D.N.A: Does Not Assimilate

Chapter Ten


His head was bent over the mountain of files scattered across his desk, having brought them home in the vain hopes of catching up on his work at the office. There hadn't been much time for him to focus on his job with everything that'd been going on at home since the girl broke inside of his house. His boss of course completely understood. Mr. Anderson aware of everything that'd been going on at home the last several days, cautioned him to take a break. Of course, he hadn't listened. Better to focus on work than other things.

Like her.

His attention was dragged away from the paperwork spread out in front of him and glancing up at the voice, Charles smiled brightly at his daughter in the doorway. "Yes, sweetheart?"

Niyota hesitated for a moment in the doorway, her anxious gaze going somewhere down the hallway, patently uncertain about what to do. Then taking a deep breath, finding the courage and strength that she seemed to be lacking at the time being, she forged on. "Detective Gerald is here to see you, Daddy. It seems important."

"Send him in," he sighed wearily. Nodding, she left.

As Charles waited for the detective to be shown into his home office, he wondered what had brought the man out to his home today. He hoped it was good news. That the man was there to assure him that there wasn't anything further that he and his family needed to be worried about, and it'd all been worked out somehow. A visit that he had been anxiously waiting for in the week since they had left the precinct, though as of yet had failed to happen. Any time Detective Gerald came out to the house, which had been several times since the arrest, the man simply assured him that it was still in progress.

Whatever that meant.

He just wished that the progress would get over with, so that he and his family could go back to their lives. Which had been hard to do. In the last week, their lives had been turned completely upside down, placed in a state of distress and anxiety in the face of what had happened. While Niyota didn't appear to be bothered by some girl claiming to be her, spending most of her time with her friends, he sensed her anxiety. And his wife had started spending more time at the house, being there for him as much as she could, Diane unsettled by the past events. He was too. Charles had done his best to repeatedly assure his wife and daughter there was nothing to worry about, that the girl was locked away, but it didn't seem to help.

"Hello, Mr. Y'Fell," the detective greeted.

Giving an uneasy smile to the man as he entered his office, he watched as Detective Gerald closed the door and crossed to his desk. When the man was sitting down in the chair before him, unable to quiet his tongue in the face of his presence, Charles straightened in his chair. "What's this about? Good news I hope."

"No, I'm afraid," he said.

"What now?" he groaned.

Scooting to the edge of his chair, Detective Gerald stared at the man sitting on the other side of the desk, a complexity of emotion on his face. "I really hate to ask this of you Mr. Y'Fell, after everything you and your family have been through, but I need to. Were you there present the day of the twins' birth?"

"No," he answered after a moment. "At least, I wasn't from the very beginning. I'd been on my way home from Tokyo when my first wife Alisha was thrown into premature labor. Niyota was born just as my plane was landing at the airstrip, though I managed to make it to the hospital in time for Nathan. Why?"

Detective Gerald sighed in frustration. "As I'd informed you I planned to do, I cross-checked Jane Doe's prints to those we had in the system on Niyota. And then the hospital compared her DNA sample to that of Niyota's from last year. Both are an identical match."

His head snapped up. "What do you mean identical match?"

Reaching into the lapels of his jacket, he pulled out an envelope from his pocket and getting up from his seat placed it down on the table. Detective Gerald motioned to them, for him to take. "Those are copies of the DNA test and fingerprint match. Both state that my Jane Doe is an identical match to Niyota Y'Fell."

"They're wrong," he snapped.

He bobbed his head. "I understand that this is hard for you, but the tests aren't wrong. I'd been hoping the same thing, so I had our labs run both tests, three different times. It came out with the same results." Charles was shell-shocked. "What does it mean?"

"It can only mean one of two things," Gerald murmured, sitting back down in his seat and bracing his forearms down on his knees. "Either my Jane Doe is telling the truth, not that I believe that scenario for an instant. Or your first wife gave birth to triplets, you none the wiser of an identical twin out there. Otherwise, there is absolutely no way possible, that she could've been an identical match to your daughter."

"No, I would've known......"

The detective smiled in understanding. "I understand how difficult this has been for you and your family, and I want you to rest assured that we are doing everything within our power to get to the bottom of this. I promise, one way or another, I will personally find out what's going on."

"Thank you, detective."

Following Detective Gerald leaving his home office Charles leaned back in his chair, his thoughts a complexity of emotions he struggled to process. Now he was faced with the hardest question of all. Was there some truth to what the girl had said? Could she really be his daughter? No matter the show of confidence he presented to the detective, honestly he couldn't be certain anymore. It was hard enough bearing witness to his daughter's identical twin, but now there was scientific proof. Did he have a daughter he'd never known about? A child that'd somehow become lost all these years, him and his wife unaware.

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