Dragon Born: Book I of the Tendaaren Chronicles

Chapter 24: I will not let him see me cry

"You can’t get to courage without walking through vulnerability”--Brene Brown

feel free to play song attached “Howl” Florence and the Machine

Alyenn’a eyes adjusted painfully to the torch lights around her. The sounds of mashing jaws and intermittent fighting like tiny jackhammers on her brain. She helplessly groaned as her head lolled to the ground and she retched. The sound of heavy footsteps approaching her forced her to a barely alert state of awareness.

She squinted up at the figure who approached her. Dark eyes laughed at her, and a boot sprayed sand in her face. Her eyes stung painfully as the tiny granules scratched her corneas, forcing painful salt tears. She blinked rapidly. I will not let him see me cry. Alyenna glared at her tormentor, her vision was still blurred but she knew it was him.

“Well aren’t you a tasty treat.” He said licking his lips.

Aly then became suddenly and painfully aware of her clothes, or lack thereof. The dire wolf transformation had shredded them, and Paul had not bothered to replace them. She was naked and alone staring up at her abuser.

“Oh Paul, I never knew you were into Bestiality.” She grinned slyly to herself. She began to work on a new powerful animal form. Counting on its ferocity to make quick work of the camp.

She began to picture a powerful Grizzly. A majestic 10-foot late summer specimen. With enormous paws. She continued to think hard on the intricacies of the animal she had in mind. The art of transformation becoming eerily familiar and easy for her.

She felt her skin give way to fur, her teeth made way for fangs, but as that happened her wrists began to burn and boil as if they were trapped inside an inferno. She screamed in agony and struggled against the cuffs that she now realized we’re pinning her hands together.

Paul laughed demonically. “Oh come now child do you think I would catch the likes of you without the proper precautions? Scelestra had those made special just for you, kitten. You will never fully transform again.” He grinned at her wickedly his dark eyes flashing with hunger.

She struggled against the cuffs. She fell over and tried to use the ground to push them off her blistered wrists.

He stood above her “I could get used to this, little mouse.” He said as he positioned himself between her splayed legs “I am supposed to save you for her. But you are mine when she is through with conquering the world. Just like old times.”

Aly scrambled desperately to sit up realizing the vulnerability of her prone position. Paul then bent down grabbed her chin, and then slowly licked her face from her chin to her scalp. The slime of his saliva creating a mucus layer on her face.

Disgusted but not defeated, she stole the opportunity of his closeness and slammed her foot into his crotch. He howled and collapsed to the ground squirming. She scrambled to get up and took off.

Aly had gotten only a few feet before some of his squad grabbed her and dragged her back. She kicked and screamed against them uselessly. Paul, having recovered from the blow, spat on her and stormed off.

Aly was left alone with her thoughts. Terror and anger running rampant through her. This cannot be the end. There is always a way, right? She was panicked and morose.

She had betrayed Baellnar, and now she was going to pay with her life. Someone help me! She cried out mentally to the dark and empty forest. She had never felt so alone.

Baellnar screamed. The group had been scavenging the forest for hours searching for Aly. They had made insurmountable progress until now.

Paul may have covered their tracks but he had underestimated Sadie and Roxanne. The two animals had been hot on Aly’s scent for hours.

Until they had encountered an obstacle that blocked even the strongest animal nose. Aly’s scent had led them to shore an enormous crystalline lake. A lake so immense that the only way they could tell it was not the ocean, was the white mountain tops that lightly scraped the sky in the distance.

Baellnar slammed a knife into a tree. His face red with fury. His eyes glowing and swirling with terrifying magical anger. A small tornado spun around him and then launched itself across the lake. It gained speed and momentum picking up small fish as it crossed the lake. It only traveled two miles before it faded leaving only a ripple in its wake.

Baellnar fell to his knees and glared across the lake in bitter defeat at the distant mountains. He gripped hard into the sand at the shore and turned to Celeste. He pointed to the mountains. “What are they called?”

Celeste was terrified of seeing this side of Baellnar. She answered shakily “they are the Hakkar Mountains.” Baellnar stared at them for a long while absolutely silent. His glowing eyes swirling and pensive. The forest around him bending and shaking under the wind’s power.

Cameron, he thought silently to himself. His old friend could still receive a message on the wind. Baellnar’s eyes still swirled with power as he pulled out his guitar and began to play an urgent melody. The golden strands of his magic floated deftly across the incredible lake and disappeared into the mountains. I pray he is still alive. Come on Cameron now is your chance, please.

Baellnar collapsed on the ground helplessly staring at the Hakkar mountains. He could not get to Aly today; but, he would die trying.

Aly curled up tightly in a ball, shivering. The cool mountain air coiled around her body and bit at her extremities. She was so exposed. In a vain struggle for warmth and decency. She used her own body to hide her breasts and vagina. She was tied tightly now. Her legs lashed hard together with leather bound rope. Her back ripped and bleeding from when he whipped her.

Her world was lost. Her friends were lost. She was back with Paul. How could this happen? Paul was with his morbid army celebrating his victory. She had lost count of the tankards he had downed but the and the rest of his contingent were asleep heavily with the taste of their success.

Alyenna felt a small tear trickle down her cheek. I will not let him see me cry. With her hands and legs heavily bound, there was nothing she could do to stop it. She watched in fear as he stumbled towards her. His eyes glazed and hungry. He tripped over a root and fell hard to the ground. His hand still outstretched landed on her thigh. She bit her lip tightly as she heard a monstrous snore escape him. She lay there, her eyes snapped shut, tears leaking freely now. She was shaking never knowing what would happen next. Fearing she would never be safe again.

Suddenly, she felt the ropes move lightly around her ankles. When she had the courage to open her eyes, there was a tiny team of mice chewing away at her lashings. Her heart soared. Thank you. They squeaked excitedly back up at her. The rope fell, revealing the angry red marks on her ankles that throbbed in relief as the pressure was released.

She rolled her ankles testing their stability, and slowly stood up. Her hands still trapped tightly in the magic bracers. You couldn’t help me with this too, could you? She asked them hopefully. In answer, the mice shook their little heads and scampered away. Aly sighed. It was up to her now. She stared off into the dark and unwelcoming forest. She had nowhere to go; but, she had to go.

She silently picked her way through the drunken and sleeping bodies. Every snore and gurgle terrifying her. Every shift in their bodies setting off millions of alarms in her mind. Though each time they slumbered on. The alcohol had worked its own magic, even if she could not work hers.

Alyenna made it to the edge of camp and ran. Her powerful naked legs carrying her higher and higher into the mountain path and deeper into the dark and unforgiving forest.

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