Dragon Born: Book I of the Tendaaren Chronicles

Chapter 36: The Cruelty of Fate

Cameron relaxed by the gentle fire that heated the lakeside inn. It had been the closest he had come to civilization for a while and he was beginning to enjoy himself. He needed no purchased entertainment. The antics of the intoxicated locals was enough to keep him smiling. Celeste was busying herself by adding to the fun. She was on the floor dancing from man to man. Her hair danced with her. The jubilant atmosphere was one he was making an effort to imprint in his mind. There were so few moments like these left he was not one to waste them.

A serving girl plopped herself on his lap and threw her arm around him. He turned his attention to her and raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

“Hello, sailor.” She said intertwining her fingers in his beard, and she leaned closer to him, her sweet scent was overpowering.

“Can I help you with something?” He answered her with aloof condescension, he was not in the mood for her offer and wanted to make that inexplicably clear. He unlike most of his gender had never been interested in superfluous coital exchanges. It was a waste of time and a hollow hobby. When you have been in the throws of an inexplicable emotional and physical connection, one night stands would never again be satisfied. He was a one-woman man and this certainly was not the girl for him. It did not matter how long it had been, he was not interested in the apple on the lowest branch of the proverbial tree.

“I was hoping I could help you.” She purred lasciviously, her voluptuous chest was pressed into his. He caught Celeste’s eyes watching him as she flailed and gyrated on the dance floor. Her expression was that of curiosity, almost as if she was studying him.

“No,” Was all he said. She was making his knee numb and it was uncomfortable.

Her heavily rouged lips pouted at him and her eyes widened. Her attempt at being coy was disrespectful to women everywhere. She pressed herself further into him tickling his neck with her breath. “I have a special place in my heart for strange men from the mountain.”

“Your parents must be so proud.” Came a fiery feminine voice.

The woman glared at Celeste and she happily glared back. Cameron chuckled. “I see you have met my girlfriend.”

The woman’s jaw dropped and she pushed herself so hard off his knee that she nearly knocked him out of his chair. A great perk of having a gorgeous fire-haired amazon as a ‘girlfriend.’ No one would ever question her. Celeste slid into the strange woman’s place he smiled at her intoxication. Somehow she was still a siren in her own right, even three sheets to the wind. “Let’s see if I can do this right. Halooo I like your beard Mr. man!” She said in her best wench impression.

He chuckled “Haloo, I like your sword.” Copying her imitation. Celeste had a way of making anything fun even strange women invading his personal space.

“That sir is my line, and I am so offended I feel the need for another drink! Would you care to join me?” Cameron nodded and followed. “By the way as your ‘girlfriend’ I get all the perks. that means that you have to pay!” She sashayed ahead of him and he simply smiled in return, and for the first time in years, he felt relaxed.

Kaellen’s keep

Darkness closed in on Allabandar’s heart as he watched Emily work. She seemed so harmless. She sang and danced as she effortlessly cleaned the hallways. Despite his insistence that in her condition she should be resting. He watched her, constantly, he knew what he had seen. He knew that she was poisoned. He could not bring himself to do something about it her condition, but for the safety of his people, he could not simply be idle. Emily was a threat to everyone’s lives, and she had no idea. He was trapped. His heart screamed, cried, and writhed in agony and desperation for him to keep the woman he loved by his side. Yet, His mind was endlessly logical what was two lives in comparison to thousands? How can you choose? How can you simply pick one? Is there a right decision?

All he could do was send for help. Help from the one person who had any hope of saving Emily and his unborn child from Scelestra’s grasp. All the while the only way to keep everyone safe was to not tell her. He knew that she had no idea of the darkness poisoned her mind. She had no knowledge that she was a ticking time bomb, a spy in a cruel and unforgiving court, and it was in everyone’s best interest that it remained that way. If Scelestra knew that she had been found out then she would attack. Emily and his unborn child would be destroyed in the process. Their only hope to prepare for her attack and save his beloved was to wait. To keep her in the dark.

They had allowed the knowledge of her pregnancy slip on purpose. Keep people watching her stomach not her eyes. He could only blame himself. The worst part was he also knew the poison of Scelestra’s work. He had grown up with it. While Emily was assured of her love for him he was no longer sure. How could he be? Her mind was not her own. Her soul belonged to a black haired temptress who’s only joy was to destroy the joy of others.

He had been so foolish. How could he let this happen? He knew better. He let his emotions overrule the strict regulations that had kept Kaellen’s keep safe for years. How could he be so weak? He watched her dancing again and felt his heart melt at the sight. His nails dug hard into his palms, small welts of blood appeared. He had to fight it. He had to let her go, there was no real hope or promise he could save her. He knew it was a ridiculous notion as he sent for Celeste. The one woman in the whole world with the power of light. The only woman so pure of heart and mind that she was not polluted by darkness. If she could not unlock Emily’s soul from Scelestra’s dark magic, then no one could.

His only salvation was that the few people who knew understood his pain. No one blamed him for his weakness. Everyone had been touched by Scelestra’s cruelty at some point. Everyone had lost a brother, sister, mother, or wife to the darkness of the claimed. Each one of those people had been gentle and kind at heart. It was not their fault, they were pawns in a game no one understood.

Emily jumped into his lap her face filled with glee. “It kicked!” She was so full of excitement and jubilance. Despite her condition, she was glowing, and for a brief moment so was he. He would be a father, hopefully.

Hakkar Lake

Celeste and Cameron stepped into the rickshaw raft that was supposed to carry them safely across the lake. Unfortunately for them, the journey around the enormous body of water would take too long. The more formidable ferry had left a week ago. No one had heard anything from them since. Cameron’s instincts were on fire, something was very wrong. Trip by ferry should only take a day or two at most. A heavy mist floated around them concealing the water from their eyes. Celeste seemed perfectly relaxed. Cameron had his sword three-quarters of the way unsheathed. If he was going to die for some random girl that Allabandar fancied he would not do it without a fight.

Celeste pushed them from shore, and his eyes traced up the side of the Hakkar mountains. Their silver peaks were gently covered in a mystical blanket of white and deep evergreen that disappeared into the clouds. As the boat floated away he watched as his home was faded and into the ominous and unforgiving mist. He heard a heavy splash, of what he hoped was a fish jumping. Fish usually only jumped to avoid something bigger. Something predatory and felt his heart thundering in his chest. Another jumped and landed in the boat. It did not seem interested in jumping back into the lake. Then there was more splashing, and then a song. A sweet and gentle chorus of ethereal voices coming from deep within the mist. What had he gotten himself into?

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