Down End Road

Chapter 36

We twisted and turned down corridors, Alex's hand still engulfing mine. I felt small butterflies flap in my stomach. I grinned when we reached a ceiling high door. But it quickly fell when I took a closer look.

Carvings of fire swirled in whorls all along the outside frame. Washington's symbol, the celtic rune for warrior, stood proudly in the middle. The symbolism sent a shiver up my spine, Alex sensed my discomfort and gave my hand a tight squeeze.

The worry in my mind depleted, my hand in his was the only thing I could focus on. A small smile overtook the concerned frown on my face.

Alex sent me in the direction of the Women's Changing rooms, which dwarfed the ones in End Road, where I changed into their alleged 'battle garb'.

The suit was a dark rusty red, it clung to my figure and was much more flexible too. Their swords were sharper and cleaner, not chipped and scuffed. I could tell they specialised in military battle training.

I took my hair out of it's elaborate french twist and scrunched it in a messy bun. Placing my teardrop diamond earrings in the pocket of my blazer and jumping into my combat boots, I stepped out of the adjoining door and into the enormous training hall. The curtains were drawn open, the twinkling twilight of the evening sky filtered into the room. The stars and moon cast a somber glow on the red of the walls.

The ceiling domed into an elaborate puzzle of pine that jutted and angled into twisted plaits. The wind howled in a gust of chilly air, a flurry of feathered snow swirled in the distance. I let out a breath of relief when I saw that it would only result in a mild dampness of the ground.

The floor was covered in mats and a large, low to the ground trampoline at the back. Rapiers, jambiyas, swords and pistols lined the walls, each more decorated than the last. Beneath the weapons, brass plaque's read the owners and the names.

I gasped and gaped at the sight before me. Stunned by the beauty and architecture. Alex wooshed beside me, a rare beam shining on his lips. I bit my lip to swallow the dreamy sigh that almost escaped me.

"Magnificent isn't it." Alex exclaimed in a whisper, the intimate feeling cut through me. "One of my favourite places in the world." He said. I nodded in understanding, a small part of me saddened at the thought of a training hall being his favourite place, albeit a very fancy one.

He cleared his throat and clarified. "Second or third, of course, to Bramborough." I let out a chuckle.

"Really a small, forgotten town in Florida, so tiny it is a speck on the Florida atlas." I laughed at the absurdity of it. "Your telling me that the place with endless heat and humidity is your favourite place in the world. Right." I teased, disbelief pitched my voice higher.

"Maybe its not the town itself, but the population." Alex justified, my chuckle ceased. I felt a piece of my love sick self, melt right then and there. Alex noted my crimson ears and cheeks. "Ahem, of course Madame Celine really gives that place character." He joked. I felt a laugh bubble out of my throat and fill the silence between us.

We took our positions around the mat. I unsheathed my sword and pointed it toward Alex. He smirked at me and pulled out a long red sash from his pocket. I felt my pulse skip a beat.

"Alex, whats with the blindfold?" I croaked. He stalked slowly toward me. The tension in the air between us crackled like a frayed wire.

"This is for you. Seeing as your going to be blindfolded tomorrow for who knows how long, I thought it would be some good practice." Alex explained as he spun me around and fastened the red sash so it blinded my vision.

I pouted and whined, "come on Alex this is my first time in the Washington training room, which may I say is gorgeous, and your not letting me see it."

He chuckled behind me and ruffled my hair. I rolled my eyes at him, even though he couldn't see it. I hesitantly took a few steps around the mat.

I took a deep breath after I took three successful steps, but on my fourth I tripped over my own feet. I prepared myself for the collision, but strong arms encircled my waist.

My breathing hitched when I put my hand on top of his. I slowly unclasped his hands from my waist, and lightly traced my hand up his arm.

I slowly and gently patted his shoulders and traced his jawline with my fingertips. My brain stuttered back to life and realised my actions. I resisted the blushing oblivion waiting for me to wallow in my embarrassment and instead used his stillness to my advantage.

I felt for his sheathed sword. Once I felt the handle, I gripped it tight and pulled it out of its case. I smiled and teasingly raised both my swords to his neck. "You're dead." I whispered into the silence.

I slowly retracted my swords and lifted up my blindfold. Alex was stood in front of me. His face entirely blank. My smile broadened when I realised he was completely freaked out.

I twirled his sword in the air pushed it toward him. "L-lets s-sp-sparr." He stuttered. I smiled when he took the sword and sauntered over to his place. I tugged the blindfold down over my eyes.

I cut my sword through the air when I heard a pounding of footsteps from my left. When my sword collided with nothing I whirled around. There was a tug on my hair, and twisted backwards, my blunt sword sang as it cut through the air.

This was maddening. I cried out in frustration. I felt the condensing presence behind me as Alex stood and whispered in my ear. "Be patient. Listen and feel closely."

I exhaled and tried again. And again. And again. And again. I tried until I got it right. I tried until midnight, when we ended our practice session and went to our separate rooms.

I walked through the maze of corridors. Music and laughter flowed through the halls from the welcome banquet. I focused my attention on going to my room. I focused on the paintings on the walls. I focused on everything and anything, except my burning desire to go back to Alex.

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