Dracula Hearts of Fire Book two of Dracula Hearts


LAUREN AND MICHAEL HAD FINISHED THEIR MEAL in the beautifully lush Barbetta garden with the century-old trees flowered with the scented blossoms of jasmine, oleander, magnolia, wisteria, and gardenia. It was a wonderful place to dine. It was considered one of the most romantic places to eat in New York. Former President Clinton had been there a couple of days ago. Michael wore his black suit, and Lauren wore an expensive, ornately embroidered black cocktail dress. The cuisine of Piemonte and their Italian flavors were magnificent, with the food being prepared in the same fashion that it was made in Italy. The restaurant had been Lauren’s idea, but Michael had suggested that they take a carriage ride after dinner, so they did.

The ride through Central Park was exquisite; the clip-clop of the horse was almost hypnotic. They kissed and held hands like teenagers and stared lovingly into one another’s eyes. The ride included roses, chocolates, and champagne. The chocolates contained a small amount of blood in the center of each one. Lauren appeared distracted at times as she stared off at one thing or another, and Michael wondered if she didn’t have some bad news for him, maybe that Dracula had taken him off the list to be transformed into a red sheriff. The time was fast approaching. If he had been able to read her mind, he would have. She had had a call earlier that morning that seemed to have changed her mood.

They watched as a young couple passed them in another horse-drawn carriage, practically tearing off each other’s clothes. Lauren had to laugh, but it actually gave Michael ideas. They lost an article of clothing, and the woman told her husband to leave it. They both thought that the woman’s perfume was overpowering.

“Michael, I have some news for you. I’m not sure how you’re going to take it.” And with that, she didn’t say another word for at least a mile. She liked to leave Michael hanging. He had such an expressive face.

Michael attempted to wait her out and not say anything until she came out with it, whatever it was, but her mischievous smile was simply too much to take. “Is that all you’re going to say? Is that how the story ends? It wouldn’t make much of a movie.”

“I don’t know. Maybe I shouldn’t tell you. It’s a lot more fun to see you squirm.”

“Lauren, you are a vixen. No, wait, what is the definition of a vixen? Well, woman, I have a secret too, and I’m not telling. If you want to know my secret, you must tell me yours. See how that works? We’ll exchange secrets like spies in the park.”

Lauren laughed at him. “Well, man, I just minded you, and I can see that you are just pretending to have a secret. What do you say to that?”

“Hey, you’re not playing fair. I thought we agreed that you wouldn’t read mine since I can’t read your mind. It’s an invasion of privacy.”

“It was an accident.”

“You accidentally read my mind?”

“That’s all I could come up with on such short notice. If you could read my mind, you’d be reading it all the time, and you know it. I’ll try hard not to do it anymore. Your head is usually empty anyway.”

“I’ve never been so insulted.”

“Maybe I should insult you more often?”

Michael kissed her, tasted her beautiful lips, and savoring such a lovely mouth was wonderful. It was nature’s gift to the opposite sexes. “Well, if you’re not going to tell whatever it is, I say we make out right here in the carriage.”

“I’m sure Michael, right here in public. I don’t think so.” She felt Michael’s hand on her breast. “I’ll throw you right out of this thing.”

“And then you’ll be going to the park all by yourself. How romantic would that be?”

“I wouldn’t be alone. I’d still have the handsome driver up there. Do you want to hear what I have to tell you or not?”

“Does it have anything to do with us making out? Because I’d be much more interested if it had to do with us making out.”

“Actually, it does have to do with making out.”

“Well then, tell me, tell me, tell me.”

She slowly turned her head toward him. “I’m pregnant, Michael.”

“You can’t make me believe that.”

“That’s all you have to say about the fact that I’m pregnant and you’re going to be a father.”

“Lauren, everyone knows that vampires can’t get pregnant; that’s not how it works.”

“They can get pregnant.”

“No, they can’t.”

“Yes, they can, and yes, I am.”

“No, they can’t, and no, you’re not. How dumb do you think I am?”

“Do you really want me to answer that? Michael, that phone call this morning was from the doctor. You can be in denial all you want, but when the baby comes, you will change diapers.”

He studied her face and wasn’t sure what to think. “You are trying to make me believe we will have a bouncing baby vampire?”

“Something like that.”

“Oh, you almost had me going there for a minute. I see that smile.”

“Michael, you’re going to be a father, like it or not. If you say one more time that it’s impossible, I will bite a chunk right out of your head.”

Silence took over the carriage like pirates taking over a ship. Michael did, in fact, want to reiterate that it was impossible, but he didn’t dare. Another silent mile went by as he imagined having a baby. What would a vampire baby be like? Would he awake in the middle of the night with the baby chewing on his leg? How would anyone control a vampire baby? Would it really be a vampire or a human? Finally, he couldn’t help himself. “You’re teasing me? Right?”


“But, but, but ….”

“Don’t say it.”

“If you are pregnant. You’ll have to stop being a sheriff for a while.”

“We’ll see. Aren’t you excited to be a father? Vampires seem much more fertile these days, and no one knows why.”

He stared at her as she was so serious. “If it were true, it would be so cool. Come on; tell me you’re fooling so that we can get on with our date. This line of conversation is quite distracting. ”

Lauren threw Michael out of the carriage. Michael bounced, rolled, and blurred back in; he laughed as he sat beside her. The driver kept going as if nothing had happened; he was used to crazy vampires.

She grabbed his hand. “I know how to settle this. Michael, here, you can sense vampires. Put both hands on my stomach and tell me how many vampires you sense.”

Michael couldn’t believe it. Even at this early stage, he could sense the baby. His mouth dropped open, and he looked so confused. “There’s a baby in there! We’re gonna have a baby? Holy shit, we’re gonna have a baby! Michael junior.”

“What if she’s a girl?”

“Then we’ll call her Michaelerina.”

“Yeah, right.”

“Is this some sort of mind trick?”


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