Dragon Born: Book I of the Tendaaren Chronicles

Chapter 15: The Lake

“Every Day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be.“--Marsha Petrie Sue

Aly awoke, feeling incredibly well rested for having slept on a forest floor with a rock digging into her back. As she gathered her wits about her she smiled. It was her favorite time of day. The moment of the day where the night was ending but the day had not yet begun. It had so much meaning for her lately. Just like the hazy veil of lavender in the sky her darkness was fading. Her friends had become like the sun. Breaking through the darkness bringing color and life to a terrifying world.

Aly’s stomach sunk as she realized she had never woken up for her watch. Each person had to stand guard throughout the night to ensure their safety. Usually, someone would have woken her up. It should have been Roxanne since she was the third watch. Aly gazed around the camp fearful something had happened to her companions. Relieved she saw the crystalline back of Roxanne gazing off into the distance. Testing the air with her tongue.

Aly got up and stood beside Roxanne. She rested a hand on her shoulder silently thanking her for allowing her to rest. Together they watched the sunrise through the trees. Aly was beginning to gain a silent appreciation for Roxanne. Dragonkin, the relatives of dragons were often never mentioned in the literature. It was not until now that Alyenna realized they were vastly underappreciated.

Though Roxanne was not a full dragon, her intelligence and power were impressive. However, it was not her incredible ability to change size at will or even her prismatic dragon’s fire. No that is not what made her special. The best part about her though was her company. Throughout the past few weeks, Roxanne had become very motherly towards Aly. She often offered her small bits of wisdom or comfort as she was adjusting to the new land. Even when Baellnar seemed cold and distant or Aagi in a fiery rage, Roxanne was always there. She would be smiling and offering gentle assurance or small bits of humor throughout their journey.

Suddenly Aly’s stomach rumbled breaking the beauty of the moment. Guess it’s time for breakfast hatchling. Roxanne gently spoke into her mind. She nudged her gently with her nose. The warmth of her breath offering a gentle revitalization to Aly’s weary muscles.

Aly appreciatively patted Roxanne and thanked her for taking her watch. She then picked her way gingerly around her other sleeping comrades. Aly really appreciated everything her companions had done for her. In their own unorthodox way they had rescued her, guided, her and now they were becoming more than friends for her. They were becoming the family she had longed for since her world was turned upside down almost two decades ago.

Aly wanted to thank them every day for what they had done for her. She owed them that much, and boy had she tried. On several occasions, she would open her mouth and then it would just stay like that gaping open because there were no words that sufficed a number of thanks she felt in her soul.

This morning was a new morning and she decided to try a new way of saying thanks. She would put Baellnar’s lessons to work. Emboldened by her quest she went searching for breakfast through the forest. As she picked her way among bramble and trees searching for edible nuts, fruits, and plants she heard the sound of gentle waves crashing against a shore. She gently weaved around the trees guided by the refreshing sound. As they grew thinner and further between she squeaked with joy.

The great forest had given way to an alluring clearing. There were wildflowers popping up in amazing colors everywhere. Gentle forest and water sprites danced happily in and out of the bushes and splashing waves. The waves were part of a crystal clear lake. In the center, a large stone island rising regally above the water.

Now the sun was just starting to trickle through the trees and it set the water on fire with its orange light. Fish eager for their morning breakfast were jumping out trying to catch dragonflies and other insects that were dancing across the surface of the water. A deer was a couple yards off drinking her fill for the day.

She quickly busied herself trying to find breakfast. As much as she wanted to swim her experiences a week or so ago had made her a bit trepidatious. She eyed the fish hungrily but had nothing to catch them with but there were small shellfish along the shore and under the rocks that could make for a delicious breakfast.

Her skin prickled as she was gathering the items. She felt eyes on her. Terrified she squeaked and dropped her bounty as she spun around brandishing the small carving knife she had taken with her. Meanwhile, she was silently cursing herself for not thinking of grabbing her sword.

A wave of relief hit her as she saw Baellnar gingerly leaning against a nearby tree. He uncrossed his arms and started to walk towards her, smiling.

Aly feeling incredibly foolish shifted the knife back into her boot. “You scared me.” She said sheepishly.

“what are you doing so far from camp Aly? I thought you learned that wandering off to bodies of water where no one could see you might be problematic.” He smiled and put an arm around her reassuringly as she remembered the day she nearly drowned.

