Doctor Daddy – Lila’s Curvy Exam – DDlg Medical Age-Gap: Sexy Doctor Daddies Give Medical Exams

Doctor Daddy – Lila’s Curvy Exam: Chapter 1

Lila looked at the hot medic in astonishment. Get undressed? Why?

She’d expected a few questions, maybe some bloods, a quick check over, but undress?

She stared at the guy in front of her. In khaki pants and a white medic’s coat and a stethoscope around his neck, he was like something out of her fantasies. He was older too — with that hardened, tough look that came from years of service in the military.

His bright blue eyes fixed on her and he smiled slightly, making crinkles around the corners of his eyes.

She felt her stomach do a strange whooshing slide of excitement. Why did he have to be so handsome — just like the stern daddies of her fantasies?

She clenched her teeth and tensed up. She had to get undressed. If only she could slip off her clothes and reveal a lithe, slender perfect body. But no.

She was overweight and she knew it.

He looked like a fitness freak and she knew he’d be grossed out when he saw her rolls around her tummy, her big thighs and her even bigger breasts.

“But… But… It’s only an admin role. A civilian post. Why do I have to be examined?” she said. Her voice came out pathetic and weak, but sitting in front of this gorgeous hulk of a man — so tough and strong and confident — the perfect Daddy — she knew she couldn’t argue with him.

“It says here on your form. A full medical is required.” He shrugged. “It is unusual, I guess, if you’re applying to be a civilian admin clerk, but that’s what it says here, so that’s what I’ve got to do. Would you like a chaperone present? I could ask one of the female nurses to come in, if you prefer.”

Lila swallowed hard. A chaperone. Because she was undressing and he was a man and she was a woman — well, a late teen. And they’d be alone together and anything could happen.

The thought made her dizzy with excitement and her stomach was whooshing again and spinning all over the place.

She bit her lip, wondering if he could tell she was all in a spin over him. She guessed that every woman who came in here acted the same way around him. Who could resist him?

But did she want a chaperone — another woman in here to protect her while she undressed in front of Daddy?

She stopped herself short. She mustn’t call him that. He was Major Lewis, army medic.

“No. No. It’s fine. With just me and you, Sir. I mean Major. Or is it Doctor?” She stopped, confused. What should she call him? Not Daddy. Definitely not Daddy. Not out loud, anyway.

“Call me Doctor, as this is a medical exam,” he said.

He sounded kind, but she was still deeply intimidated by him.

He’d rolled up the sleeves of his white medic’s coat and she could see the taut, tanned muscles of his forearms. He had big hands too. Strong hands. They could hold her, touch her, spank her…

“Yes, sorry? What?” She’d drifted off, fixating on his arms and hands and imagining what they could do to her.

“Go behind the curtain. Undress and put on the gown.”

She nodded and got up and went to the corner of the room where there was a bed — no not a bed, a doctor’s examination couch, she corrected herself. A bed! As if she was going to lie down there with Major Lewis and snuggle into his arms. Honestly.

She stood there as he pulled the curtain across, giving her some privacy.

Slowly she took off her smart white blouse and black skirt.

“Leave your underwear on,” the Doctor called through the curtain.

Relieved, she stopped short of peeling off her white panties. But she wished she’d worn a prettier bra. This one was white and sturdy, and fine under a blouse, but it wasn’t attractive. But then she’d never expected to be undressing in front of someone else today.

She cured herself again. Why had she gained so much weight? And why were her breasts so big? She could never wear those pretty little wispy lacy bras she saw in the stores. She had to choose the big, underwired type that no nineteen year old wanted to wear.

No wonder she’d never had a boyfriend. She looked down at her large pale thighs. Who would want her?

Struggling to put the gown around her, her eyes filled with tears. But she’d done this. She knew it. Ever since her mom had kicked her out — to make way for her new family — Lila had been living on her own, struggling to finish school, comforting herself with pizza and cookies and cheesecake and chips and…

“Are you ready for me?” The Doctor’s deep voice came through the curtain.

She could see his shape through the thin material. He was so sexy. And she was… Horrible. Too young. Completely inexperienced. Overweight. A mess.

“Yes,” she said, her voice coming out all squeaky and dumb, as her throat tightened up and tears of self-pity and loneliness threatened to spill over.

She tried to control herself. If she got this job it would mean more money, more responsibility, the chance for career progression — and she might even get to see this hot Doctor Daddy again.

Not that he’d want to see her, especially once he’d looked at her almost naked.

She tried again to pull the gown around her, to cover her up, but it was way too small. Was it made for a size six person?

The curtain swept open and the tall, sexy Doctor stood there.

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