Dragon Born: Book I of the Tendaaren Chronicles

Chapter 31: The Paladin

“A true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart.” --Hercules

Cameron sighed in frustration. “Come on let’s find Celeste we still have one more plan.” Baellnar nodded and followed him.

They flashed their tickets at an angry looking guard who let them into the ‘VIP’ area. Inside the room was a plush velvet bed surrounded by deep red gossamer curtains. In the center of the room was the mahogany table filled with a cornucopia of fruits and strange meats. Baellnar turned his nose up to the smell. Elves were traditionally vegetarians. Though they claimed it was for their religion, Cameron knew better. Baellnar had never been able to stomach even the most savory delicacies. It did not matter who raised Baellnar nor how hard he tried to adapt to his new human family. He was elven to his core.

Celeste entered the room. Her wild red hair was the only thing that covered her bare chest. A metal bikini skirt cascaded down her long supple legs. A large dragon tattoo covered her ribs with its tail snaking around her thighs. She swayed her hips enchantingly as she sidled up to the gentleman and let a broad luxurious smile part her lips. “So how do you want to do this?” her voice was made of silky velvet and her honey skin sparkled in the dancing candlelight.

“Eww,” Baellnar said in disgust. He looked as if he would be nauseous. Cameron was facing an entirely different emotion, and he hated himself for it. He worked to contain it, but he would have to be dead inside, or her blood relative to not be aroused.

“So just your friend then?” She asked sidling up to Cameron who backed himself behind a table.

Baellnar puffer his chest out and opened his mouth, but no words came.

Cameron stuttered, “not me either.” He was sweating profusely and creating images of Eleanor’s kind brown eyes and gentle smile in his mind. Her image was hazy because it had been so long since had so much as held her hand.

Celeste threw her hands up in the air, “first men I ever met who bought an evening with me for my conversation.” She winked at Cameron, almost as if she sensed his weakness. “It’s refreshing.”

“We are not here for that either,” Baellnar gasped as finally finding his tongue. “We are getting you out of here.”

“The hell you are!” Celeste snarled shifting into a fighting stance. “I am not goin’ back to slavin’!”

Baellnar waved his hands dramatically, “No!“, He shielded himself from a piece of fruit that was careening across the room towards his head. “That is not what I meant!”

She had shift positions again. God, she’s fast Cameron thought. She had crossed the room and stood on the bed her hand clutched the hilt of a hammer that was at least twice her weight. She gracefully lifted it over her shoulder, without so much as a flinch of effort, “Then spit it out! You strange excuses for men!”

Baellnar looked as if he was about to panic. He shifted his position, and slid behind the table, cowering with his hands above his head. “Chill out Celeste, we are here to rescue you! I am your brother,” Baellnar was exasperated. Cameron knew he had been planning this moment for decades, the whole way over here he rehearsed this long and elaborate speech pronouncing his kinship and dedication to finding her and bringing her home. Cameron smiled this particular scenario was not one he had envisioned.

Celeste stared at him in shock and lowered her hammer. “Baellnar?” She whispered.

Baellnar’s jaw dropped, “how did you--?”

“Mom told me, she told me everything,” Celeste said her mouth agape and her eyes watering. “Is it really you?”

Baellnar was frozen. So Cameron did the honors. He pushed Baellnar towards Celeste and then took a low profile for the rest of the evening. He chose to feast on the juicy morsels on the table, keeping his eyes and hands wholy focused on the decadent task. He enjoyed watching the scene play out. Eleanor had been instrumental in helping Baellnar find Celeste. This was truly all thanks to her. He could not wait to tell her when he saw her in a couple months.

Celeste took the cue and wrapped Baellnar in a bear hug. He sputtered trying to breathe in her embrace. When she finally released him he was gasping for air.

“What happened to her?” Baellnar inquired gently. Celeste dropped her eyes.

“Slavin’ is not kind to the soul or the vessel that holds it. She fell ill when I was a youngin’” Celeste’s eyes grew misty.

Baellnar crossed the room and rested his arm on her shoulders pulling her close. “I miss her too.” The two of them held each other in a wordless embrace of recognition and blooming familiarity.

When they finally released each other. Celeste walked across the room, and to Cameron’s relief grabbed a robe. She nestled the emerald silk around her shoulders and tied it tightly around her athletic waist.

