Dragon Born: Book I of the Tendaaren Chronicles

Chapter 28: Red Sky in the Morning

Alyenna wandered aimlessly through the frozen woods. Her fury a constant companion. She kicked at offensive rocks and scorned the trees for their judgment. She would scream to the sky startling birds to flight which would be echoed by a howl in the distance.

Nothing made sense anymore. Who was she really? A season ago she was a sad and lonely girl locked away in the cabin in the woods by a vicious uncle. The worst part was she still did not know how long it had been. The lines on her face never changed. Yet, reflecting back the world around her had. She had been so lost in her misery that she had chosen to forgo tracking the passing of time.

Now she was some sort of extinct humanoid that not only looked just like this world’s savior but she shared her exclusive heritage. Aly did not long for her old life. She missed knowing who she was. At least locked away in her hovel she had some sort of identity; however, feeble it may have been.

Everything she was hearing began to strip away all of the good she had had in her life. Was her family really hers? Were her memories really hers? Was everything some sort of manufactured plan from the shadowed man with brown hair who held her heart in his hands?

Wordlessly she retaliated against the cruel joking of the fates and hurled a snowball at an innocent tree. Watching it splatter was oddly satisfying. She grinned and grabbed more snow hurtling another globe of ice and then another. Soon there was a barren patch of earth below her. She collapsed into her trench and wept.

A strange song broke through the sounds of her sobbing. It was a haunting and mystical sound that pulled at her soul. Her eyes traced up and she saw a warm glow through the trees. She rose gently brushing herself off and as if lost to a dream she stepped forward her eyes whirling gently as she moved.

The cold, the wind, and the entire world evaporated from her awareness. All that mattered. All she wanted was to hold that light in her hands. She began to sing back to it. Her voice autonomously harmonizing with the ethereal song that tricked through the forest.

Emily was waiting eagerly in Allabandar’s study. She had become so close to him over the past few months. Some may say too close. In the flashes of her memory she felt his warm caress and the gentle touch of his lips in themoonlight. Her skin tingled at the memory of their pale bodies entertained in desperate affection after the attack. That night had been the most terrifying and liberating night of her life.

She had come to realize a hidden strength in her own self. A protective fire bar burned constantly for the man she loved. She would never allow harm to befall him. Since that night she had been secretly training with his weapons master. She constantly had discrete weaponry hidden amongst the swishing of her skirts.

The best part was her feelings were not unrequited. Her auburn haired champion had been her cherished friend and gentle lover.

Ever since that night they fought a demon the two of them had become inseparable. Despite their efforts to keep their affair hidden the whole castle knew. Despite the laws and cultural standards Bandie was unashamed of their knowledge.

Bandie shrugged away the incessant questions of his courtiers who shamed him for his open show of affection. He ardently ignored the advisors who insisted if he must find a mate it should be a powerful one. Her heart soared at how little her station mattered to him and how incredible and special he made her feel.

Nausea crept into her awareness shattering her day dream. She felt liquid bile creep menacingly up into her throat.

She covered her face and groaned in annoyance. This flu was persistent. She had not been able to shake it for over a week and bolted into his bathroom chamber. The contents of her stomach rained out; which was not much to speak of as even her most favorite foods seemed to spark bouts of nausea.

“Emily?” Came a husky and familiar voice. She cleaned out her mouth and pressed her skirts and flew out of the restroom plastering her best smile on her face.

“Your majesty.” She curtsied winking.

“Cut that out. You know I hate ceremony.” He chuckled as he pulled her to him. Allabandar leaned in to kiss her but a gentle porcelain finger met his lips as she shook her head denying his affection.

“Still?” He asked defeated. “You really should see the physician.”

“It’s fine really.” She said defensively. “The physician has much more important ailments to attend to. Especially after Scelestra’s last Attack. Has anyone figured out how she made it into the servant’s corridor undetected?” She said pulling away from him waving off his concern for her and pushing him back to reality.

“Emily you have been nauseous for weeks.” He said his tone serious. Her attempts at distracting him from the flu she was already tired of failing.

“It’s probably just something I ate.” She added in a guarded tone. She pulled away from him and angrily dusted his furniture.

“Stop that Em, you do not have to clean in heat anymore it feels wrong.” Allabandar said gently resting a hand on her shoulder.

Then, as if her own body wanted to admonish her for her efforts she clutched her stomach furious at the new wave of nausea. Her hand flew to her mouth and she ran for the chambers again.

Allabandar appeared in the doorway “Emily, when was your last cycle?”

She gasped “Bandie that’s incredibly personal and impossible.” Yet, as the words of denial escaped her lips her heart started to flutter as she counted backward. Alarm started to spread like wildfire through her veins. Her eyes widened.

“How long Emily?” He pushed harder as he saw her eyes widen.

She shrieked and ran from the room. She stormed passed well dressed courtiers knocking them out of the way.

“There goes the castle tramp.” One of the glittering ladies whispered to her companion.

Emily had grown immune to their jealous banter. One of the perks of being a servant. She knew that horrid things were said about everyone rendering all of their hateful words impotent.

She finally arrived at the infirmary. The panic on her face left the attendant, Kevin, speechless. She hurridly explained her symptoms and a calm yet joyous expression crossed his face. He called for the nurse who also burst into a jubilant expression and together they hurried her to a cot. They buried themselves around her asking for various samples and measurements for testing.

Panic coursed through her veins. Emily desperately tried to calm herself. Attempting to reason with her own emotion it cannot be that we have been so careful.

She counted the herbs she had taken and the protection they had used. Despite her attempts at reason her emotions were winning. Her suspicion and fears were overwhelming. Her hand gently rested on her abdomen her eyes wide in terror as she gazed out the window.

The nurse came back several hours later and in her hands was a tiny vial filled with blue liquid. Triumphant she displayed it prominently for Emily. “You’re pregnant!”

Emily felt another wave of nausea seize her and she hurled into the bedpan. She remained there prone and gasping fear coursing through her veins. She couldn’t hide it from him. He was the one who suspected this. How, they had been so careful?

Her hand clutched at her stomach. Her mind raced at the terrible fate this ill begotten child would face as a bastard of the resistance. Her beautiful and joyous world crumbled around her.

She felt her vision glaze over and blackness took over her mind. When she came too she was standing and the nurse was staring at her wide eyed with horror. She felt an unwanted smile evaporate from her lips.

Scelestra’s wicked laugh echoed through the darkness of her castle. “This is better than I could have ever planned!” She turned to a crippled mass of molten lava that was a repairing demon. “It seems you did not fail me after all!”

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