Dragon Born: Book I of the Tendaaren Chronicles

Chapter 21: Secret Rondezvous

It had been a little over a week that Emily had been working for Allabandar. She had shamefully loved every second of it. He was different and kind. She had always expected their illustrious leader to be above her to find he loved romance stories just as much as she did. Often times while she was cleaning he would come in and randomly start discussing the great romances of Cinderella, snow white, and so many others. How she loved their discussions. He also taken up a fun habit of letting her read a romance novel he was writing about a servant boy and a princess.

He would leave the chapters in her room wrapped in a ribbon tied with a single rose. Each rose had a different color symbolizing the nature of the chapter. His hazel eyes had a strange habit of making her heart race every time she saw them. Tonight they had made a positively scandalous arrangement. He was taking her back to the tavern on the hill. The one far enough away that civilians could revel in the stories of damsels in distress, long-lost princesses, and brave deeds of romantic warriors. This sort of contraband was forbidden within the fortress walls but many nobility secreted out in disguise to the tavern. She asked Allabandar why he did not change the rule that he clearly did not follow and his answer always was a heavy sigh followed by “Politics”. That was the end of it.

She was just reading the last paragraph of his latest chapter when a rhythmic knock sounded at the door. She giggled and answered with the same knock. The knock answered back creating a new rhythm and she answered back with her own.

She heard a baritone chuckle on the other side of the door. “C’mon Emily! Open up!”

With a flourish, she opened her door wide and caught sight of her favorite leader in disguise. He had a heavy cloak on and was wearing a red wig with hair cropped short. It was a dazzling effect against his hazel eyes. his chin was cloaked in an equally bright beard.

Emily giggled at the site of his disguise.” You look like a leprechaun!”

Allabandar sighed “Fine! I’ll go change. . .”

“No no no no!” Emily protested. “I like it you make a very handsome leprechaun!” With that, she burst into a fit of laughter.

Allabandar looked her up and down. He had provided her disguise earlier and it was much more appealing than his. When she had admired her reflection earlier the effect of the outfit had startled even her. She had on a black wig dark as the night and a deep red cloak. The effect against her pale skin was stunning.

He also had acquired rather revealing corset dress to match the cloak. She considered a bit too fetching for most occasions. However, she did not mind if Bandie was the company admiring it. He explained off the sultry garb when he handed it to her. He said it was the style all the farm girls we wearing in that quarter of the town. That it would help her blend in.

They secreted off through a hole in the wall from his quarters. It escaped out into the depths of the fortress and finally out the streets. There was a couple of times she would have to catch her breath on their journey feeling suddenly dizzy and nauseous. It had been happening a lot to her lately and Allabandar was beginning to be concerned. She waved him off saying she had not eaten much that day in her excitement for the evening’s festivities. He eyed her suspiciously then decided to take it upon himself to escort her by the elbow. It was quite old fashioned and she loved it.

Outside the tunnel, there were two beautiful white stallions waiting for them. She squeaked in excitement never having the station to own a horse she could not wait to ride for her first time. Allabandar knowing it was her first gave her the sweeter of the two. His name was marshmallow and he earned that name forthright. He slowly walked next to the more eager stallion Jack Frost who had a nasty habit of throwing his head with impatience.

It did not take long for Emily to realize they were being followed. She beckoned at Allabandar showing the dark figure on the black horse behind them. The figure was only lit by moonlight and was wearing a heavy cloak.

When Allabandar looked back he chuckled. “Oh, that’s just Jax. He’s my bodyguard. I should have known I would not be able to slip out of the castle without his notice.” He sighed then called out to their followers. “Jax! You slinky fellow you if you are going to follow us you might as well join us.”

Emily felt a strange sensation inside of mind that felt like anger but truly she had no need to be angry. She brushed it off and smiled at Jax as he rode up next to her eyeing her suspiciously.

“My lord whatever are you doing out with the servant girl.” He admonished Allabandar.

“Jax, you of all people should know that I enjoy socializing with all of my people regardless of their station. Emily and I have become quite good friends this past week and decided to go out for a moonlit ride.” The easy baritone of his voice rolled out charismatically.

Jax sighed. “To the tavern again I imagine. Sir, you really shouldn’t people will notice.”

Allabandar sighed. “Jax, who cares if they do? People need to lighten up. We cannot stop relationships its human nature. The very fact that we treat it like this will only serve to harm us down the road.”

“It is for your safety, sir. Anyone can be claimed.” He cautioned.

Emily should have been shocked that Allabandar’s bodyguard could be so forward with him but after her short time with him, it almost seemed like he encouraged his staff to express their opinions. He had already forced her to open up on several occasions. Saying that his mind is not the only one with good ideas.

Her attention turned from her companions as she heard the breaking of dead branches and shuffling of fallen leaves. She strained her eyes against the darkness to see what was making the noise. Her heart pounded in alarm. The sounds were heavy and sluggish. Not like a wild animal rustling in the forest like something much more ominous.

“Bandie!” she said her voice soft but high-pitched. Allabandar was busy joking with his guard. A figure emerged from the forest. With skin as pale as moonlight but hands dark as the soot from the fire. Cracks of embers burst through his hands. Wild white hair swept around his cloaked body. She could not see his eyes.

“Bandie!” She yelled this time much more insistent. The two men turned and saw what she was seeing. This creepy figure shuffling towards them head bowed arms glowing with demonic fire.