Her pride would not allow her to admit her fear to him though. Instead, she took the obstinate approach. “You wandered off the other night why can’t I?”

“Because I am much less valuable than you are.” He said gently. His humility broke her heart. He always undervalued his own worth. He had been their leader and their guide and from her understanding, he was the one who found her. Yet ...

“That’s not true and you know it.” She protested slipping out of his arm and standing in front of him her hands on her hips.

“Aly I am not destined to save the world. Only you hold that responsibility.” He walked over to a tree and grabbed a branch snapping it. Then proceed along the shore picking through rocks.

“I cannot save the world without your help. You found me and you are teaching me.”

“Aly, I was given the privilege of doing that. Any number of people could take my place.”

Again words failed her. How could she say what she was feeling? How could she say that his words broke her heart? That it hurt her deeply to know that he valued his own life so little. Instead, she went back to her original task of scavenging for breakfast. Choosing to show him how much he had done for her.

A spear appeared in her hand, and she looked up at her sapphire eyed companion. He said nothing and walked toward the shore of the lake. Baellnar paced the shore a couple times bouncing his own spear in his hand. He watched the surface of the water carefully. Then he froze and like a bolt of lightning strike struck a fish with such speed and agility Aly barely saw him move. He pulled the spear out of the water with a fish wriggling uselessly at its tip. He beckoned for her to try on her own. Aly stared at her own spear with future disappointment in mind. Just like with archery, throwing things was not one of her talents.

She tried several times to spear the dozens of fish teasing her just offshore. Each time her spear barely broke the surface of the water falling uselessly on its side. She even had had to go swimming after it on several occasions. Baellnar had started using the wind to push her spear to shore after the third time she had to go in and get her useless weapon. He already had several of the fish he had caught strung up over his shoulder.

Baellnar sighed and came over to her. Ever the patient mentor he verbally instructed her time and time again about fine-tuning her throwing technique. Aly eventually threw her spear to the ground and started throwing rocks at the lake instead. Baellnar chuckled lightly and came to her this time.

He kneeled next to her pressed his hands on her thighs guiding them into a stronger throwing stance. Then once satisfied with her stance he stood up. Shifting behind her he gently moved her arms in the proper motion of throwing a spear. his breath tickled her neck, and she blushed. The warm air sending shivers down her spine.

Luckily since he was behind her and he did not see. Baellnar guided her through the motion several times before releasing her. As he stood back she felt a shiver of longing course its way through her body.

The places his hands had rested were tingling lightly, and her footing was not as sure as it had been moments ago. Instead, legs were choosing that time to melt together. Aly gritted her teeth and focused hard on her present task. Her mind was still foggy from the interaction, with Baellnar.

Aly sighed deeply, and then took a deep breath. She craned her arm back as instructed and threw with every ounce of effort she could muster. Releasing at the exact point she had been told to release. The spear soared through the air and struck the surface holding breakfast beneath it. Aly was so lost in her excitement and concentration that what she did not see was behind her Baellnar was gently whistling. His eyes lightly glowing. His fingers were following the arc of her spear as she released it.

Alyenna started to whoop with excitement. She had always loved fishing but she had only ever done it with a rod and reel. Elated she did a victory dance. It was the epitome of a dorky touchdown dance. Baellnar laughed at her then joined in the fun. The two of them dancing around like idiots about the incredible success of Aly spearing her first fish. They spent a couple more minutes gathering the rest of breakfast for the group which of course included several dozen fish for Roxanne. Aly insisted that her first fish go to Roxanne. She could not wait to tell her about it.

Baellnar and Aly spent several more minutes gathering berries and forest tubers to supplement the rest of their breakfast. For the first time in a long time, she found herself able to relax and just enjoy the company of a friend. A feeling she had long lost hope for.

“Baellnar?” She said in almost a whisper.

“Yes?” he said not even sparing her a glance as he grunted in the release of the spear.

“I know Aagi’s story and you apparently know mine. What is yours?” She said quietly not sure if this was dangerous ground or not but she rarely got him alone.

He paused staring at the lake for a good couple of minutes then sighed. “We should be getting back.”

“Come on Baellnar please.” She said making her eyes really big.

He sighed “Fine,” He said eyeing her.

“I was there at the battle Aly. The one in your book. Ella was one of my dearest friends. She was desperately in love with Cameron. He was the one who rode the black dragon. They had been in love since they were a five years old. I was a constant third wheel. Always in love with Ella but in her eyes, there was only Cameron.

