Don’t Look Back by Bishop Bernal

Chapter 15

Book 1 Chapter 15

“I would invite you to sleep in my room but Adiran threaten to cut my balls off so night”

I chuckled and k*ssed him goodnight before crawling i

into the covers.

I woke up n*ked and slightly sure. I rubbed my eyes confused to what had happen last night

I mean obviously I knew what i had done last night by my sore muscles but..

who had crept into my room last night?

At first I’d been to sleepy to notice but then….. the lust had clouded my head. I hadn’t been able to catch a scent or see a face with it being pitch black in the room.

But I knew it hadn’t been Cameron. The guy last night had k*ssed me and well….Cameron didn’t k*ss like that.

Oh god i was such a slut!

I’d slept with some random guy last night rooms down from Cameron!

I’d just let it happen too. I’d let my wolf rule me and let my desires take me away.

Quickly running to the bathroom I took a shower hoping to wash the evidence of what had happen. Why hadn’t my wolf stopped me

or something?! Oh dear god I’d just let some stranger into my bed and between my legs with out any protest!

Guilt filled me along with panic. Who had it been?

In the back of my mind I was in awe at how amazing it had been. I’d had S*x before but god that had been incredible.

Shaking the shameful thoughts away I quickly stepped out and wrapped a towel around me.

When I opened the door I found my clothes from yesterday fo

folded on the bed.

I rushed putting my clothes on and stepped into the hallway. I sighed in relief when I saw Adrian k*ssing Sarah good bye.

“Come on Adiran, Bye Sarah!” I grabbed Adiran’s arm not looking at Sarah’s face in case my guilt showed on my face.

“Wow slow down what’s the rush” Adiran laughed.

“Adiran please” i whispered looking at him. His amusement died and concern furrowed his brow. I shook my head when he opened. his mouth to ask me what was wrong.

I quickly rushed down the stairs Adiran behind me. I quickly got in our car once we were outside.

It was a while before Adiran finally asked me what had happened.

I swallowed feeling like a cheap slut

“Someone came in my room last night” I whispered

Adiran tensed and slammed on the break pulling on the side of the road quickly.

“Emma did they….


Don’t Look Back


Book 1 Chapter 15

I shook my head a tear falling. I looked up at him shame faced. “No they didn’t force me but…I didn’t stop it. I didn’t know what was happening at first then my wolf rose and I didn’t want to stop it! I’m such a slut Adiran! I don’t even know who it was!”

I cried burying my face in my hands.

I was shocked when he pulled me against his chest.

“Your not a slut Emma” He whispered.

“You were taken a advantage of. They used your instincts against you none of this is your fault”

I shook my head “No I should have been able to stop it! I was weak

“No your a she wolf close to your 18 birthday your hormones are going crazier then normal. It wasn’t your fault.”

I finally believed him and wiped my face. “Cameron’s going to hate me when he finds our

“No because he’s not going to find out. Don’t worry about alright just put it behind you” Adiran told me. Though he spoke calmly i could see rage in his eyes.

I was thankfully he wasn’t charging back to Cameron’s to kill the guy who’d done this to me. Not that he’d be able to find him.

When we reached home what I saw quickly made me forget all about my problems.

Suddenly the singing and rainbow boxers made sense I saw Andy laying n*ked beside another very large man who was just as bare.

I screamed covering my eyes when they had unfortunately traveled down Andy’s b*dy and found his uh……you know.

I heard a loud thump followed a bunch of cussing

Well this was going to be interesting

“I knew it!” Adrian yelled as I continued to cover my eyes trying to get Andy’s b*dy parts out of my head. Oh god I think I’m


“Could you at least taken it into the bedroom now we have to burn the couch!” I yelled.

There was a lot more fumbling around and I peeked between my fingers to see they at least had pants on. Then I suddenly saw the

face of Andy’s ‘friend’.

“MAX!” I screamed running forward. He caught me easily shock on his face mirroring mine.

“Little Sunny! God I’ve missed you he beamed down at me.

I squealed and hugged his n*eck tightly.

Max had been one of Lukes friends and my best friend. Well first he’d been Lukes friend but quickly became my best friend after a eventful night that we swore to never speak of again.

I wrinkled my nose and hit the back of his head.

“You never told me you were gay!”


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