The figure threw his right arm forward unleashing a terrifying ball of fire. Then his left. Then a barrage of fireballs assaulted the three of them. Trees cracked and strained under the pressure. The fire began cascading up their wood corpses lighting the forest around them in a terrifying orange glow.

Their horses screamed in terror. Rearing up they threw their riders to their ground and pounded away hard into the distance. Emily screamed as she felt her arm break not from the fall but from the shattering blow of the horses’ hoof as it landed on her elbow shattering the bones and tendons delicately holding it together.

Jax stood hoisting his enormous sword he deepened a stance and charged for the demon. The demon laughed at him and lazily threw his arm at Jax. A particularly large fireball barreled its way toward the warrior. The man screamed as the demonic fire consumed him. His body falling flat and shriveled on the forest floor.

Laughter came from their assailant as he spits on the blackened corpse. “My mistresssss will be pleasssed” he spoke as if he had a snakes tongue. The s’ in his voice rolled and purred longer than they were needed. “Long hassss she sssstruggled to capture the dark-haired leader of the rebellion and here he issss happy assss you please donting on a ssssssculery maid.” The creature cackled and pulled on Emily’s broken arm lifting her into the air. She screamed in agony as she felt her shattered bones cutting into her muscles and flesh at the change in direction.

“Pathetic.” The demon said licking her with a snake-like tongue. “Hmmmm, tasssstey.” The demon was distracted momentarily by the shrieking sound of a sword leaving it’s sheath.

Allabandar had drawn his own sword. Its blade covered in steaming ice. His hazel eyes flashed with anger. “PUT HER DOWN.” he roared.

“Please, no Bandie. I am not worth it. RUN!” Was all she could wheeze out as wrenching pain shot through her body and her vision turned white. Emily vomited on the ground before her unable to withstand the white-hot agony. The demon laughed at her weakness and threw her to the ground. He kicked her hard in the stomach crushing two of her ribs.

The icy sword came crashing down on the demon’s left arm, encasing his wrists and hands in glowing ice. The spell began to creep up the demon’s arm encasing it in ice all the way up to the shoulder.

The demon snarled fire engulfing the free hand threateningly. Allabandar quickly spun and slammed his icy sword down on the demon’s other wrist. The demon howled as both hands were encased painfully in ice.

Emily’s heartbeat hastened in hope that the battle would soon end. As soon as her hopes rose they were just as quickly dashed.

The demon howled and then the terrifying sound transformed into maniacal laughter. Emily’s heart sank as she helplessly watched the ice melt away from his shoulders and then vanish from his hands.

Allabandar swung again aiming for the neck of the demon. It dodged the blow easily. Its fiery hands reached out and grabbed for Allabandar’s sword arm. He spun away but not before the demon grasped his left wrist. The demon lifted his wrist high in the air. The popping and sizzling of Allabandar’s flesh assaulting Emily’s nose. Allabandar’s cried out and used his sword to stab the demon deep into his stomachs the sword protruding through his spine.

Ice started forming around the wound. Black blood poured out from the opening. The demon laughed again and tossed the badly burned Allabandar to the ground. He tore the blade from his chest and tasted his own ice blood dripping from the blade.

Within moments Emily watched in horror as the wound closed leaving only a hole in the demons clothing in its absence. He stalked Allabandar molten claws outstretched it’s snake’s tongue tasting the air. Emily was of no interest to the beast it had its prize. She scrambled to her feet and ran to Jax’s blackened corpse. Weeping she struggled to pull his weapon from him. His hands crumbling as they released it. In her hands was a massive crossbow.

Emily’s eyes were wild as she turned toward the demon now cackling over Allabandar’s prone body. He was desperately trying to reach his sword but the demon had kicked it away. Emily fired the first shot. The metal arrow whistled past the demon but caught his attention.

“Leave him alone!” Emily bellowed the command her voice piercing the crackling bonfires of the forest around them. Her red dress waving wildly in the wind. She had the attention of the demon.

“Precioussss, little girl wantsss to sssave her man.” He shambled towards her tasting the air for her scent. His eyes were covered in strange wrappings. Emily suddenly realized that the demon was blind. To test her theory she took off her cloak and shot an arrow through it fastening it to a nearby tree. She watched as the demon followed the scent.

The matter of moments it took for her to distract him was enough. Allabandar was up and had grabbed his sword. He too watched as the demon was Misdirected and put a finger to his lips and slowly and silently approached the demon. Emily said nothing knowing the words would give away the sham.

“Come on pretty little thing beg for lover boysss mercy.” He cackled still shambling towards her cloak.

Allabandar held up a finger, then a second, then a third and nodded. Recognizing his cue she fired at the demon. The silver arrow pierced straight through the demon’s back and into his heart. At the same moment, Allabandar raised his sword and cut the demon straight down the center, cleaving him perfectly into two pieces. He then chopped off the Demons head and said an incantation that froze the remains. One more time he raised his sword and shattered the demon. Pieces of frozen flesh spraying the forest and embedding themselves in the trees.

Allabandar grabbed Emily’s good arm and they ran together through the burning forest. They did not stop until all they could see was smoke and embers in the distance. Overhead Emily heard a dragon’s cry. The water dragon of the lake flew over the smoldering forest and blanketed it in rain. The smoke gently made way for steam.

Relieved the pair wearily trudged home silently vowing to never visit the tavern alone again.

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