice. His kiss intoxicated her erasing her mind of any cognisant thought. All she knew at this moment was want. He asked more questions plying her caresses and kisses. Not all of them about the new girl, thankfully. Some were about Allabandar and the other nobility. After an hour or so he made some excuse about how the vision wore him out, and he disappeared into the night.

Emily was left staring longingly at his shadow. Her veins on fire with wanting.

In the infirmary, Damien slowly nursed a mighty headache. He stared at the midnight moon. There was a light knock on the infirmary door.

“Come in.” He said weakly. A man stood in the doorway the most handsome man Damien knew. They grew up childhood friends together and then fell in love. “Kevin” he sighed in relief.

Kevin ran to him covering him in kisses, “I was so worried about you.” Concern etched across his delicate features. “I am so angry at myself.” He clutched Damien’s hand, “for not being there when you needed me.” Kevin said as he stroked Damien’s hair. His eyes scanned him for any damage or weakness.

Damien repeatedly tried to sooth Kevin’s hysterics. Finally, he grabbed his face looked him directly in the eye and firmly said “I am Fine!” and kissed him. Kevin moaned into the kiss. Then crawled into Damien’s infirmary bed and held him close. There they cuddled and slumbered until morning.

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