Don’t Look Back by Bishop Bernal

Chapter 7

Book 1 Chapter 7

He laughed with me threading his fingers through mine making my heart stutter. His hands felt so warm and nice making my skin tingle. I’d never really had a boyfriend and all of this felt so new and exciting. I mean here I was actually holding hands with a amasong hot guy who was nice. I could proabbly hold his hand forever.

‘His hands arent as nice a Luke’s hands would feel. No one can compare.”

Shut up!’ I screamed at her.

I had just forgotten about my brother to be once again reminded.

“Hey I have a crazy idea,” he said breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked at him expectantly.

“Why don’t you join my pack?! I could talk to my Alpha I’m sure he’d love you!”

I stopped walking and stared at him like he was insane. I couldn’t just join the Blood Moon Pack!

“Hey don’t give me that look.” he chuckled

ur insane. I’m pretty sure your Alpha would not accept me so easily ju

just because you asked, besides maybe I like being a

“Well your


He gave me a knowing look. “Do you?”

I sighed heavily “No,” I admitted truthfully.

I missed having pack mates who were like extended family. I missed the sense of community. I missed the friendship. But there was no way the strongest pack in America would just accept me with open arms.

“Well then you can come with me tomorrow to a party were having and I’d introduce you to my Alpha,” he smiled seeming extremely happy

I felt a smile tug at my l*ps too. Even th

though I knew his Alpha would never accept me.

“So what’s your favorite color?” He asked slightly swinging our joined hands.

“Ummm lime green,” I grinned “Yours?”


And that’s how we spent our night. I learned lot about Cameron and found out he was really sweet and caring even if he could act like arrogant jerk at times. We joked and played around.

And at the end of the night when he brought me to the apartment he leaned forward slowly and laid a soft k*ss on my cheek making me blush

Not once had I thought of Luke during my time with Cameron. Maybe it was a sign.

Maybe I didn’t like Luke like I thought.

I cried as I watched my brother pack his things his face angry. Why was he leaving me?


Don’t Look Back

“Please, please don’t go,” I cried grabbing his arm. He shook me off harshly looking at me sternly.

“You’ll be fine Emma your strong. Now stop being such a baby and quit crying,” he snapped zipping his bag up. Hurt trailed through me at his harsh tone and the cold look in his eyes.

“But I love you Luke! I love you more than anything, please don’t leave!” I cried pressing my l*ps against his.

I cried face

out as he violently pushed me away causing me to fall to the ground. I looked up at him cringing at the disgusted look on his

“What is wrong with you?! God you sick pervert, I’m your brother!” He wiped his l*ps glaring at me now. “God are you some pathetic whore? I’m glad I’m leaving you sick psycho! I’ll never love you understand

I nodded weakly feeling as if my heart had been ripped from me and burned to ashes. I felt as if I couldn’t breathe. He was right 1 was sick. I should have never k*ssed him.

He gave me one more disgusted look and stalked out the room and house slamming the door behind him. Heartbroken I laid on the floor and wished for death


I jolted up in my bed sweat and tears falling from me. I gasped desperate to catch my breath. The distant aching in my chest made me flinch reminding me of my dream

That was exactly how I feared Luke to react and it terrified me. If he learned the truth about my feelings he would have been gone to me forever, though the last four years seemed like forever I always knew I’d see him again one day.

I jumped as a noise by my door startled me. I looked over to see Adrain dress only a pair of gray sweatpants and a white tank top. His hair was sticky everywhere a tale sign he’d just gotten out of bed. I looked away as I saw the concern in his eyes.

He asked softly sitting on the bed instantly pulling me into his chest. I guess I must look horrible if Adrain

“Emma…what’s wrong?” H

was this concerned.

“Just had a nightmare, I’m fine.” I whispered my throat sore from crying in my sleep.

He looked down at me unconvinced and ran his thumbs along my cheeks wiping my tears away.

“What was the dream about?” He asked softly pushing my hair from my face.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest letting his warmth comfort me as it has many times this past month. I wish he was my brother instead of Luke, but life would never be that good to me.

“I had a dream about my brother.” I whispered.

t you tell me

He stiffened in surprise “You have a brother? Why didn’t you



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