Our kingdom had been fighting this war with Scelestra for twenty years. We grew up in the war and it was all we knew but as children, the affairs of adults never mattered. It was always just the three of us always getting into trouble or playing knights and dragons. But like all good stories it had to come to an end and eventually we all grew up.

Cameron went to fight in the war at the young age of fourteen, he enrolled as a squire and Ella showing her magical abilities early became a princess. Not the old-fashioned damsel in distress kind. She did not dote, it was not in her nature. No one in our world has time to dote. Everyone fights.” The pain in his eyes was immeasurable. He took a moment and then continued.

“Ella was trained in the art of war and battle. She was a dragon trainer and was part of an elite squad of five riders. they would perform at festivals showing off their acrobatics for adoring fans. It was a great time to be alive despite the war. We knew all along it was her destiny to fell Scelestra.

As the prophecy foretold the one to change the world would be a child of Gaia. Ella was the last. She too had the ability to shift her form, and she bonded very closely with her golden dragon Sheviiri.

One day Cameron came back from the war. He had to, we were preparing for the final battle with Scelestra. The one you read about so many times.” He smiled at her gently.

“Though open love is and was frowned upon in those days. It was only forbidden among the nobility for self-preservation purposes. Ella did not care, she thought her’s and Cameron’s love was invincible. The mere concept that it could be sullied by Scelestra’s nefarious schemes was inconceivable to her. She believed in their love more than anything. She believed that it was it was the key to destroyingScelestra could control. That classic good conquers evil fairy tale. Unfortunately for everyone, life is not a fairy tale.” A small tear crept from his eyes. He acted as if it never appeared but Aly saw it and the telltale red rim that shows whenever someone holds back emotion.

He took a deep breath. “In the heat of battle, Cameron turned his dragon on Eleanor. Ella was frozen in shock as he attacked. I watched as the love of both of our lives fell through the smoke. I heard her scream as she landed on the jagged rocks below. My world ended in that instant.”

Another deep breath. “It was in that same moment that Scelestra’s spell left my childhood best friend, and he realized what he had done. His scream alerted her army to the failing of the spell and we were both attacked.

We could not fly to her and mourn her loss. We were swarmed with the mashing jaws and demon fire that Scelestra employed in her army. When the smoke cleared, Cameron and went in search of her body. Too much time had passed. Her body was missing and no one had seen where it had gone.” Baellnar sat for a moment. The story had taken a lot out of him.

Aly put her hand around his back reassuringly. “I am sorry,” she said. “you must have been so furious with him. I cannot even imagine. . . ” He sighed and leaned into her, letting his head rest on her shoulder for just a moment.

Baellnar looked at her with sadness. “you would think that wouldn’t you; but no, I was not angry with him. We have all accepted the lack of control that comes with Scelestra’s magic. It was not his fault. His only flaw was loving our Ella, and Scelestra hijacked that love. The devastation on his face when he could not even say goodbye to Ella ... was overwhelming.”

Baellnar looked deep into Aly’s eyes. “Yes, I had a crush on Ella and at times I even loved her but she was never mine. She was always a part of him and a part of his soul. I was lucky to be in her world as a friend and I cherished that friendship.” He looked away again.

“For years I tried to nurse my friend through his pain but it did not work. Eventually, I realized there was nothing I could do to save him. It was up to him to crawl his way out of the darkness. I was called back to the rebellion. He continued to isolate himself in the mountain caring for only for their dragons. Sheviiri was also incredibly lost without her partner. It was Sheviiri’s presence and the presence of his own dragon that kept him living.”

“I never understood why he chose that life.” He paused looking at Aly again. ” I understand now. that putting others before yourself is the single greatest thing anyone could do. There is no greater reward than that which comes with the act of service.” They were approaching the cam now so his story had to come to a close.

“I have not seen him in over three decades. Cameron had been gifted with immortality by the elven people in his marriage ceremony to Eleanor. I am not sure if he kept that gift. ”

They walked together in silence for a long while. When Roxanne and Aagi saw the breakfast bounty they cheered and laughed merrily. The rest of the morning was spent in idle chit-chat. The friends laughed with and at each other. Passing the time. Allowing a few moments of joyous peace before they continued on.

All of them avoiding the conversation that was on all of their minds. Will they make it to the veil?

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