Don't forget our Love

Chapter Epilogue

It's been two weeks since Charlie arrived and I must admit things are a lot better since she arrived. All the pack members have been accepting of her and I get questioned every day how long she will be staying because everyone wants her photography services.

I thought Charlie would be nervous but she fits right in. She isn't afraid when she sees someone shift in front of her and she's getting used to the brief nudity she witnesses. We hang out every day and she's been helping me with my Luna duties.

Kai is busy with alpha duties which isn't a surprise. Cylus made a giant mess of things and Kai's been trying to clean it up. He got rid of all the wolves who helped Cylus and he finally got rid of my dad. I thought I would miss him but the betrayal from him still stings. I'm sure I'll mourn later but for now, I'm happy he's gone.

Kayla is taking her role as my gamma very seriously. She has me training every day and installed a safe room in my bedroom. I thought Kai would protest but apparently, he approved. He even made us christen the room together for good luck but I think he just liked having another soundproof room to have sex in.

Lance has been an excellent beta and even though Matt is severely missed Lance has done an excellent job taking over the role. He's increased security, found us new allies and he's working on becoming the perfect mate for Kayla, they're still not officially together but they've gone on a few dates in their spare time.

As for me, I'm just happy to have my mate, wonderful friends, and a chance at a better life. I'll be taking over as principal at the elementary school when it starts in the fall and I'm working on upgrading the old building. Soon my own pup will go there and I'll be able to see him or her every day.

Rubbing my flat stomach I smile in the mirror at myself. "One day little one you'll write your own story and I'll be there to help guide and love you along the way, I promise your dad and I will never forget you."

"We're going to be a great mom," Raven says to me and I smile happy I can finally talk to my wolf without shifting.

"Yes, we are."

The End

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