Dracula Hearts of Fire Book two of Dracula Hearts


ALEXANDER AND ABBEY WERE STROLLING through Tompkins Square Park. They had stopped at the elm tree known as the Hare Krishna tree, where on October 9th, 1966, the founder of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness held the earliest known outdoor chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra outside of the Indian subcontinent. Partakers included the Beat poet Allen Ginsberg. That particular tree was now considered an important spiritual site. They spent some time there, and then hand in hand, they continued to meander through the park.

Arym was out with other vampires, friends of the sheriff, getting accustomed to her new skin. She had mixed feelings about being turned into a vampire, but as there was no going back, she was trying hard to get used to it. It was essential to face her new reality and to get on with her life.

The day was sunny and hot, and Alexander pegged a red sheriff in his black leather trench coat and red badge. They walked by people sunbathing and relaxing on the park’s central knoll, and one beautiful blond sat up and stared admiringly at Alexander. Tessy let go with a single bark at her, not as a warning but as a hello. They found a bench that wasn’t occupied and sat enjoying the afternoon.

“The worst day of my life was the day they killed my husband.” She looked into his eyes and then looked away. “What was the worst day of your life?”

Alexander returned to a cold, rainy morning when he came home to find his entire family killed by vampires, even his little brother Nate. When it happened, he had only been a teenager for two weeks. “My family was killed by vampires, but I don’t want to go there. It’s a dark place and time that’s impossible to shine any light on.”

“Alexander, what was your most intense physical pain? Probably always the same answer for women that have had children, the pain of childbirth.”

“Well, when I was human, I passed a kidney stone. I suffered for three days and three nights. It was as if someone was simultaneously kicking me in the back and lower stomach. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that.”

A mime stopped in front of them dressed in white; he was pretty good at his pantomime. He juggled five invisible apples, taking a bite out of each until he had eaten them all. The way he almost fell and contorted his body was most impressive. Abbey thought that he must be double-jointed. He did the moonwalk but wasn’t quite as skilled as Michael Jackson. Alexander gave him some money, then he immediately tipped his white fedora hat and moved off in search of more currency.

Abbey pushed her hand through his thick black hair. “The thing that disturbs me most about this relationship is that every time they call you out there, I don’t know if you’re coming back. I’m not sure if it’s something that I can get used to. Do you ever plan to retire?”

“I do, Abbey, but the world is in such turmoil that I have to do my part.”

She nodded and was proud that he felt that way because, without his kind, she simply couldn’t imagine what the world would be like; she desperately hoped that the future would be better, but so far, there was no sign of it. “I know the world needs more of you guys, not less, but I worry about you.”

“I’m looking forward to the day that they don’t need as many of us, that’s for certain.”

Tessy put her head under Abbey’s hand for her to pet her, and she did. “Has Tessy been fixed?”

“Why, she’s not broken.”

“Oh, haha. Has she ever had pups?”

“No, she needs another vampire dog to have pups.”

Tessy got up on the bench and started to lick her makeup off. “Her tongue is so rough. Are there many vampire dogs?”

“She’s the only one that I am aware of. The only one I know who can make a dog like Tessy is Dracula.”

“You should get him to make her a boyfriend.”

“That’s actually not a bad idea.” Alexander’s phone vibrated; looking at the screen, he appeared concerned.

“Is it something bad?”

“It’s never good these days. I have to go, but I’ll be back. I’ll see you back at the house if I’m gone more than an hour.”

Alexander blurred off with the dust flying from his feet.

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