Don’t Look Back by Bishop Bernal

Chapter 19

Book 1 Chapter 19

I flinched and pushed the hurt away.

“Your in love with me” I stated confident

His eyes widen and I saw a flash of panic before he covered it up and laughed harshly.

“Your my sister for gods sake Emma” he said making a disgusted face.

“Your in love with me” I grinned

“Do you know insane that sounds” he growled at me.

“Of course I do” i laughed taking a step forward

“But you still love me”

“Just shut up okay I don’t love you!” He yelled

“Why the hell do you think I left you okay? I don’t care about you just leave me alone”

Pain sliced me deep at his words but I knew they were a le

Tine then you won’t care if I told you I was pregnant with Cameron’s child?”

Rage covered Luke’s features and a fierce growl erupted from his chest

“Your mine!” He roared slamming my b*dy against his

“Your such and Idiot’ I smiled.

1 leaped forward taking us both to the ground. I laughed and stared down at him as he looked up at me bewildered rage still in his


“I’m not pregnant. I’m in love with you too Luke” I whispered.

His eyes widen in shock and i chuckled placing my l*ps against his.

He moaned and threaded his fingers in my hair k*ssing me back hungrily. “Mine” he grunted between k*sses.

He rolled us over and deepened the k*ss making my b*dy tingle. When he pulled back he stared at me with a intense look. “I love

you Emma”

I chuckled and pressed my l*ps agasint his.

“I had no idea”

He rolled his eyes and k*ssed again as if he couldn’t get enough. “Quit being such a smart as s”

“Is this why you left on your birthday?” I asked after we finally broke apart though we’d k*ss every few seconds.


Don’t Look Back


Book 1 Chapter 19

It felt as if we were afraid the other would disappear. He k*ssed my n*eck tenderly and sighed.

“Emma theres something else……

I looked

up at him curious. “What?”:

He looked nervous for a moment but determined. But before he could say anything pain speared along my spine making me scream. The cracking sound of my bones sickened me. I instantly knew what was happening. I was shifting. The only thing that helped me thorught it was Luke’s voice.

I screamed helplessly as I watched my arm break in half causing blinding pain to engulf me. My ribs suddenly cracked, I gasped in ragged breaths feeling every bone in my b*dy crack and shift forming new shapes. The pain was so intense I wondered how I was even still awake. The pain never seemed to lessen only grow in strength. I whimpered begging Luke to kill me and jsut end it.

“It’ll be over soon Emma” He soothed lovingly.

It seemed like hours before the last bone moved in place. I panted feeling the last of the pain drain away. I was exhustaed and drained feeling as if I could sleep for years.

I opened my eyes slowly gasping at how clear and sharp everything was. It was as if i could see every little grain of sand. I stared up at the moon in awe.

Slowly I rolled to my feet marcling at the white and brown fur that covered my paws. Paws! I had paws!

I heard a chocking sound and looked up.

My whole b*dy froze.


I stared at Luke dazed. He was my mate. My true love my other half

I found my mate……it’s my brother. Holy shit.

I tilted my head confused as why he was staring at me the way he was His face was pale his eyes wide.

“Baby you need to shift back now” He stuttered

Well how do i do that?

“Think of your human form” My wolf spoke.

Maybe she was helpful after all.

Closing my eyes I thought of my human form and groaned at the flash of pain I felt I blinked and blushed fiercely when I realized I was completely n*ked.

Thankfully Luke pulled off his shirt and pulled it over my head. Before I could say anything he scooped me in his arms and ran toward his car. I tired to ask him what was wrong but he never answered me.

When we reached the apartments he once again picked me up and ran up the stairs slamming the door behind us once we entered.

Everyone stared at us their eyes widening when they realized I was only wearing a shirt. Max smirked at us and I rolled my eyes knowing he was probably thinking something very d*rty.


Don’t Look Back


Book 1 Chapter 19

“Uh whats going on?” Andy asked.

Luke sat me on my feet but my knees quickly gave out my b*dy exhausted from shifting. Luke held me a whimper as sparks erupted on my skin.

against his chest making me

“Ahh shit Emma don’t do that” Luke groaned resting his forehead on my shoulder. For some reason the whole way here I hadn’t felt the effects of being touched by my mate but god did i feel it now. Fate has suck awesome timing.

“Uhh are you guys okay?” Sarah asked stepping toward us. I growled at her showing her my fangs. She skidded to a stop understanding dawning on everyone face. But at the moment I really didn’t care the b*tch was getting to close to my mate.


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