“Sister please let us take you from here. Don’t fight tomorrow.” Baellnar begged.

“I cannot do that,” she said compiling herself a plate of hearty fruits, beans, and rice. She plopped down, and eagerly stuffed her face with the meal. “It would be wrong.”

“This whole thing is wrong. You are fighting a Demon!” Baellnar shouted at her.

“I know, and I am doin’ it on purpose.” She said barely lifting her eyes away from her food.

“How could this be on purpose?” Baellnar groaned. “You will die tomorrow. You are doing this for your freedom, and here we are here ready presenting it to you on a golden platter.”

“I told the public it was for my freedom; but, that was never my reason for fightin’. That toothy monstrosity has killed thousands. It feeds on chaos and spreads its sanguineous hunger to the town that hosts it. Things will only get worse if I abandon my duty to my people. I will make him answer for his crimes.”

“Says who?” Baellnar scoffed his eyes wide in desperation. “This is just crazy, no one has to fight that thing. They do not deserve you. Live to fight another day! Please, This is suicide.” Cameron knew Baellnar better than that. Those words were born of desperation. If he had been in the same position he would be saying the same things as Celeste, but he was not. He was her long-lost brother begging for a chance to get to know her.

“Says no one brother, this fight is my choice and my choice alone. I have seen too many friends felled by evil and so many others. Too many times I have been forced to watch and do nothing. Tomorrow will be the end of my cowardice. Tomorrow I will rise.” Baellnar clutched at her hand pleadingly. She looked at him with sadness and conviction. “I have done nothing long enough. If I fail tomorrow then at least I tried; but, I can no longer stand by and let evil walk this land unchained.” The air was heavy with morbid silence.

Celeste seemed unaffected by the dour mood. She took a healthy chug of her ale, and announced “These fights come with the best food. I may die tomorrow, but I won’t die hungry.” She winked and then shoved a large cake into her mouth. Frosting stretched from her nose to the surface of her lips and she smiled.

Baellnar looked helplessly at Cameron for support. he was too busy laughing at the image of a fire-haired Amazon covered in frosting. Cameron also recognized the fire in Celeste’s eyes. It ran in the family. So he did the only thing he could do. He grabbed a plate, sat down, and talked about the art of fighting with this seasoned gladiator.

Baellnar looked from one to the other and sighed. He too grabbed a plate and joined the conversation. Not even Cameron heard him whisper, “if you cannot beat them, join them.”

The next day Cameron and Baellnar stepped in unison through the great stone arches of the arena, and past stone beasts poised for attack. Painted banners advertising future fights lined the hallway, directional arrows for the betting booth carpeted the cold stone floor.A man covered in grey paint and makeshift horn helmet stumbled into him. “Who ya bettin’ on?”

“Celeste,” growled Baellnar his eyes were wild and ready for a fight. He was bonded to his sister even if they had known each other for an evening it had felt like a lifetime. The camaraderie was so natural.

The man laughed heartily and slapped Baellnar on the shoulder. “Good one mate!” He shambled off guffawing. The rabble-rouser spun around one more time and saluted. “Ain’t no man gonna bet on a woman, and win!” A chorus of boisterous laughter erupted around the penny pincher, and he disappeared into a sea of grey painted men with makeshift horns. Baellnar puffed out his chest and stared off at the man but stopped when he felt a gentle tug on his shirt.

A little girl with red hair and silver cloth armor smiled up at him. “We’ll show them won’t we mister?” She exclaimed excitedly. She brandished her tiny hammer wildly and growled. She looked like a lion cub play fighting. Her father apologized for her and dragged her away; but, her words had left Baellnar smiling.

Cameron grabbed his sleeve and lead him to their front row seats. Each chair had a small sign that said “splatter zone.” Cameron grimaced. His stomach tied up in knots. He knew this would not go well for him, but he had to be here. His hands shook as he caught sight of the old and new dark mahogany stains in the dirt that filled the arena in front of him. He was exceedingly grateful they were only watching the one match. Death was not a friend of his nor his choice of entertainment, he saw enough of that in the war.

