Don’t Look Back by Bishop Bernal

Chapter 13

Book 1 Chapter 13

“Why? She’s my girlfriend” He stated angrily.


Adiran growled loudly this time and grabbed Sarah setting her next to me before lunging forward punching the crap out of the guy in

the chair.

Sarah screamed and tried to move between them but Cameron quickly grabbed her.

Deciding I would have to be the hero I used a burst of my strength and shoved Adiran back before kicking him hard in the thigh making him fall more from shock then hurt. I groaned when I realized the other guy was passed out blood running down his face

Adiran was standing now and growling at Cameron who was standing in front of Sarah protectively.

“Cameron it’s alright he’s not going to hurt her” I told him while stomping toward Adiran. He growled loudly at me but it didn’t scare me. I glared at him my arms crossed.

I could see that his wolf was in control at the moment but I didn’t care.

He lifted his arm as if to strike me. Suddenly Luke was in front of me growling protectively. Adiran blinked confused and lowered his arm. Slowly his eyes lost their hard look and they softened as he looked at me.

“Emma” he murmured.

I pushed past Luke ignoring the wanting in my b*dy and jumped up wrapped my arms around Adiran’s n*eck. I heard Sarah’s soft possievess growl and almost laughed.

“I’m sorry. I’d never hurt you you know that right he whispered in my ear low enough for only me to hear.

“I know. But you do understand you owe me breakfast now right?”

He groaned loudly and I laughed jumping out his arms. “To late now my teddy bear” I giggled.

He scowled at me harshly telling me to shut up with his eyes. I stuck out my tongue and grabbed Cameron’s arm moving him out the way to Adiran could get to Sarah who was glaring daggers at me.


e two stared at each other the same look reflected in both their eyes. I looked away feeling as if I was intruding on their moment.

“Their mates?!” Cameron exclaimed finally catching on.

“Good job inspector” I laughed rolling my eyes.

I looked over at them and saw they were k*ssing. I almost awed out loud but knew if Adiran heard me he’d probably revoke my breakfast. I jumped when I felt Cameron’s l*ps press against my n*eck making me shiver. He smirked at my face and k*ssed my cheek. “Come on lets get a drink”

I was pulled to a stop when a hand grasped my arm tightly. I looked back surprised to see Luke’s angry face To tell you the truth I’d

actually forgetting he’d been there.

“What the hell Emma? Why are with him and when they hell did you get a tattoo? Is your belly button pierced?” He looked at me shocked anger still playing on his face..


Don’t Look Back


Book 1 Chapter 13

I snarled and ripped my arm away.

“I can be with who ever I want! My life’s not your business anymore you made that your decision years ago so don’t think you can just walk back in and play the big brother. Leave me alone Luke its what your best at anyways” I spat feeling my anger shining in my


He flinched back as if I’d hit him but I didn’t care. Maybe he’d feel what I felt when i begged him to not leave. I’d been so lost on

what to do. I had just been a little kid. I remembered what he said to me. He’d left because of me. It was my fault.

I felt tears burning in my eyes but forced them away, I woundn’t waste tears on him. He wasn’t worth it anymore.

“Come on Cam” I said walking away.

Cameron looked at me with concern but I ignored it and took a large sip of my beer. We sat on the other end of the pool on one of the lawn chairs me in his lap. The sky had darken greatly the lights from the pool and porch making shadows. Everyone was still outside. having a great time. I hadn’t seen Sarah and Adrian since they first k*ssed and had a suspicion they were up in her room. Ew.

I gasped with I felt Cameron’s l*ps touch my n*eck again this time he lightly sucked on my skin making me blush wildly.

When he pulled back he gently turned my head and pressed his l*ps to mine k*ssing me for the first time. I gasped and he took advantage thrusting his tongue between my l*ps. I moaned louder this time and grabbed the back of his head with my hand.

I shivered as his hot hands grabbed my bare waist pulling me closer. I couldn’t think of anything but him and his hot mouth on mine. God he was such a good k*sser. I’d clearly been missing out all these years.

I screamed when I was suddenly lifted into the air and thrown into the cool water of the pool.

I pushed to the surface gasping when I broke through the top. Everyone was laughing especially Adiran who was doubled over Sarah

beside him.

I whimpered in pain and grabbed my arm when I reached the edge of the pool.


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