Dracula Hearts of Fire Book two of Dracula Hearts


LAUREN WAS SEXY in her short black dress. She felt naked without her swords, but with them, she was unlikely to be attacked by the rapist. Her blue-black hair looked black at night unless the light caught it just right. Last night she had smelled the rapist’s scent, but the wind had picked up at just the wrong time, and she could not track it. She was hoping for better luck this time.

It was a relatively quiet night as most humans didn’t dare venture out after dark. But in New York, there were enough brave souls to keep the vampires satisfied. She had detected the scent and then lost it. The night was filled with odors, some unpleasant, and someone was burning their sirloin steak. Someone else was cooking cabbage at this time of night. Lauren quickly climbed up a fire escape in the alley and again caught the scent, and now she could tell the general direction from which it originated. She would have to walk toward it lest she disturb the smell with excessive speed. A garbage can was knocked over behind her and made an awful racket; it was a large raccoon looking for food.

Michael had to stay behind this time as it was unlikely that a rapist would attack a couple, but the fact that this guy remained in the same part of the city told her he was either stupid, wanted to be caught, or simply figured that he was too smart for the law. Even though Michael knew she could handle herself better than anyone, he still worried. Lauren had to reassure him and tell him to stop calling.

Lauren walked from street to street and alley to alley. She knew she was getting closer because the scent was getting stronger, but it wasn’t easy to follow. She passed a party high up in one of the apartments with the music blasting in the darkness. A skunk slowly ambled through an alley that was particularly malodorous. The odor of the passage made it challenging to hold on to the scent, but she managed. Her cell vibrated, and she sent Michael a text: I’m getting close; I’ll call you as soon as it’s over. XOX.

As Lauren approached another alley, the scent was much more potent, so strong that she was sure the rapist was down there, hiding and waiting for his next victim. Being in the vicinity of an ongoing party was probably an excellent idea for a rapist. People tended to go outside for a drink, drugs, cigarettes, or simply some fresh air and quiet.

There he was, behind boxes in the alley. She decided to become the bait he couldn’t resist, and starting to stagger a little, she pretended to be inebriated. Lauren could hear his heart beating faster as she mumbled to herself to add substance to her drunken character. She stood at the entrance to the alley as she fumbled with her purse. Running footsteps, he was suddenly on her; he covered her mouth with his hand so she couldn’t scream. Lauren was enjoying it and knew that soon he wouldn’t be. Her smile was deliciously mischievous.

“You’re gonna like this bitch!” Stanley Dunn dragged her deep into the alley, groping her. He attempted to punch her viciously in the face, but she blocked it. When she stopped the second one, he realized he was in trouble. “Un oh. Not a vampire?”

“That’s right, fella; you picked on the wrong girl.” She slapped him so hard that she knocked him down, cracking his jaw. “How do you like it?”

Stanley tried to run, but she tripped him, and he fell on his face. He tried again, and she tripped him again. Lauren let him stand and watched as he pulled a gun, she kicked it out of his hand, and it bounced and slid into the darkness. He then pulled a knife and tried to slice her, and she showed him her fangs; he tried to run again, and again she tripped him. The mouse had turned into a cat. He screamed and again attacked her with the large Bowie, and she kicked him, and he flew into the boxes. Again he attempted to flee, but this time when she tripped him, he landed on the knife, and the blade went into his heart; he died almost instantly.

The destroyer of lives had been destroyed. She called the officer and told him where he could locate the body.

Lauren then called Michael, retrieved the gun, and blurred off into the New York night.

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