He heard the announcer’s magic enhanced voice carry out across the arena. He cared little to actually listen to the puffery used to get this bloodthirsty crowd ‘warmed up’ someone was going to die today and all they cared about was their own paltry entertainment. “Disgusting.” He said to the seat beside him. Then he did a double take. No one was there.

He looked around. Baellnar was nowhere to be found. Then the announcer’s speech froze. A man was speaking to him waving his arms and pointing. The announcer smiled broadly and announced. “In an amazing turn of events, our fire-haired hellion has been joined by none other than her brother, Baellnar the Windwalker.” The crowd erupted in a massive cheer. Celeste and Baellnar stepped out together into the arena. Their stride completely in sync and completely natural.

A roar shook the arena, a gargoyle fell from the rooftop of the arena into the center of the dirt field. Cameron felt every cell in his body shaking as he traced the sound. A large grey monster pushed his way through an archway that had never been meant to hold anything that size. When it was clear, he was easily the height of four men standing on each other’s shoulders. His predatory scarlet eyes honed in on the tiny half-elf and her brother. Cameron felt his hope evaporating.

Another roar ricocheted around the arena. To his surprise. Celeste roared back. She swung her enormous battle-hammer around her like a child’s plaything and then slammed it hard onto the ground, bright white lightning erupted around the impact and the crowd went wild.

Cameron’s knuckles were white and he leaned over the edge of his seat. It was one thing to watch a regular gladiator battle, it was an entirely different experience when someone you loved was on the inside of the ring. Baellnar lept up two stories and landed lightly on the edge of the Arena door behind him. His silver yew was pulled tight, the arrows dripped with an unfamiliar substance.

Celeste roared again and charged the beast. A taloned monstrosity of a hand reached for her but he was too slow. She rolled his legs and jumped up to her feet. She swung her enormous hammer and collided it with his Achilles tendon. Sparks of lightning lit the arena around him. The electricity hungrily latched itself to the beast’s leg and it yowled in pain. With its throat exposed Baellnar launched a flurry of arrows. Each one embedded itself in the monster’s skin. Dark burns appeared around the points of impact.

The monster roared in anger and swiped at Celeste. She barely dodged the attack and a single talon scraped her leg. A long line of blood began pouring from her wound. She hissed and glared at the monster. “You will pay for that you overgrown excuse for a pebble!” The monster roared in response and charged. Celeste pushed her hammer to the ground and catapulted herself into the air. Easily evading the monster’s attack. Droplets of her blood scattered across the crowd as she flew through the air.

Cameron cursed his weak humanity. He stood no chance of helping them in the Arena. Then he saw that little girl from earlier. Her eyes were alight with hope and she was chanting. So Cameron stood and raised his voice with hers. More spectators followed him. Some of them covered in grey paint. Soon the whole Arena was chanting for the Wind Walkers.

Cameron felt his heart sore. He watched as Baellnar smiled. The demon wildly grabbed through the air trying to catch Celeste. Each time a poisoned arrow found its way into the demon’s flesh. Celeste landed seamlessly on the ground below him. She ran through the monster’s legs. Changing directions forcing him to spin in circles.

Cameron’s jaw dropped as he realized their combination, it was brilliant and it was perfect. The monster was overcome with dizziness and fell hard to the ground. Celeste lept for her hammer and just as the beast tried to get up she slammed the hammer down on his face. Crushing it and dark blood pooled around the shattered skull. Steam rose from the ground and the Demon’s twitching slowly came to an end.

Celeste waved to the crowd leaning on her hammer. It was only in that moment that Cameron was able to really look at this hammer and her armor. He was determined to find the source of the lightning and he finally realized it. She was covered in holy glyphs. She was born for this fight, and so many more. She had an extra special kind of magic. That only came from the purest of intentions and bravest souls. Celeste was a paladin.

Cameron blinked rapidly as his head dropped down to his chest then whiplashed back up. Through a sleepy haze, he realized that the memory that had become a dream. Cameron’s attention refocused on that same luminous braid that swung purposefully in front of him. She was headed straight for the tavern he smiled. Somethings never change.

~~~~~~~~~~~Kaelen’s Keep~~~~~~~~~~

Allabandar paced anxiously in his study. His world was in chaos. He was filled with joy and terror. The world was on a He verge of war. His heart was conflicted and torn. The woman he loved could be his undoing, and he could not even tell her.

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