Dr. Grant (Off-Limits)

Dr. Grant: Chapter 32

I watch Amara as she opens her laptop and talks Aria and Grayson through her business plan. They both listen raptly, giving her all their attention. My heart is filled with gratitude sitting here, just being here in the moment with my three favorite people.

I bite back a smirk when Amara pulls one of her sex toys out of her product case, her expression serious. Grayson looks startled, and I realize he didn’t actually expect her to have prototypes on her. I shake my head silently. He should have known better. I wouldn’t have asked him to hear her out if I thought she wouldn’t come prepared.

Aria grins when Amara explains how one of her toys works, the one she took to the vineyard with her. Meanwhile, Grayson stares at Amara’s prototypes with wide eyes, and I bite down on my lip in an effort to keep my laughter in.

It takes Grayson a few moments to compose himself, but once he does, his entire demeanor changes. I’ve always seen him as my best friend, the guy that would split grocery bills with us because neither of us could afford to both feed ourselves and go to school. Seeing him like this, so in love with my sister and capable of making Amara’s dreams come true… It fills my heart with happiness.

I watch Aria and Grayson carefully as Amara wraps up her presentation. Aria smiles at Gray, her eyes twinkling the way they only ever have around him, and then she nods, sending him a pleading gaze. He smiles back at her, the sight so rare that it startles even me. He leans in and brushes her hair out of her face gently, and then he leans back, crossing his arms as he turns to Amara.

“Your concept sounds interesting,” he says, taking Aria’s hand in his. “We’d be willing to invest.”

Amara’s shoulders relax and a wide smile spreads across her face. “You won’t regret your decision, Grayson.” She walks up to me, and I instinctively open up my arm for her. Her happiness is palpable, and I shoot Grayson a grateful glance.

“We?” I ask as Amara drops her head on my shoulder.

Grayson nods. “This particular investment will be underwritten by Grayson and Aria Callahan.”

Aria giggles and leans in to press a kiss to Grayson’s cheek. “You just wanted to say Aria Callahan, didn’t you?”

Grey smiles sheepishly and raises Aria’s hand to his lips. “I’ve never been a patient man, my love.”

Amara stares at the two of them, stars in her eyes. It’s so clear that she wants what they have, and I guess I do too. I want it with her.

Aria leans over and grabs Amara’s hand. “We have to celebrate, but Gray and I have some urgent work to finish. He did something rather foolish involving hacking the airport’s video systems not too long ago, and now we’ve been roped into doing even more government work to avoid repercussions.”

I glance at Gray, surprised. He never told me that. I wonder what the story is there.

“Don’t you worry,” Amara says, squeezing Aria’s hand. “Noah can show me around. It’ll be fun.”

Aria nods and smiles indulgently as she rises from her seat at the table. Gray follows her, leaving me standing here with Amara. The second the two of them disappear behind the door, Amara turns to me and squeals as she grabs my hands, jumping up and down in excitement.

“Oh my God, Noah. Did you hear that? They’ll invest! My two heroes are investing in my company!”

She’s so excited that she’s got tears in her eyes, and I decide here and then that this is my favorite look on her. Happiness looks great on her.

I take a step closer to her and tangle my hand in her hair, pulling her toward me roughly. She moans when my lips come crashing down on hers and rises to her tiptoes to deepen the kiss. Her hands slide up my shoulders until she’s got her arms wrapped around my neck, our bodies pressed together. I kiss her fiercely, taking her mouth the way I’d been wanting to throughout her presentation.

“I knew you’d do it,” I whisper in between kisses. “I had no doubts.”

Amara pulls back to look at me, a dreamy look in her eyes. “You really believe in me, don’t you?”

I nod. “Of course. You’re the most remarkable person I know, Amara. I know you’re going to be hugely successful, and I can’t wait to see you flourish.”

She smiles at me and rises to her tiptoes to press a kiss to my cheek. “So will you, Noah. You’re going to do amazing things. I just know it.”

I hope so. I’m sabotaging myself by being here with her, by holding her the way I am, yet I can’t deny her. If I truly want to become successful and be on par with Amara, Aria, and Grayson, I’ll need to get my priorities straight. But not today. Today is for celebrating victories.

“So, what do you want to do today?” I ask, forcing myself to stay in the present, to enjoy the limited time I have with Amara.

“Honestly? Nothing. I just want to enjoy my time with you.”

I take a step closer and cup her cheek as I lean in to kiss her forehead. “I have something in mind. Get ready. We’ll leave in ten.”

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